
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <string>

#include "url/gurl.h"

// Exclusive access bubble types that inform UI content for various states.
// More comments about tab and browser fullscreen mode can be found in
// chrome/browser/ui/exclusive_access/fullscreen_controller.h.
enum ExclusiveAccessBubbleType {};

// Describes contents and traits of the exclusive access bubble.
struct ExclusiveAccessBubbleParams {};

namespace exclusive_access_bubble {

// Gets the text instructing the user how to exit an exclusive access mode.
// |accelerator| is the name of the key to exit fullscreen mode.
std::u16string GetInstructionTextForType(ExclusiveAccessBubbleType type,
                                         const std::u16string& accelerator,
                                         bool download,
                                         bool notify_overridden);

// Helpers to categorize different types of ExclusiveAccessBubbleType.
bool IsExclusiveAccessModeBrowserFullscreen(ExclusiveAccessBubbleType type);

}  // namespace exclusive_access_bubble