
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <stddef.h>

#include <cstdint>
#include <limits>

#include "quiche/quic/core/quic_types.h"
#include "quiche/quic/platform/api/quic_export.h"

// Definitions of constant values used throughout the QUIC code.

namespace quic {

// Simple time constants.
inline constexpr uint64_t kNumSecondsPerMinute =;
inline constexpr uint64_t kNumSecondsPerHour =;
inline constexpr uint64_t kNumSecondsPerWeek =;
inline constexpr uint64_t kNumMillisPerSecond =;
inline constexpr uint64_t kNumMicrosPerMilli =;
inline constexpr uint64_t kNumMicrosPerSecond =;

// Default number of connections for N-connection emulation.
inline constexpr uint32_t kDefaultNumConnections =;
// Default initial maximum size in bytes of a QUIC packet.
inline constexpr QuicByteCount kDefaultMaxPacketSize =;
// Tunnels (such as MASQUE and QBONE) reduce the inner MTU so they work best
// with a higher outer MTU. This means that outer connections could fail on some
// networks where the UDP MTU is between 1250 and 1350, but allows inner QUIC
// connections to still have 1200 bytes of UDP MTU, even if we apply two nested
// levels of connect-udp proxying, as we do for IP Protection.
inline constexpr QuicByteCount kDefaultMaxPacketSizeForTunnels =;
// Default initial maximum size in bytes of a QUIC packet for servers.
inline constexpr QuicByteCount kDefaultServerMaxPacketSize =;
// Maximum transmission unit on Ethernet.
inline constexpr QuicByteCount kEthernetMTU =;
// The maximum packet size of any QUIC packet over IPv6, based on ethernet's max
// size, minus the IP and UDP headers. IPv6 has a 40 byte header, UDP adds an
// additional 8 bytes.  This is a total overhead of 48 bytes.  Ethernet's
// max packet size is 1500 bytes,  1500 - 48 = 1452.
inline constexpr QuicByteCount kMaxV6PacketSize =;
// The maximum packet size of any QUIC packet over IPv4.
// 1500(Ethernet) - 20(IPv4 header) - 8(UDP header) = 1472.
inline constexpr QuicByteCount kMaxV4PacketSize =;
// The maximum incoming packet size allowed.
inline constexpr QuicByteCount kMaxIncomingPacketSize =;
// The maximum outgoing packet size allowed.
inline constexpr QuicByteCount kMaxOutgoingPacketSize =;
// ETH_MAX_MTU - MAX(sizeof(iphdr), sizeof(ip6_hdr)) - sizeof(udphdr).
inline constexpr QuicByteCount kMaxGsoPacketSize =;
// The maximal IETF DATAGRAM frame size we'll accept. Choosing 2^16 ensures
// that it is greater than the biggest frame we could ever fit in a QUIC packet.
inline constexpr QuicByteCount kMaxAcceptedDatagramFrameSize =;
// Default value of the max_packet_size transport parameter if it is not
// transmitted.
inline constexpr QuicByteCount kDefaultMaxPacketSizeTransportParam =;
// Default maximum packet size used in the Linux TCP implementation.
// Used in QUIC for congestion window computations in bytes.
inline constexpr QuicByteCount kDefaultTCPMSS =;
inline constexpr QuicByteCount kMaxSegmentSize =;
// The minimum size of a packet which can elicit a version negotiation packet,
// as per section 8.1 of the QUIC spec.
inline constexpr QuicByteCount kMinPacketSizeForVersionNegotiation =;

// We match SPDY's use of 32 (since we'd compete with SPDY).
inline constexpr QuicPacketCount kInitialCongestionWindow =;

// Do not allow initial congestion window to be greater than 200 packets.
inline constexpr QuicPacketCount kMaxInitialCongestionWindow =;

// Do not allow initial congestion window to be smaller than 10 packets.
inline constexpr QuicPacketCount kMinInitialCongestionWindow =;

// Minimum size of initial flow control window, for both stream and session.
// This is only enforced when version.AllowsLowFlowControlLimits() is false.
inline constexpr QuicByteCount kMinimumFlowControlSendWindow =;  // 16 KB
// Default size of initial flow control window, for both stream and session.
inline constexpr QuicByteCount kDefaultFlowControlSendWindow =;  // 16 KB

// Maximum flow control receive window limits for connection and stream.
inline constexpr QuicByteCount kStreamReceiveWindowLimit =;  // 16 MB
inline constexpr QuicByteCount kSessionReceiveWindowLimit =;  // 24 MB

// Minimum size of the CWND, in packets, when doing bandwidth resumption.
inline constexpr QuicPacketCount kMinCongestionWindowForBandwidthResumption =;

// Default size of the socket receive buffer in bytes.
inline constexpr QuicByteCount kDefaultSocketReceiveBuffer =;

// The lower bound of an untrusted initial rtt value.
inline constexpr uint32_t kMinUntrustedInitialRoundTripTimeUs =;

// The lower bound of a trusted initial rtt value.
inline constexpr uint32_t kMinTrustedInitialRoundTripTimeUs =;

