// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <ostream>
#include "base/component_export.h"
namespace ash {
namespace quick_pair {
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused. This enum should be kept in sync with
// the FastPairPairFailure enum in //tools/metrics/histograms/enums.xml.
enum class PairFailure {
// Failed to create a GATT connection to the device.
kCreateGattConnection = 0,
// Failed to find the expected GATT service.
kGattServiceDiscovery = 1,
// Timed out while starting discovery of GATT service.
kGattServiceDiscoveryTimeout = 2,
// Failed to retrieve the data encryptor.
kDataEncryptorRetrieval = 3,
// Failed to find the Key-based pairing GATT characteristic.
kKeyBasedPairingCharacteristicDiscovery = 4,
// Failed to find the Passkey GATT characteristic.
kPasskeyCharacteristicDiscovery = 5,
// Failed to find the Account Key GATT characteristic.
kAccountKeyCharacteristicDiscovery = 6,
// Failed to start a notify session on the Key-based pairing GATT
// characteristic.
kKeyBasedPairingCharacteristicNotifySession = 7,
// Failed to start a notify session on the Passkey GATT characteristic.
kPasskeyCharacteristicNotifySession = 8,
// Timed out while waiting to start a notify session on the Key-based pairing
// GATT characteristic.
kKeyBasedPairingCharacteristicNotifySessionTimeout = 9,
// / Timed out while waiting to start a notify session on the Passkey GATT
// characteristic.
kPasskeyCharacteristicNotifySessionTimeout = 10,
// Failed to write to the Key-based pairing GATT characteristic.
kKeyBasedPairingCharacteristicWrite = 11,
// Failed to write to the Passkey GATT characteristic.
kPasskeyPairingCharacteristicWrite = 12,
// Timed out while waiting for the Key-based Pairing response.
kKeyBasedPairingResponseTimeout = 13,
// Timed out while waiting for the Passkey response.
kPasskeyResponseTimeout = 14,
// Failed to decrypt Key-based response message.
kKeybasedPairingResponseDecryptFailure = 15,
// Incorrect Key-based response message type.
kIncorrectKeyBasedPairingResponseType = 16,
// Failed to decrypt Passkey response message.
kPasskeyDecryptFailure = 17,
// Incorrect Passkey response message type.
kIncorrectPasskeyResponseType = 18,
// Passkeys did not match.
kPasskeyMismatch = 19,
// Potential pairing device lost during Passkey exchange.
kPairingDeviceLost = 20,
// Failed to bond to discovered device.
kPairingConnect = 21,
// Failed to bond to device via public address.
kAddressConnect = 22,
// BLE device instance lost mid pair with classic instance
kBleDeviceLostMidPair = 23,
// Timed out attempting to bond to device.
kCreateBondTimeout = 24,
// Potential pairing device lost between GATT connection attempts.
kPairingDeviceLostBetweenGattConnectionAttempts = 25,
// Timed out while waiting for the Bluetooth adapter event to confirm the
// passkey after pairing begins.
kConfirmPasskeyTimeout = 26,
// Failed to disconnect GATT connections from device between retries.
kFailureToDisconnectGattBetweenRetries = 27,
// Failed to create a GATT connection in the platform layer due to a Bluetooth
// device error.
kBluetoothDeviceFailureCreatingGattConnection = 28,
// Timed out while waiting for a response after attempt to disconnect.
kDisconnectResponseTimeout = 29,
// Failed to connect to discovered device after pairing when the device is
// known to the adapter.
kFailedToConnectAfterPairing = 30,
// Failed to write to Additional Data characteristic.
kAdditionalDataCharacteristicWrite = 31,
// Failed to discover Additional Data Characteristic.
// Currently this failure is not emitted anywhere.
// TODO(b/279654454) measure this pair failure in some metric.
kAdditionalDataCharacteristicDiscovery = 32,
// Timed out while writing to Additional Data characteristic.
kAdditionalDataCharacteristicWriteTimeout = 33,
kMaxValue = kAdditionalDataCharacteristicWriteTimeout,
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, PairFailure protocol);
} // namespace quick_pair
} // namespace ash