
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module ash.mojom;

import "ash/public/mojom/accelerator_actions.mojom";
import "ash/public/mojom/accelerator_keys.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/time.mojom";
import "ui/events/ash/mojom/extended_fkeys_modifier.mojom";
import "ui/events/ash/mojom/meta_key.mojom";
import "ui/events/ash/mojom/modifier_key.mojom";
import "ui/events/ash/mojom/simulate_right_click_modifier.mojom";
import "ui/events/ash/mojom/six_pack_shortcut_modifier.mojom";

// The current status of the enterprise policy for the stated setting.
enum PolicyStatus {

// Contains each of the 6-pack keys as well as which shortcut modifier each key
// maps to. Each key defaults to the `kSearch` modifier to avoid Alt-based
// issues (e.g. Any application that tries to use Alt+Down is broken on
// ChromeOS).
struct SixPackKeyInfo {
  ui.mojom.SixPackShortcutModifier home = kSearch;
  ui.mojom.SixPackShortcutModifier page_up = kSearch;
  ui.mojom.SixPackShortcutModifier page_down = kSearch;
  ui.mojom.SixPackShortcutModifier del = kSearch;
  ui.mojom.SixPackShortcutModifier insert = kSearch;
  ui.mojom.SixPackShortcutModifier end = kSearch;

// Represents an enterprise policy that has a status via `PolicyStatus` and a
// boolean value.
struct InputDeviceSettingsPolicy {
  PolicyStatus policy_status;
  bool value;

// Represents the policy that controls the F11/F12 settings.
struct InputDeviceSettingsFkeyPolicy {
  PolicyStatus policy_status;
  ui.mojom.ExtendedFkeysModifier value;

// Represents the policy that controls the "six pack" settings.
struct InputDeviceSettingsSixPackKeyPolicy {
  PolicyStatus policy_status;
  ui.mojom.SixPackShortcutModifier value;

// Represents the current set of keyboard enterprise policies. All members are
// optional. When null, there is no enterprise policy set for the given setting.
struct KeyboardPolicies {
  // This policy is defined at components/policy/resources/templates/
  //   policy_definitions/Accessibility/KeyboardDefaultToFunctionKeys.yaml
  InputDeviceSettingsPolicy? top_row_are_fkeys_policy;
  // This policy is defined at components/policy/resources/templates/
  //   policy_definitions/Miscellaneous/
  //   DeviceSwitchFunctionKeysBehaviorEnabled.yaml
  InputDeviceSettingsPolicy? enable_meta_fkey_rewrites_policy;
  // This policy is defined at components/policy/resources/templates/
  //   policy_definitions/Miscellaneous/F11KeyModifier.yaml
  InputDeviceSettingsFkeyPolicy? f11_key_policy;
  // This policy is defined at components/policy/resources/templates/
  //   policy_definitions/Miscellaneous/F12KeyModifier.yaml
  InputDeviceSettingsFkeyPolicy? f12_key_policy;
  // This policy is defined at components/policy/resources/templates/
  //   policy_definitions/Miscellaneous/HomeAndEndKeysModifier.yaml
  InputDeviceSettingsSixPackKeyPolicy? home_and_end_keys_policy;
  // This policy is defined at components/policy/resources/templates/
  //   policy_definitions/Miscellaneous/PageUpAndPageDownKeysModifier.yaml
  InputDeviceSettingsSixPackKeyPolicy? page_up_and_page_down_keys_policy;
  // This policy is defined at components/policy/resources/templates/
  //   policy_definitions/Miscellaneous/DeleteKeyModifier.yaml
  InputDeviceSettingsSixPackKeyPolicy? delete_key_policy;
  // This policy is defined at components/policy/resources/templates/
  //   policy_definitions/Miscellaneous/InsertKeyModifier.yaml
  InputDeviceSettingsSixPackKeyPolicy? insert_key_policy;

// Represents the current set of mouse enterprise policies. All members are
// optional. When null, there is no enterprise policy set for the given setting.
struct MousePolicies {
  // This policy is defined at components/policy/resources/templates/
  //   policy_definitions/Miscellaneous/PrimaryMouseButtonSwitch.yaml
  InputDeviceSettingsPolicy? swap_right_policy;

// Contains top row action keys found on different keyboards.
// Note: that this enumeration will need to be extended if new keys are added.
enum TopRowActionKey {

// Specifies the current charging state of a battery-powered device.
enum ChargeState {
  // Initial state or when the charge state cannot be determined.
  // The device is currently being charged (plugged in and receiving power).
  // The device is running on battery power (not plugged in or not receiving
  // power).

