// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/views/view.h"
namespace gfx {
class Rect;
} // namespace gfx
namespace chromeos::editor_menu {
enum class CardType {
// Currently `kDefault` can be either Quick Answers or Mahi Condensed Menu
// Card.
kDefault = 0,
kEditorMenu = 1,
kMahiDefaultMenu = 2,
kMagicBoostOptInCard = 3,
// Spacing between the editor menu and the anchor view (context menu).
inline constexpr int kEditorMenuMarginDip = 8;
// Minimum width of the editor menu.
inline constexpr int kEditorMenuMinWidthDip = 320;
inline constexpr int kMahiMenuTopBottomMinWidthDip = 240;
inline constexpr int kBigEditorMenuMinWidthDip = 480;
// Helper to compute editor menu bounds that for the provided anchor view
// bounds. This tries to position the editor menu somewhere above/below/around
// the anchor view while keeping the editor menu on-screen. Provided anchor view
// bounds and returned editor menu bounds are both in screen coordinates.
// How does this work internally?
// Given the position of context menu (anchor_view_bounds), we need to find
// the best on-screen position to fit the editor menu widget.
// There 6 possible candidates of the position:
// 1. Top.
// 2. Bottom.
// 3. Top left corner.
// 4. Top right corner.
// 5. Bottom left corner.
// 6. Bottom right corner.
// Extract constraints:
// 1. Top and bottom (1&2) candidate have at least the same width as context
// menu.
// 2. The width of all candidtes must be 320 px.
// 3. Side canddiates will move closer to cursor point vertically if
// they are on the same side of cursor point.
// We will pick the best candidate based on the following priorities:
// 1) Maximize visible area.
// 2) Minimize the distance from editor menu widget to cursor point.
// +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | +-------+ screen |
// | | 1 | |
// | +---+-------+---------+ |
// | | 3 | | 4 | |
// | +---+ +---------+ |
// | | menu | |
// | +---+ +---------+ |
// | | 5 | | 6 | |
// | +---+-------+---------+ |
// | | 2 | |
// | +-------+ |
// | |
// | |
// +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
gfx::Rect GetEditorMenuBounds(const gfx::Rect& anchor_view_bounds,
const views::View* target,
const CardType card_type = CardType::kDefault);
} // namespace chromeos::editor_menu