// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chrome.browser.ui.messages.snackbar;
import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable;
import androidx.annotation.IntDef;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import org.chromium.base.ContextUtils;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.ui.messages.snackbar.SnackbarManager.SnackbarController;
import org.chromium.chrome.ui.messages.R;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
* A snackbar shows a message at the bottom of the screen and optionally contains an action button.
* To show a snackbar, create the snackbar using {@link #make}, configure it using the various
* set*() methods, and show it using {@link SnackbarManager#showSnackbar(Snackbar)}. Example:
* SnackbarManager.showSnackbar(
* Snackbar.make("Closed example.com", controller, Snackbar.UMA_TAB_CLOSE_UNDO)
* .setAction("undo", actionData));
public class Snackbar {
* Snackbars that are created as an immediate response to user's action. These snackbars are
* managed in a stack and will be swiped away altogether after timeout.
public static final int TYPE_ACTION = 0;
* Snackbars that are for notification purposes. These snackbars are stored in a queue and thus
* are of lower priority, compared to {@link #TYPE_ACTION}. Notification snackbars are dismissed
* one by one.
public static final int TYPE_NOTIFICATION = 1;
* Snackbars that need to persist until acknowledged. These snackbars are stored in a queue and
* are lower priority than both {@link #TYPE_ACTION}, and {@link #TYPE_NOTIFICATION}. These must
* be dismissed one by one via a click. As such, snackbars of this type MUST call
* {@link #setAction(String, Object)} so that there is a way to remove them.
public static final int TYPE_PERSISTENT = 2;
/** UMA Identifiers of features using snackbar. See SnackbarIdentifier enum in histograms. */
public static final int UMA_TEST_SNACKBAR = -2;
public static final int UMA_UNKNOWN = -1;
public static final int UMA_BOOKMARK_ADDED = 0;
public static final int UMA_BOOKMARK_DELETE_UNDO = 1;
public static final int UMA_NTP_MOST_VISITED_DELETE_UNDO = 2;
public static final int UMA_OFFLINE_PAGE_RELOAD = 3;
public static final int UMA_AUTO_LOGIN = 4;
public static final int UMA_OMNIBOX_GEOLOCATION = 5;
public static final int UMA_LOFI = 6;
public static final int UMA_DATA_USE_STARTED = 7;
public static final int UMA_DATA_USE_ENDED = 8;
public static final int UMA_DOWNLOAD_SUCCEEDED = 9;
public static final int UMA_DOWNLOAD_FAILED = 10;
public static final int UMA_TAB_CLOSE_UNDO = 11;
public static final int UMA_TAB_CLOSE_ALL_UNDO = 12;
public static final int UMA_DOWNLOAD_DELETE_UNDO = 13;
public static final int UMA_SPECIAL_LOCALE = 14;
// Obsolete; don't use: UMA_BLIMP = 15;
public static final int UMA_DATA_REDUCTION_PROMO = 16;
public static final int UMA_HISTORY_LINK_COPIED = 17;
public static final int UMA_TRANSLATE_ALWAYS = 18;
public static final int UMA_TRANSLATE_NEVER = 19;
public static final int UMA_TRANSLATE_NEVER_SITE = 20;
public static final int UMA_SNIPPET_FETCH_FAILED = 21;
// Obsolete; don't use: UMA_CHROME_HOME_OPT_OUT_SURVEY = 22;
public static final int UMA_SNIPPET_FETCH_NO_NEW_SUGGESTIONS = 23;
public static final int UMA_MISSING_FILES_NO_SD_CARD = 24;
public static final int UMA_OFFLINE_INDICATOR = 25;
public static final int UMA_FEED_NTP_STREAM = 26;
public static final int UMA_WEBAPK_PRIVACY_DISCLOSURE = 27;
public static final int UMA_TWA_PRIVACY_DISCLOSURE = 28;