// Represents the current state of a device's battery.
struct BatteryInfo {
  // The remaining battery charge as a percentage (0-100).
  uint8 battery_percentage;
  // Indicates whether the battery is charging, discharging, or in an unknown
  // state.
  ChargeState charge_state;

// Represents the different states a companion app can be in.
enum CompanionAppState {

// Holds information about a companion app for a connected device.
struct CompanionAppInfo {
  // The PackageId for this app.
  string package_id;

  // The localised human readable string for the name of this app.
  string app_name;

  // The URL to invoke to initiate Unified App Installation for this app.
  string action_link;

  // The URL of the icon to represent the companion app visually.
  string icon_url;

  // The current state of the companion app (e.g., available, installed, etc.)
  CompanionAppState state;

// Contains all information needed to display, apply, and update keyboard
// settings.
struct Keyboard {
  string name;
  // Used to display different names and settings in the settings app.
  bool is_external;
  // Unique identifier for the keyboard which is assigned by ozone when it is
  // connected and is reassigned when disconnected and reconnected to the
  // system. These ids can be rarely reused for multiple devices if the original
  // device holding the id had been disconnected.
  uint32 id;
  // Key used to lookup device settings in prefs in the format
  // "vendor_id:product_id" where the ids are 16-bit hex in lowercase.
  // Example: 5022:18d1.
  string device_key;
  // Meta key type (launcher, search, etc) for this keyboard.
  ui.mojom.MetaKey meta_key;
  // List of modifier keys (caps lock, assistant, etc) present on this device.
  array<ui.mojom.ModifierKey> modifier_keys;
  // List of top row action keys (back, refresh, etc) present on this device.
  // The keys are stored in the order they appear on the device.
  array<TopRowActionKey> top_row_action_keys;
  KeyboardSettings settings;
  BatteryInfo? battery_info;
  CompanionAppInfo? app_info;

// Contains all existing keyboard settings available for use.
struct KeyboardSettings {
  map<ui.mojom.ModifierKey, ui.mojom.ModifierKey> modifier_remappings;
  bool top_row_are_fkeys;
  bool suppress_meta_fkey_rewrites;
  SixPackKeyInfo? six_pack_key_remappings;
  // Modifier key used to remap key events to the F11 key for ChromeOS
  // keyboards.
  ui.mojom.ExtendedFkeysModifier? f11;
  // Modifier key used to remap key events to the F12 key for ChromeOS
  // keyboards.
  ui.mojom.ExtendedFkeysModifier? f12;

// Contains all information needed to display, apply, and update mouse
// settings.
struct Mouse {
  string name;
  // Used to display different names and settings in the settings app.
  bool is_external;
  // Unique identifier for the mouse which is assigned by ozone when it is
  // connected and is reassigned when disconnected and reconnected to the
  // system. These ids can be rarely reused for multiple devices if the original
  // device holding the id had been disconnected.
  uint32 id;
  // Key used to lookup device settings in prefs in the format
  // "vendor_id:product_id" where the ids are 16-bit hex in lowercase.
  // Example: 5022:18d1.
  string device_key;
  // Used to check customization restriction of the mouse.
  CustomizationRestriction customization_restriction;
  // Used to get the mouse button config.
  MouseButtonConfig mouse_button_config;
  MouseSettings settings;
  BatteryInfo? battery_info;
  CompanionAppInfo? app_info;

// Contains all existing mouse settings available for use.
struct MouseSettings {
  // Toggles whether mouse buttons are swapped.
  bool swap_right;
  // Control sensitivity of the device.
  uint8 sensitivity;
  // Toggles the direction of the scroll behavior.
  bool reverse_scrolling;
  // Controls whether acceleration is enabled.
  bool acceleration_enabled;
  // Controls the speed of touchpad scrolling.
  uint8 scroll_sensitivity;
  // Toggles whether scroll acceleration is enabled.
  bool scroll_acceleration;
  // Store all the button remappings.
  array<ButtonRemapping> button_remappings;