// Don't allow a client to suggest an RTT longer than 1 second.
inline constexpr uint32_t kMaxInitialRoundTripTimeUs =;

// Maximum number of open streams per connection.
inline constexpr size_t kDefaultMaxStreamsPerConnection =;

// Number of bytes reserved for public flags in the packet header.
inline constexpr size_t kPublicFlagsSize =;
// Number of bytes reserved for version number in the packet header.
inline constexpr size_t kQuicVersionSize =;

// Minimum number of active connection IDs that an end point can maintain.
inline constexpr uint32_t kMinNumOfActiveConnectionIds =;

// Length of the retry integrity tag in bytes.
inline constexpr size_t kRetryIntegrityTagLength =;

// By default, UnackedPacketsMap allocates buffer of 64 after the first packet
// is added.
inline constexpr int kDefaultUnackedPacketsInitialCapacity =;

// Signifies that the QuicPacket will contain version of the protocol.
inline constexpr bool kIncludeVersion =;
// Signifies that the QuicPacket will include a diversification nonce.
inline constexpr bool kIncludeDiversificationNonce =;

// Header key used to identify final offset on data stream when sending HTTP/2
// trailing headers over QUIC.
QUICHE_EXPORT extern const char* const kFinalOffsetHeaderKey;

// Returns the local default delayed ack time, in ms.
QUICHE_EXPORT int64_t GetDefaultDelayedAckTimeMs();

// Delayed ack time that we assume the peer will use by default, in ms. This
// should be equal to the default value of --quic_default_delayed_ack_time_ms.
inline constexpr int64_t kDefaultPeerDelayedAckTimeMs =;

// Default minimum delayed ack time, in ms (used only for sender control of ack
// frequency).
inline constexpr uint32_t kDefaultMinAckDelayTimeMs =;

// Default shift of the ACK delay in the IETF QUIC ACK frame.
inline constexpr uint32_t kDefaultAckDelayExponent =;

// Minimum tail loss probe time in ms.
inline constexpr int64_t kMinTailLossProbeTimeoutMs =;

// The timeout before the handshake succeeds.
inline constexpr int64_t kInitialIdleTimeoutSecs =;
// The maximum idle timeout that can be negotiated.
inline constexpr int64_t kMaximumIdleTimeoutSecs =;  // 10 minutes.
// The default timeout for a connection until the crypto handshake succeeds.
inline constexpr int64_t kMaxTimeForCryptoHandshakeSecs =;  // 10 secs.

// Default limit on the number of undecryptable packets the connection buffers
// before the CHLO/SHLO arrive.
inline constexpr size_t kDefaultMaxUndecryptablePackets =;

// Default ping timeout.
inline constexpr int64_t kPingTimeoutSecs =;  // 15 secs.

// Minimum number of RTTs between Server Config Updates (SCUP) sent to client.
inline constexpr int kMinIntervalBetweenServerConfigUpdatesRTTs =;

// Minimum time between Server Config Updates (SCUP) sent to client.
inline constexpr int kMinIntervalBetweenServerConfigUpdatesMs =;

// Minimum number of packets between Server Config Updates (SCUP).
inline constexpr int kMinPacketsBetweenServerConfigUpdates =;

// The number of open streams that a server will accept is set to be slightly
// larger than the negotiated limit. Immediately closing the connection if the
// client opens slightly too many streams is not ideal: the client may have sent
// a FIN that was lost, and simultaneously opened a new stream. The number of
// streams a server accepts is a fixed increment over the negotiated limit, or a
// percentage increase, whichever is larger.
inline constexpr float kMaxStreamsMultiplier =;
inline constexpr int kMaxStreamsMinimumIncrement =;

// Available streams are ones with IDs less than the highest stream that has
// been opened which have neither been opened or reset. The limit on the number
// of available streams is 10 times the limit on the number of open streams.
inline constexpr int kMaxAvailableStreamsMultiplier =;

// The 1st PTO is armed with max of earliest in flight sent time + PTO
// delay and kFirstPtoSrttMultiplier * srtt from last in flight packet.
inline constexpr float kFirstPtoSrttMultiplier =;

// The multiplier of RTT variation when calculating PTO timeout.
inline constexpr int kPtoRttvarMultiplier =;

// TCP RFC calls for 1 second RTO however Linux differs from this default and
// define the minimum RTO to 200ms, we will use the same until we have data to
// support a higher or lower value.
inline constexpr const int64_t kMinRetransmissionTimeMs =;

// We define an unsigned 16-bit floating point value, inspired by IEEE floats
// (,
// with 5-bit exponent (bias 1), 11-bit mantissa (effective 12 with hidden
// bit) and denormals, but without signs, transfinites or fractions. Wire format
// 16 bits (little-endian byte order) are split into exponent (high 5) and
// mantissa (low 11) and decoded as:
//   uint64_t value;
//   if (exponent == 0) value = mantissa;
//   else value = (mantissa | 1 << 11) << (exponent - 1)
inline constexpr int kUFloat16ExponentBits =;
inline constexpr int kUFloat16MaxExponent =;                                     // 30
inline constexpr int kUFloat16MantissaBits =;  // 11
inline constexpr int kUFloat16MantissaEffectiveBits =;                 // 12
inline constexpr uint64_t kUFloat16MaxValue =// 0x3FFC0000000
    ((UINT64_C(1) << kUFloat16MantissaEffectiveBits) - 1)
    << kUFloat16MaxExponent;