public static final int UMA_AUTOFILL_ASSISTANT_STOP_UNDO = 29;
public static final int UMA_TAB_CLOSE_MULTIPLE_UNDO = 30;
public static final int UMA_SEARCH_ENGINE_CHOICE_NOTIFICATION = 31;
public static final int UMA_TAB_GROUP_MANUAL_CREATION_UNDO = 32;
public static final int UMA_TWA_PRIVACY_DISCLOSURE_V2 = 33;
public static final int UMA_HOMEPAGE_PROMO_CHANGED_UNDO = 34;
// Obsolete; don't use: UMA_CONDITIONAL_TAB_STRIP_DISMISS_UNDO = 35;
public static final int UMA_PAINT_PREVIEW_UPGRADE_NOTIFICATION = 36;
public static final int UMA_READING_LIST_BOOKMARK_ADDED = 37;
public static final int UMA_PRIVACY_SANDBOX_PAGE_OPEN = 38;
public static final int UMA_WEB_FEED_FOLLOW_SUCCESS = 39;
public static final int UMA_WEB_FEED_FOLLOW_FAILURE = 40;
public static final int UMA_WEB_FEED_UNFOLLOW_SUCCESS = 41;
public static final int UMA_WEB_FEED_UNFOLLOW_FAILURE = 42;
public static final int UMA_LANGUAGE_SPLIT_RESTART = 43;
public static final int UMA_AUTOFILL_VIRTUAL_CARD_FILLED = 44;
public static final int UMA_WINDOW_ERROR = 45;
public static final int UMA_MODULE_INSTALL_FAILURE = 46;
public static final int UMA_PRICE_TRACKING_SUCCESS = 47;
public static final int UMA_PRICE_TRACKING_FAILURE = 48;
public static final int UMA_PRIVACY_SANDBOX_ADD_INTEREST = 49;
public static final int UMA_PRIVACY_SANDBOX_REMOVE_INTEREST = 50;
public static final int UMA_BAD_FLAGS = 51;
public static final int UMA_INCOGNITO_REAUTH_ENABLED_FROM_PROMO = 53;
public static final int UMA_PRIVACY_SANDBOX_ADD_SITE = 54;
public static final int UMA_PRIVACY_SANDBOX_REMOVE_SITE = 55;
public static final int UMA_CREATOR_FOLLOW_SUCCESS = 56;
public static final int UMA_CREATOR_FOLLOW_FAILURE = 57;
public static final int UMA_CREATOR_UNFOLLOW_SUCCESS = 58;
public static final int UMA_CREATOR_UNFOLLOW_FAILURE = 59;
public static final int UMA_QUICK_DELETE = 60;
public static final int UMA_AUTO_TRANSLATE = 61;
public static final int UMA_BOOKMARK_MOVED = 62;
public static final int UMA_CLEAR_BROWSING_DATA = 63;
public static final int UMA_SIGN_OUT = 64;
public static final int UMA_TAB_GROUP_DELETE_UNDO = 65;
public static final int UMA_SINGLE_TAB_GROUP_DELETE_UNDO = 66;
public static final int UMA_SAFETY_HUB_REGRANT_SINGLE_PERMISSION = 67;
public static final int UMA_SAFETY_HUB_SINGLE_SITE_NOTIFICATIONS = 69;
public static final int UMA_SETTINGS_BATCH_UPLOAD = 71;
private @Nullable SnackbarController mController;
private CharSequence mText;
private String mTemplateText;
private String mActionText;
private Object mActionData;
private String mAccessibilityActionAnnouncement;
private int mBackgroundColor;
private int mTextApperanceResId;
private boolean mSingleLine = true;
private int mDurationMs;
private Drawable mProfileImage;
private int mType;
private int mIdentifier = UMA_UNKNOWN;
private @Theme int mTheme = Theme.BASIC;
@IntDef({Theme.BASIC, Theme.GOOGLE})
public @interface Theme {
int BASIC = 0;
int GOOGLE = 1;
// Prevent instantiation.
private Snackbar() {}
* Creates and returns a snackbar to display the given text. If this is a snackbar for a new
* feature shown to the user, please add the feature name to SnackbarIdentifier in histograms.
* @param text The text to show on the snackbar.
* @param controller The SnackbarController to receive callbacks about the snackbar's state. The
* controller can be null when no callbacks are required for a snackbar.
* @param type Type of the snackbar. Either {@link #TYPE_ACTION} or {@link #TYPE_NOTIFICATION}.