// Contains all information needed to display, apply, and update touchpad
// settings.
struct Touchpad {
  string name;
  // Used to display different names and settings in the settings app.
  bool is_external;
  // Unique identifier for the touchpad which is assigned by ozone when it is
  // connected and is reassigned when disconnected and reconnected to the
  // system. These ids can be rarely reused for multiple devices if the original
  // device holding the id had been disconnected.
  uint32 id;
  // Key used to lookup device settings in prefs in the format
  // "vendor_id:product_id" where the ids are 16-bit hex in lowercase.
  // Example: 5022:18d1.
  string device_key;
  // Whether the touchpad is haptic or not.
  bool is_haptic;
  TouchpadSettings settings;
  BatteryInfo? battery_info;
  CompanionAppInfo? app_info;

// Contains all existing touchpad settings available for use.
struct TouchpadSettings {
  // Control sensitivity of the device.
  uint8 sensitivity;
  // Toggles the direction of the scroll behavior.
  bool reverse_scrolling;
  // Controls whether acceleration is enabled.
  bool acceleration_enabled;
  // Toggles whether tap to click is enabled.
  bool tap_to_click_enabled;
  // Toggles whether three finger click is enabled.
  bool three_finger_click_enabled;
  // Toggles whether tap dragging is enabled.
  bool tap_dragging_enabled;
  // Controls the speed of touchpad scrolling.
  uint8 scroll_sensitivity;
  // Toggles whether scroll acceleration is enabled.
  bool scroll_acceleration;
  // Controls the sensitivity of the haptic feedback from the touchpad.
  uint8 haptic_sensitivity;
  // Toggles whether haptic feedback is enabled for the touchpad at all.
  bool haptic_enabled;
  // The modifier used to simulate right-click with keyboard and touchpad.
  ui.mojom.SimulateRightClickModifier simulate_right_click;

// Contains all information needed to display, apply, and update pointing stick
// settings.
struct PointingStick {
  string name;
  // Used to display different names and settings in the settings app.
  bool is_external;
  // Unique identifier for the pointing stick which is assigned by ozone when
  // it is connected and is reassigned when disconnected and reconnected to the
  // system. These ids can be rarely reused for multiple devices if the original
  // device holding the id had been disconnected.
  uint32 id;
  // Key used to lookup device settings in prefs in the format
  // "vendor_id:product_id" where the ids are 16-bit hex in lowercase.
  // Example: 5022:18d1.
  string device_key;
  PointingStickSettings settings;

// Contains all existing pointing stick settings available for use.
struct PointingStickSettings {
  // Toggles whether pointing stick buttons are swapped.
  bool swap_right;
  // Control sensitivity of the device.
  uint8 sensitivity;
  // Controls whether acceleration is enabled.
  bool acceleration_enabled;

// Contains all information needed to display, apply, and update stylus
// settings.
// TODO(wangdanny): add `settings` and other missing fields to
// `mojom::Stylus` struct.
struct Stylus {

// Contains all information needed to display, apply, and update graphics
// tablet settings.
struct GraphicsTablet {
  // User visible name for the graphics tablet seen within the Settings SWA.
  string name;
  // Unique identifier for the graphics tablet which is assigned by ozone when
  // it is connected and is reassigned when disconnected and reconnected to the
  // system. These ids can be rarely reused for multiple devices if the original
  // device holding the id had been disconnected.
  uint32 id;
  // Key used to lookup device settings in prefs in the format
  // "vendor_id:product_id" where the ids are 16-bit hex in lowercase.
  // Example: 5022:18d1.
  string device_key;
  // Used to check customization restriction of the graphics tablet.
  CustomizationRestriction customization_restriction;
  // Used to configure the buttons that are known on the device through
  // metadata.
  GraphicsTabletButtonConfig graphics_tablet_button_config;
  GraphicsTabletSettings settings;
  BatteryInfo? battery_info;
  CompanionAppInfo? app_info;

// Contains all existing graphics tablet settings available for use.
struct GraphicsTabletSettings {
  // Stores all the tablet button remappings.
  array<ButtonRemapping> tablet_button_remappings;
  // Stores all the pen button remappings.
  array<ButtonRemapping> pen_button_remappings;

