
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "base/time/time.h"

namespace safety_hub {

// Keys used to indicate the labels that should be shown in various UI items.
extern const char kCardHeaderKey[];
extern const char kCardSubheaderKey[];
extern const char kCardStateKey[];

// Key used for the dict of the Safe Browsing result.
extern const char kSafetyHubSafeBrowsingStatusKey[];

// Keys used for the dict stored in prefs for the menu notification.
extern const char kSafetyHubMenuNotificationActiveKey[];
extern const char kSafetyHubMenuNotificationAllTimeCountKey[];
extern const char kSafetyHubMenuNotificationImpressionCountKey[];
extern const char kSafetyHubMenuNotificationFirstImpressionKey[];
extern const char kSafetyHubMenuNotificationLastImpressionKey[];
extern const char kSafetyHubMenuNotificationShowAfterTimeKey[];
extern const char kSafetyHubMenuNotificationResultKey[];

// Key used for the dict of the Extensions result.
extern const char kSafetyHubTriggeringExtensionIdsKey[];

// Key of the expiration time in the |UnusedSitePermissions| object. Indicates
// the time after which the associated origin and permissions are no longer
// shown in the UI.
extern const char kExpirationKey[];
// Key of the lifetime in the |UnusedSitePermissions| object.
extern const char kLifetimeKey[];
// Key of the revoked chooser permissions in the |UnusedSitePermissions| object.
extern const char kSafetyHubChooserPermissionsData[];
// Key of the expiration time for an abusive notification permission object.
// Indicates the time after which the associated origin and permissions are no
// longer shown in the UI.
extern const char kAbusiveRevocationExpirationKey[];
// Key of the lifetime for an abusive notification permission object.
extern const char kAbusiveRevocationLifetimeKey[];

// Key of the base::Value dictionary we assign to the
extern const char kRevokedStatusDictKeyStr[];
// When users take action to grant a permission despite warnings against doing
// so, we should ignore the origin in future auto revocations. To do this, we
// base::Value to the "ignore" string. Otherwise, the value should be "revoke".
extern const char kIgnoreStr[];
extern const char kRevokeStr[];

// Key to store origin for a detected compromised password in
// PasswordStatusCheckResult.
extern const char kOrigin[];
// Key to store username for a detected compromised password in
// PasswordStatusCheckResult.
extern const char kUsername[];
// Key to store password data in the prefs. The data will look like:
// kSafetyHubPasswordCheckOriginsKey: [ {origin:, username: user1},
//                                      {origin:, username: user2}]
extern const char kSafetyHubPasswordCheckOriginsKey[];
// Key to store number of compromied password in the prefs. The data will look
// like: kSafetyHubCompromiedPasswordOriginsCount: 2
extern const char kSafetyHubCompromiedPasswordOriginsCount[];

// State that a top card in the Safety Hub page can be in. This enum should
// remain sorted from the "worst" state (warning) to the "best" state (safe).
// Should be kept in sync with the corresponding enum in
// chrome/browser/resources/settings/safety_hub/safety_hub_browser_proxy.ts
enum class SafetyHubCardState {};

// Smallest time duration between two subsequent password checks.
extern const base::TimeDelta kMinTimeBetweenPasswordChecks;

// An enum of the different Safety Hub modules that are available. This should
// be updated whenever a notification for a new module is added to or removed
// from the three-dot menu.
// Values should correspond to 'SafetyHubModuleType' in enums.xml.
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
enum class SafetyHubModuleType {};

// Values should correspond to 'SafetyHubEntryPoint' in enums.xml.
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
enum class SafetyHubEntryPoint {};

// The various surfaces that users could see (a part of) Safety Hub, or interact
// with it.
// Values should correspond to 'SafetyHubSurfaces' in enums.xml.
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
enum class SafetyHubSurfaces {};

// Duration to wait for cleaning up the revoked permissions after showing them
// to the user.
extern const base::TimeDelta kRevocationCleanUpThresholdWithDelayForTesting;

}  // namespace safety_hub