* @param identifier The feature code of the snackbar. Should be one of the UMA* constants above
public static Snackbar make(
CharSequence text, @Nullable SnackbarController controller, int type, int identifier) {
Snackbar s = new Snackbar();
s.mText = text;
s.mController = controller;
s.mType = type;
s.mIdentifier = identifier;
if (type == TYPE_PERSISTENT) {
// For persistent snackbars we set a default action text to ensure the snackbar can be
// closed.
s.mActionText =
return s;
* Sets the template text to show on the snackbar, e.g. "Closed %s". See
* {@link TemplatePreservingTextView} for details on how the template text is used.
public Snackbar setTemplateText(String templateText) {
mTemplateText = templateText;
return this;
* Sets the action button to show on the snackbar.
* @param actionText The text to show on the button. If null, the button will not be shown.
* @param actionData An object to be passed to {@link SnackbarController#onAction} or
* {@link SnackbarController#onDismissNoAction} when the button is pressed or the
* snackbar is dismissed.
public Snackbar setAction(String actionText, Object actionData) {
mActionText = actionText;
mActionData = actionData;
return this;
* Sets the text to accessibility announce when the action button is pressed.
* @param accessibilityActionAnnouncement An optional string to be announced when the action
* button is pressed.
public Snackbar setActionAccessibilityAnnouncement(String accessibilityActionAnnouncement) {
mAccessibilityActionAnnouncement = accessibilityActionAnnouncement;
return this;
* Sets the identity profile image that will be displayed at the beginning of the snackbar.
* If null, there won't be a profile image. The ability to have an icon is exclusive to
* identity snackbars.
public Snackbar setProfileImage(Drawable profileImage) {
mProfileImage = profileImage;
return this;
* Sets whether the snackbar text should be limited to a single line and ellipsized if needed.
public Snackbar setSingleLine(boolean singleLine) {
mSingleLine = singleLine;
return this;
* Sets the number of milliseconds that the snackbar will appear for. If 0, the snackbar will
* use the default duration.
public Snackbar setDuration(int durationMs) {
assert !isTypePersistent() : "Persistent snackbars do not timeout.";
mDurationMs = durationMs;
return this;
/** Sets the background color for the snackbar. If 0, the snackbar will use default color. */
// TODO(fgorski): Clean up background color and text appearance -- transition all the consumers
// to the Theme based styling.
public Snackbar setBackgroundColor(int color) {
mBackgroundColor = color;
return this;
* Sets the text appearance for the snackbar. If 0, the snackbar will use default text
* appearance.
public Snackbar setTextAppearance(int resId) {
mTextApperanceResId = resId;
return this;
* Sets the theme for the snackbar. If not set, or BASIC, the snackbar will use provided text
* appearance and background color. Otherwise it will apply selected theme.
public Snackbar setTheme(@Theme int theme) {
mTheme = theme;
return this;
* @return The {@link SnackbarController} that controls this snackbar.
public @Nullable SnackbarController getController() {
return mController;
CharSequence getText() {
return mText;
String getTemplateText() {
return mTemplateText;
@VisibleForTesting(otherwise = VisibleForTesting.PROTECTED)
public String getActionText() {
return mActionText;
Object getActionData() {
return mActionData;
String getActionAccessibilityAnnouncement() {
return mAccessibilityActionAnnouncement;
boolean getSingleLine() {
return mSingleLine;
public int getDuration() {
return mDurationMs;
int getIdentifier() {
return mIdentifier;
/** If method returns zero, then default color for snackbar will be used. */
int getBackgroundColor() {
return mBackgroundColor;
/** If method returns zero, then default text appearance for snackbar will be used. */
int getTextAppearance() {
return mTextApperanceResId;
* If method returns BASIC, them background color and text appearance is used, otherwise a
* requested theme will be applied to style the Snackbar.
int getTheme() {
return mTheme;
/** If method returns null, then no profileImage will be shown in snackbar. */
Drawable getProfileImage() {
return mProfileImage;
* @return Whether the snackbar is of {@link #TYPE_ACTION}.
boolean isTypeAction() {
return mType == TYPE_ACTION;
* @return Whether the snackbar is of {@link #TYPE_PERSISTENT}.
boolean isTypePersistent() {
return mType == TYPE_PERSISTENT;
/** So tests can trigger a press on a Snackbar. */
public Object getActionDataForTesting() {
return mActionData;
public int getIdentifierForTesting() {
return mIdentifier;
public CharSequence getTextForTesting() {
return mText;