// Contains all information needed to apply remappings from a button to
// either an acceleration action or key event or static shortcut action
// and display it within the settings app.
struct ButtonRemapping {
  // Human-readable label of the button remapping which user can rename.
  string name;
  Button button;
  RemappingAction? remapping_action;

// Represents the remapping action which can be either a key event or
// acceleration action or static shortcut action.
union RemappingAction {
  ash.mojom.AcceleratorAction accelerator_action;
  KeyEvent key_event;
  StaticShortcutAction static_shortcut_action;

// Represents the key event the button remaps to.
struct KeyEvent {
  ash.mojom.VKey vkey;
  uint32 dom_code;
  uint32 dom_key;
  uint32 modifiers;

  // Name of the key to display in the UI.
  string key_display;

// Represents the button to remap which can be either a virtual key or
// customizable button.
union Button {
  ash.mojom.VKey vkey;
  CustomizableButton customizable_button;

// Contains the valid set of customizable buttons on the mouse.
enum CustomizableButton {
  kLeft = 0,
  kRight = 1,
  kMiddle = 2,
  kForward = 3,
  kBack = 4,
  kExtra = 5,
  kSide = 6,
  // Scroll buttons are for buttons that emit as horizontal scrolling events.
  // Usually done by shifting the mouse wheel left and right.
  kScrollLeft = 7,
  kScrollRight = 8,

// Contains the valid set of mouse button configs.
enum MouseButtonConfig {
  // Mouse with no explicit configuration about
  // what customizable buttons it has.
  kNoConfig = 0,
  // Mouse with five customizable buttons.
  kFiveKey = 1,
  // Logitech mouse with six customizable buttons.
  kLogitechSixKey = 2,
  // Logitech mouse with six customizable buttons, where the 6th button sends
  // tab.
  kLogitechSixKeyWithTab = 3,
  // Mice with three buttons that are: {Left, Middle, Right}
  kThreeKey = 4,
  // Mice with four buttons where there is the standard {Left, Middle, Right}
  // and an additional button on the top that is the button code {Forward}.
  kFourKeyWithTopButton = 5,

// Contains the valid set of graphics tablet button configs.
enum GraphicsTabletButtonConfig {
  // Mouse with no explicit configuration about
  // what customizable buttons it has.
  kNoConfig = 0,
  // Graphics tablets that follow standard button configuration with no tablet
  // buttons.
  kWacomStandardPenOnly = 1,
  // Graphics tablets that follow standard button configurations with four
  // tablet buttons.
  kWacomStandardFourButtons = 2,
  // Graphics tablets that follow standard button configuration with no tablet
  // buttons and only one applicable pen button.
  kWacomStandardPenOnlyOneButton = 3,

// Contains the valid set of static shortcut actions.
enum StaticShortcutAction {
  kDisable = 0,
  kCopy = 1,
  kPaste = 2,
  kUndo = 3,
  kRedo = 4,
  kZoomIn = 5,
  kZoomOut = 6,
  kPreviousPage = 7,
  kNextPage = 8,
  kLeftClick = 9,
  kRightClick = 10,
  kMiddleClick = 11,

// Contains the customization restrictions of the devices.
enum CustomizationRestriction {
  // Full access to customization feature with no restrictions.
  kAllowCustomizations = 0,
  // Completely disable the customization feature.
  kDisallowCustomizations = 1,
  // Disable key event rewrites.
  kDisableKeyEventRewrites = 2,
  // Allow Alphabet key event rewrites.
  kAllowAlphabetKeyEventRewrites = 3,
  // Allow Alphabet or Number key event rewrites.
  kAllowAlphabetOrNumberKeyEventRewrites = 4,
  // Allow horizontal scroll wheel as well as normal mouse buttons. Identical to
  // kDisableKeyEventRewrites but permits horizontal scroll wheel buttons.
  kAllowHorizontalScrollWheelRewrites = 5,
  // Allow tab events in addition to normal mouse events to be rewritten.
  kAllowTabEventRewrites = 6,
  // Allow F-key events in addition to normal mouse events to be rewritten.
  kAllowFKeyRewrites = 7,