// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/app_list/app_list_types.h"
namespace base {
class RunLoop;
} // namespace base
namespace views {
class View;
} // namespace views
namespace ui {
class Layer;
} // namespace ui
namespace ui::test {
class EventGenerator;
} // namespace ui::test
namespace ash {
class AppsGridView;
class AppListModel;
class ContinueTaskView;
class PaginationModel;
class AppListItemView;
class SearchResultListView;
// Accesses ash data for app list view testing.
class ASH_EXPORT AppListTestApi {
AppListTestApi(const AppListTestApi& other) = delete;
AppListTestApi& operator=(const AppListTestApi& other) = delete;
// Returns the active app list model.
AppListModel* GetAppListModel();
// Shows the bubble app list by the accelerator and waits until the show
// animation finishes.
void ShowBubbleAppListAndWait();
// Waits for the bubble launcher window to open on the primary display.
// `wait_for_opening_animation` indicates whether to wait for the bubble
// launcher show animations (including the app list window animation, the
// bubble apps page animation, the bubble view animation and apps grid
// animation).
void WaitForBubbleWindow(bool wait_for_opening_animation);
void WaitForBubbleWindowInRootWindow(aura::Window* root_window,
bool wait_for_opening_animation);
// Waits until all the animations to show the app list become idle. No
// operations if the app list is already idle.
void WaitForAppListShowAnimation(bool is_bubble_window);
// Returns whether there is an item for |app_id|.
bool HasApp(const std::string& app_id);
// Returns the name displayed in the launcher for the provided app list item.
std::u16string GetAppListItemViewName(const std::string& item_id);
// Returns the top level item view specified by `item_id`.
AppListItemView* GetTopLevelItemViewFromId(const std::string& item_id);
// Returns ids of the items in top level app list view.
std::vector<std::string> GetTopLevelViewIdList();
// Creates a folder and moves all the apps in |apps| into that folder. Returns
// the created folder id or empty string on error. Note that |apps| should
// contains at least two items.
std::string CreateFolderWithApps(const std::vector<std::string>& apps);
// Returns the folder id that the app with |app_id| belongs to. Returns empty
// string if the app is not in a folder.
std::string GetFolderId(const std::string& app_id);
// Returns IDs of all apps that belong to the folder with |folder_id|.
std::vector<std::string> GetAppIdsInFolder(const std::string& folder_id);
// Moves an item to position |to_index| within the item's item list. The item
// can be a folder.
void MoveItemToPosition(const std::string& item_id, const size_t to_index);
// Adds one page break item after the item specified by `item_id`.
void AddPageBreakItemAfterId(const std::string& item_id);
// Returns the item count of the top list.
int GetTopListItemCount();
// Returns the last app list item view in the top level apps grid. Requires
// the app list UI to be shown.
views::View* GetLastItemInAppsGridView();
// Returns the pagination model.
PaginationModel* GetPaginationModel();
// Returns the top level apps grid view. Could be ScrollableAppsGridView if
// bubble launcher is enabled or PagedAppsGridView otherwise.
AppsGridView* GetTopLevelAppsGridView();
const AppsGridView* GetTopLevelAppsGridView() const;
// Returns the apps grid view in the folder.
AppsGridView* GetFolderAppsGridView();
// Returns whether the folder view is under animation.
bool IsFolderViewAnimating() const;
// Returns the app list bubble's undo button that reverts the temporary
// sorting order when triggered.
views::View* GetBubbleReorderUndoButton();
// Returns the fullscreen app list's undo button that reverts the temporary
// sorting order when triggered.
views::View* GetFullscreenReorderUndoButton();
// Returns the current toast type.
AppListToastType GetToastType() const;
// Registers a callback that runs when all the animations scheduled to show or
// hide the folder view complete.
void SetFolderViewAnimationCallback(
base::OnceClosure folder_animation_done_callback);
// Returns the toast container view from either the bubble app list or the
// fullscreen app list depending on which app list is being used. This method
// assumes that the app list has been created.
views::View* GetToastContainerView();
// Adds a callback that runs at the end of the app list reorder. The callback
// carries:
// (1) A boolean parameter that is true if the reorder is aborted.
