// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
namespace message_center {
class MessagePopupView;
} // namespace message_center
namespace views {
class ScrollView;
class View;
} // namespace views
namespace ash {
class AccessibilityDetailedView;
// Public test API for the system tray. Methods only apply to the system tray
// on the primary display.
class ASH_EXPORT SystemTrayTestApi {
static std::unique_ptr<SystemTrayTestApi> Create();
// Returns true if the system tray bubble menu is open.
bool IsTrayBubbleOpen();
// Returns true if the system tray bubble menu is expanded.
bool IsTrayBubbleExpanded();
// Shows the system tray bubble menu.
void ShowBubble();
// Closes the system tray bubble menu.
void CloseBubble();
// Collapse the system tray bubble menu.
void CollapseBubble();
// Expand the system tray bubble menu.
void ExpandBubble();
// Shows the submenu view for the given section of the bubble menu.
void ShowAccessibilityDetailedView();
void ShowNetworkDetailedView();
// Returns the current `ash::AccessibilityDetailedView`. This assumes that the
// accessibility detailed view is currently showing.
AccessibilityDetailedView* GetAccessibilityDetailedView();
// Returns true if the sub-view `view_id` exists in the bubble and is visible.
// If |open_tray| is true, it also opens system tray bubble.
bool IsBubbleViewVisible(int view_id, bool open_tray);
// Returns true if the `TrayToggleButton` with ID `view_id` is toggled on,
// false otherwise.
bool IsToggleOn(int view_id);
// Searches for a `views::View` having ID `view_id` in `GetMainBubbleView()`
// and then scrolls it onto the screen to make it visible (if it is already
// visible then no scrolling is performed). The view should be a descendant
// of `scroll_view` (this is `DCHECK`ed).
void ScrollToShowView(views::ScrollView* scroll_view, int view_id);
// Clicks the sub-view |view_id| of `GetMainBubbleView()`.
void ClickBubbleView(int view_id);
// Returns the main bubble view.
views::View* GetMainBubbleView();
// Returns the tooltip for the sub-view `view_id` of `GetMainBubbleView()`, or
// the empty string if the view does not exist.
std::u16string GetBubbleViewTooltip(int view_id);
// Returns the tooltip for the "Shut down" button, or the empty string if the
// view does not exist.
std::u16string GetShutdownButtonTooltip();
// Returns the text for a sub-view `view_id` of `GetMainBubbleView()`, or the
// empty string if the view does not exist. This method only works if the
// bubble view is a label.
std::u16string GetBubbleViewText(int view_id);
// Get the notification pop up view based on the notification id.
message_center::MessagePopupView* GetPopupViewForNotificationID(
const std::string& notification_id);
// Returns true if the clock is using 24 hour time.
bool Is24HourClock();
// Taps on the Select-to-Speak tray.
void TapSelectToSpeakTray();
} // namespace ash