
// Copyright (c) 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "quiche_platform_impl/quiche_reference_counted_impl.h"

#include "quiche/common/platform/api/quiche_export.h"

namespace quiche {

// Base class for explicitly reference-counted objects in QUIC.
class QUICHE_EXPORT QuicheReferenceCounted : public QuicheReferenceCountedImpl {};

// A class representing a reference counted pointer in QUIC.
// Construct or initialize QuicheReferenceCountedPointer from raw pointer. Here
// raw pointer MUST be a newly created object. Reference count of a newly
// created object is undefined, but that will be 1 after being added to
// QuicheReferenceCountedPointer.
// QuicheReferenceCountedPointer is used as a local variable.
// QuicheReferenceCountedPointer<T> r_ptr(new T());
// or, equivalently:
// QuicheReferenceCountedPointer<T> r_ptr;
// T* p = new T();
// r_ptr = T;
// QuicheReferenceCountedPointer is used as a member variable:
// MyClass::MyClass() : r_ptr(new T()) {}
// This is WRONG, since *p is not guaranteed to be newly created:
// MyClass::MyClass(T* p) : r_ptr(p) {}
// Given an existing QuicheReferenceCountedPointer, create a duplicate that has
// its own reference on the object:
// QuicheReferenceCountedPointer<T> r_ptr_b(r_ptr_a);
// or, equivalently:
// QuicheReferenceCountedPointer<T> r_ptr_b = r_ptr_a;
// Given an existing QuicheReferenceCountedPointer, create a
// QuicheReferenceCountedPointer that adopts the reference:
// QuicheReferenceCountedPointer<T> r_ptr_b(std::move(r_ptr_a));
// or, equivalently:
// QuicheReferenceCountedPointer<T> r_ptr_b = std::move(r_ptr_a);

template <class T>
class QUICHE_NO_EXPORT QuicheReferenceCountedPointer {};

}  // namespace quiche