
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


// This enum must match the numbering for NTPBackgroundCustomizationAvailability
// in enums.xml. Do not reorder or remove items, and update kMaxValue when new
// items are added.
enum class BackgroundCustomization {};

// This enum must match the numbering for NTPShortcutCustomizationAvailability
// in enums.xml. Do not reorder or remove items, and update kMaxValue when new
// items are added.
enum class ShortcutCustomization {};

// This enum must match the numbering for NTPCustomizedFeatures in
// enums.xml. Do not reorder or remove items, and update kMaxValue when new
// items are added.
enum class CustomizedFeature {};

// This enum must match the numbering for NTPCustomizedShortcutSettings in
// enums.xml. Do not reorder or remove items, and update kMaxValue when new
// items are added.
enum class CustomizedShortcutSettings {};

// This enum must match the numbering for NTPCustomizeChromeBackgroundAction in
// enums.xml. Do not reorder or remove items, and update kMaxValue when new
// items are added.
enum class CustomizeChromeBackgroundAction {};

// This enum must match the numbering for NTPCustomizeLocalImageBackgroundAction
// in enums.xml. Do not reorder or remove items, and update kMaxValue when new
// items are added.
enum class CustomizeLocalImageBackgroundAction {};

// This enum must match the numbering for NTPCustomizeShortcutAction in
// enums.xml. Do not reorder or remove items, and update kMaxValue when new
// items are added.
enum class CustomizeShortcutAction {};