
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <memory>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>

#include <openssl/base.h>

#include "cert_error_id.h"


class CertErrors;

OPENSSL_EXPORT extern const CertErrorId kFailedParsingGeneralName;

namespace der {
class Input;
}  // namespace der

// Bitfield values for the GeneralName types defined in RFC 5280. The ordering
// and exact values are not important, but match the order from the RFC for
// convenience.
enum GeneralNameTypes {};

// Represents a GeneralNames structure. When processing GeneralNames, it is
// often necessary to know which types of names were present, and to check
// all the names of a certain type. Therefore, a bitfield of all the name
// types is kept, and the names are split into members for each type.
struct OPENSSL_EXPORT GeneralNames {};

// Parses a GeneralName value and adds it to |subtrees|.
// |ip_address_type| specifies how to parse iPAddress names.
// Returns false on failure, and may fill |errors| with additional information.
// |errors| must be non-null.
// TODO(mattm): should this be a method on GeneralNames?
[[nodiscard]] OPENSSL_EXPORT bool ParseGeneralName(
    der::Input input,
    GeneralNames::ParseGeneralNameIPAddressType ip_address_type,
    GeneralNames *subtrees, CertErrors *errors);