// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chrome.browser.ui.messages.infobar;
import android.content.Context;
import android.graphics.Bitmap;
import android.graphics.BitmapFactory;
import org.jni_zero.CalledByNative;
import org.jni_zero.NativeMethods;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.WebContents;
* Builds and shows a basic ConfirmInfoBar for code that works almost entirely in Java.
* Rather than use this class, it is highly recommended that developers create and customize their
* own customized native InfoBarDelegate to avoid unnecessary JNI hops.
public class SimpleConfirmInfoBarBuilder {
/** Listens for when users interact with an infobar. */
public static interface Listener {
/** Called when the infobar was dismissed. */
void onInfoBarDismissed();
* Called when either the primary or secondary button of a ConfirmInfoBar is clicked.
* @param isPrimary True if the primary button was clicked, false if the secondary button
* was clicked.
* @return True if the listener caused the closing of this info bar as a side effect,
* false otherwise.
boolean onInfoBarButtonClicked(boolean isPrimary);
* Called when the link of a ConfirmInfoBar is clicked.
* @return True if the listener caused the closing of this info bar as a side effect,
* false otherwise.
boolean onInfoBarLinkClicked();
* Creates a simple infobar to display a message to the user.
* Consider using snackbars instead of this function for ephemeral messages.
* @param webContents WebContents for a Tab to attach the infobar to.
* @param infobarTypeIdentifier Unique ID defined in the C++ InfoBarDelegate::InfoBarIdentifier.
* @param message Message displayed to the user.
* @param autoExpire Whether the infobar disappears on navigation.
public static void create(
WebContents webContents,
int infobarTypeIdentifier,
String message,
boolean autoExpire) {
* Creates a simple infobar to prompt the user.
* @param webContents WebContents for a Tab to attach the infobar to.
* @param listener Alerted when the user interacts with the infobar.
* @param infobarTypeIdentifier Unique ID defined in the C++ InfoBarDelegate::InfoBarIdentifier.
* @param context Context for loading bitmap referred by drawableId.
* @param drawableId Resource ID of the icon representing the infobar.
* @param message Message displayed to the user.
* @param primaryText String shown on the primary ConfirmInfoBar button.
* @param secondaryText String shown on the secondary ConfirmInfoBar button.
* @param linkText String shown as the link text on the ConfirmInfoBar.
* @param autoExpire Whether the infobar disappears on navigation.
public static void create(
WebContents webContents,
Listener listener,
int infobarTypeIdentifier,
Context context,
int drawableId,
String message,
String primaryText,
String secondaryText,
String linkText,
boolean autoExpire) {
Bitmap drawable =
context == null || drawableId == 0
? null
: BitmapFactory.decodeResource(context.getResources(), drawableId);
private static void onInfoBarDismissed(Listener listener) {
if (listener != null) listener.onInfoBarDismissed();
private static boolean onInfoBarButtonClicked(Listener listener, boolean isPrimary) {
return listener == null ? false : listener.onInfoBarButtonClicked(isPrimary);
private static boolean onInfoBarLinkClicked(Listener listener) {
return listener == null ? false : listener.onInfoBarLinkClicked();
interface Natives {
void create(
WebContents webContents,
int infobarTypeIdentifier,
Bitmap drawable,
String message,
String primaryText,
String secondaryText,
String linkText,
boolean autoExpire,
Object listener);