
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <memory>
#include <optional>

#include "ash/quick_pair/common/pair_failure.h"
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"

namespace device {
class BluetoothAdapter;
}  // namespace device

namespace ash {
namespace quick_pair {

class Device;
class FastPairDataEncryptor;
class FastPairGattServiceClient;

// This class performs the Fast Pair handshake procedure upon creation and
// calls |on_complete| once finished. It also exposes the
// |FastPairDataEncryptor| and |FastPairGattServiceClient| instances that were
// used during the handshake.
// The procedure steps are as follows:
//  1. Create a GATT connection to the device.
//  2. Create a data encryptor instance with the appropriate keys.
//  3. Write the Key-Based Pairing Request to the characteristic
//  (
//  4. Decrypt the response.
//  5. Validate response.
//  6. Set classic address field on |Device| instance.
//  7. Complete.
class FastPairHandshake {
  using OnCompleteCallback =
  using OnCompleteCallbackNew = base::OnceCallback<void(scoped_refptr<Device>)>;
  using OnFailureCallback =
  using OnBleAddressRotationCallback = base::OnceClosure;

  // TODO(b/265853116): After the Fast Pair Handshake code is refactored remove
  // this constructor in favor of the two argument constructor below.
      scoped_refptr<device::BluetoothAdapter> adapter,
      scoped_refptr<Device> device,
      OnCompleteCallback on_complete,
      std::unique_ptr<FastPairDataEncryptor> data_encryptor,
      std::unique_ptr<FastPairGattServiceClient> gatt_service_client);
  FastPairHandshake(scoped_refptr<device::BluetoothAdapter> adapter,
                    scoped_refptr<Device> device);
  FastPairHandshake(const FastPairHandshake&) = delete;
  FastPairHandshake& operator=(const FastPairHandshake&) = delete;
  virtual ~FastPairHandshake();

  virtual void SetUpHandshake(OnFailureCallback on_failure_callback,
                              OnCompleteCallbackNew on_success_callback) = 0;
  virtual void Reset() = 0;

  bool completed_successfully() { return completed_successfully_; }

  void set_completed_successfully() { completed_successfully_ = true; }

  FastPairDataEncryptor* fast_pair_data_encryptor() {
    return fast_pair_data_encryptor_.get();

  void BleAddressRotated(OnBleAddressRotationCallback callback) {
    on_ble_address_rotation_callback_ = std::move(callback);

  bool DidBleAddressRotate() {
    return !on_ble_address_rotation_callback_.is_null();

  void RunBleAddressRotationCallback() {
    return std::move(on_ble_address_rotation_callback_).Run();

  bool completed_successfully_ = false;
  scoped_refptr<device::BluetoothAdapter> adapter_;
  scoped_refptr<Device> device_;
  // TODO(b/265853116): Audit FastPairHandshake code once refactor is completed
  // and legacy code is removed.
  OnCompleteCallback on_complete_callback_;
  OnCompleteCallbackNew on_complete_callback_new_;
  OnFailureCallback on_failure_callback_;
  std::unique_ptr<FastPairDataEncryptor> fast_pair_data_encryptor_;

  // This callback will only be set if a BLE Address rotation happens during a
  // retroactive pair. The callback being set signals that a rotation
  // happened, if the callback has no value, a rotation did not occur.
  OnBleAddressRotationCallback on_ble_address_rotation_callback_;

}  // namespace quick_pair
}  // namespace ash