
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.



mojom("mojom") {
  disable_variants = true

  sources = [

  public_deps = [

  component_output_prefix = "ash_public_interfaces"
  export_class_attribute = "ASH_PUBLIC_EXPORT"
  export_define = "ASH_PUBLIC_IMPLEMENTATION=1"
  export_header = "ash/public/cpp/ash_public_export.h"

mojom("hid_preserving_bluetooth_state_controller") {
  sources = [ "hid_preserving_bluetooth_state_controller.mojom" ]
  public_deps = [ "//mojo/public/mojom/base" ]
  webui_module_path = "chrome://resources/ash/common/"

# This is a separate target so that downstream WebUI targets can take
# advantage of JS module Mojom files, without having to generate WebUI Mojom
# files for all dependencies (and their dependencies) in //ash/public/mojom.
mojom("accelerator_info") {
  disable_variants = true
  generate_legacy_js_bindings = true

  webui_module_path = "/"

  sources = [ "accelerator_info.mojom" ]

  public_deps = [

# This is a separate target so that downstream WebUI targets can take
# advantage of JS module Mojom files, without having to generate WebUI Mojom
# files for all dependencies (and their dependencies) in //ash/public/mojom.
mojom("input_device_settings") {
  disable_variants = true
  webui_module_path = "/"
  generate_legacy_js_bindings = true

  sources = [ "input_device_settings.mojom" ]

  public_deps = [

  deps = [

# This is a separate target so that downstream WebUI targets can take
# advantage of JS module Mojom files, without having to generate WebUI Mojom
# files for all dependencies (and their dependencies) in //ash/public/mojom.
mojom("accelerator_configuration") {
  disable_variants = true
  generate_legacy_js_bindings = true

  webui_module_path = "/"

  sources = [ "accelerator_configuration.mojom" ]

  public_deps = []

# This is a separate target so that downstream WebUI targets can take
# advantage of JS module Mojom files, without having to generate WebUI Mojom
# files for all dependencies (and their dependencies) in //ash/public/mojom.
mojom("accelerator_keys") {
  disable_variants = true
  generate_legacy_js_bindings = true

  webui_module_path = "/"

  sources = [ "accelerator_keys.mojom" ]

  public_deps = []

  cpp_typemaps = [
      types = [
          mojom = "ash.mojom.VKey"
          cpp = "::ui::KeyboardCode"

      traits_headers = [
      traits_sources = [ "" ]

# This is a separate target so that downstream WebUI targets can take
# advantage of JS module Mojom files, without having to generate WebUI Mojom
# files for all dependencies (and their dependencies) in //ash/public/mojom.
mojom("accelerator_actions") {
  disable_variants = true
  generate_legacy_js_bindings = true

  webui_module_path = "/"

  sources = [ "accelerator_actions.mojom" ]

  public_deps = []

  cpp_typemaps = [
      types = [
          mojom = "ash.mojom.AcceleratorAction"
          cpp = "::ash::AcceleratorAction"

      traits_headers = [ "accelerator_actions_mojom_traits.h" ]
      traits_sources = [ "" ]
      traits_public_deps = [ "//ash/public/cpp:accelerator_actions" ]