// kDiversificationNonceSize is the size, in bytes, of the nonce that a server
// may set in the packet header to ensure that its INITIAL keys are not
// duplicated.
inline constexpr size_t kDiversificationNonceSize =;

// The largest gap in packets we'll accept without closing the connection.
// This will likely have to be tuned.
inline constexpr QuicPacketCount kMaxPacketGap =;

// The max number of sequence number intervals that
// QuicPeerIssuedConnetionIdManager can maintain.
inline constexpr size_t kMaxNumConnectionIdSequenceNumberIntervals =;

// The maximum number of random padding bytes to add.
inline constexpr QuicByteCount kMaxNumRandomPaddingBytes =;

// The size of stream send buffer data slice size in bytes. A data slice is
// piece of stream data stored in contiguous memory, and a stream frame can
// contain data from multiple data slices.
inline constexpr QuicByteCount kQuicStreamSendBufferSliceSize =;

// For When using Random Initial Packet Numbers, they can start
// anyplace in the range 1...((2^31)-1) or 0x7fffffff
QUICHE_EXPORT QuicPacketNumber MaxRandomInitialPacketNumber();

// Used to represent an invalid or no control frame id.
inline constexpr QuicControlFrameId kInvalidControlFrameId =;

// The max length a stream can have.
inline constexpr QuicByteCount kMaxStreamLength =;

// The max value that can be encoded using IETF Var Ints.
inline constexpr uint64_t kMaxIetfVarInt =0x3fffffffffffffff);

// The maximum stream id value that is supported - (2^32)-1
inline constexpr QuicStreamId kMaxQuicStreamId =;

// The maximum value that can be stored in a 32-bit QuicStreamCount.
inline constexpr QuicStreamCount kMaxQuicStreamCount =;

// Number of bytes reserved for packet header type.
inline constexpr size_t kPacketHeaderTypeSize =;

// Number of bytes reserved for connection ID length.
inline constexpr size_t kConnectionIdLengthSize =;

// Minimum length of random bytes in IETF stateless reset packet.
inline constexpr size_t kMinRandomBytesLengthInStatelessReset =;

// Maximum length allowed for the token in a NEW_TOKEN frame.
inline constexpr size_t kMaxNewTokenTokenLength =;

// The prefix used by a source address token in a NEW_TOKEN frame.
inline constexpr uint8_t kAddressTokenPrefix =;

// Default initial rtt used before any samples are received.
inline constexpr int kInitialRttMs =;

// Default threshold of packet reordering before a packet is declared lost.
inline constexpr QuicPacketCount kDefaultPacketReorderingThreshold =;

// Default fraction (1/4) of an RTT the algorithm waits before determining a
// packet is lost due to early retransmission by time based loss detection.
inline constexpr int kDefaultLossDelayShift =;

// Default fraction (1/8) of an RTT when doing IETF loss detection.
inline constexpr int kDefaultIetfLossDelayShift =;

// Maximum number of retransmittable packets received before sending an ack.
inline constexpr QuicPacketCount kDefaultRetransmittablePacketsBeforeAck =;
// Wait for up to 10 retransmittable packets before sending an ack.
inline constexpr QuicPacketCount kMaxRetransmittablePacketsBeforeAck =;
// Minimum number of packets received before ack decimation is enabled.
// This intends to avoid the beginning of slow start, when CWNDs may be
// rapidly increasing.
inline constexpr QuicPacketCount kMinReceivedBeforeAckDecimation =;
// Ask peer to use one quarter RTT delay when doing ack decimation.
inline constexpr float kPeerAckDecimationDelay =;

// The default alarm granularity assumed by QUIC code.
inline constexpr QuicTime::Delta kAlarmGranularity =;

// Maximum number of unretired connection IDs a connection can have.
inline constexpr size_t kMaxNumConnectonIdsInUse =;

// Packet number of first sending packet of a connection. Please note, this
// cannot be used as first received packet because peer can choose its starting
// packet number.
QUICHE_EXPORT QuicPacketNumber FirstSendingPacketNumber();

// Used by clients to tell if a public reset is sent from a Google frontend.
QUICHE_EXPORT extern const char* const kEPIDGoogleFrontEnd;
QUICHE_EXPORT extern const char* const kEPIDGoogleFrontEnd0;

inline constexpr uint64_t kHttpDatagramStreamIdDivisor =;

inline constexpr QuicTime::Delta kDefaultMultiPortProbingInterval =;

inline constexpr size_t kMaxNumMultiPortPaths =;

inline constexpr size_t kMaxDuplicatedPacketsSentToServerPreferredAddress =;

}  // namespace quic