// (2) An enum value that specifies the reorder animation status when the
// callback runs.
void AddReorderAnimationCallback(
base::RepeatingCallback<void(bool, AppListGridAnimationStatus)> callback);
// Adds a callback that runs right after the app list fade out animation
// triggered by reorder starts.
void AddFadeOutAnimationStartClosure(base::OnceClosure closure);
// Returns true if there is any waiting reorder animation test callback.
bool HasAnyWaitingReorderDoneCallback() const;
// Enables/Disables the app list nudge for testing.
void DisableAppListNudge(bool disable);
// Marks continue section privacy notice as accepted.
void SetContinueSectionPrivacyNoticeAccepted();
// Moves the app list item at `source_index` to `target_index` by
// drag-and-drop. `source_index` and `target_index` are view indices in the
// root apps grid.
void ReorderItemInRootByDragAndDrop(int source_index, int target_index);
// Returns the view at the provided index in the list of visible search result
// views in the launcher search UI. Expects the launcher UI to be shown.
views::View* GetVisibleSearchResultView(int index);
// Finds an folder item view from the top level apps grid.
ash::AppListItemView* FindTopLevelFolderItemView();
// Verifies that all item views are visible.
void VerifyTopLevelItemVisibility();
// Returns the recent app item item specified by `index`.
views::View* GetRecentAppAt(int index);
std::vector<ContinueTaskView*> GetContinueTaskViews();
// Returns the list of app IDs shown in recent apps view, in order they appear
// in the UI.
std::vector<std::string> GetRecentAppIds();
// Updates launcher search box content, and triggers search.
void SimulateSearch(const std::u16string& query);
// Returns the top visible search result list view.
SearchResultListView* GetTopVisibleSearchResultListView();
// App list sort related methods ---------------------------------------------
enum class MenuType {
// The menu shown by right clicking at the app list page.
// The menu shown by right clicking at a non-folder item.
// The menu shown by right clicking at a folder item.
enum class ReorderAnimationEndState {
// Animation should be completed normally.
// Apps grid fade out animation should be aborted.
// Apps grid fade in animation should be aborted.
// Triggers app list reorder by mouse click at the context menu from the
// specified apps grid.
// `order` specifies the target sort order. `menu_type` indicates the type of
// the context menu where the reorder is triggered. `target_state` indicates
// the reorder animation's expected end state. `actual_state` is used to
// store the actual animation end state.
// NOTE: if `target_state` is `kFadeOutAborted` or `kFadeInAborted`, when
// this function returns, the reorder is still ongoing. In other words, data
// is not written into `actual_state` yet. The caller has the duty to
// interrupt the ongoing reorder process.
void ReorderByMouseClickAtContextMenuInAppsGrid(
ash::AppsGridView* apps_grid_view,
ash::AppListSortOrder order,
MenuType menu_type,
ui::test::EventGenerator* event_generator,
ReorderAnimationEndState target_state,
ReorderAnimationEndState* actual_state);
// Similar to `ReorderByMouseClickAtContextMenuInAppsGrid` but the context
// menu is from the top level apps grid.
void ReorderByMouseClickAtToplevelAppsGridMenu(
ash::AppListSortOrder order,
MenuType menu_type,
ui::test::EventGenerator* event_generator,
ReorderAnimationEndState target_state,
ReorderAnimationEndState* actual_state);
// Clicks on the redo button and waits until the reorder animation completes.
void ClickOnRedoButtonAndWaitForAnimation(
ui::test::EventGenerator* event_generator);
// Clicks on the close button and waits until the toast fade out animation
// completes.
void ClickOnCloseButtonAndWaitForToastAnimation(
ui::test::EventGenerator* event_generator);
// Returns `AppListView`'s layer.
ui::Layer* GetAppListViewLayer();
// Adds a callback that runs at the end of the reorder animation.
void RegisterReorderAnimationDoneCallback(
ReorderAnimationEndState* actual_state);
// Called at the end of the reorder animation.
void OnReorderAnimationDone(bool for_bubble_app_list,
ReorderAnimationEndState* result,
bool abort,
AppListGridAnimationStatus status);
// Waits until the whole reorder process (including fade in and fade out)
// ends. Then verifies the top level items visibility.
void WaitForReorderAnimationAndVerifyItemVisibility();
// Waits until the reorder fade out animation ends.
void WaitForFadeOutAnimation();
// The run loop used only for reorder-related functions.
std::unique_ptr<base::RunLoop> run_loop_for_reorder_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<AppListTestApi> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace ash