// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/ui/views/frame/browser_view_ash.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "base/check.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/sad_tab_helper.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/views/frame/browser_view.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/views/sad_tab_view.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/views/side_panel/side_panel.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rounded_corners_f.h"
#include "ui/views/controls/webview/webview.h"
BrowserViewAsh::BrowserViewAsh(std::unique_ptr<Browser> browser)
: BrowserView(std::move(browser)) {}
void BrowserViewAsh::Layout(PassKey) {
// In ChromeOS ash we round the bottom two corners of the browser frame by
// rounding the respective corners of visible client contents i.e main web
// contents, devtools web contents and side panel. When ever there is change
// in the layout or visibility of these contents (devtools opened, devtools
// docked placement change, side panel open etc), we might need to update
// which corners are currently rounded. See
// `BrowserNonClientFrameViewChromeOS::UpdateWindowRoundedCorners()` for more
// details.
void BrowserViewAsh::UpdateWindowRoundedCorners(int corner_radius) {
SidePanel* side_panel = unified_side_panel();
const bool right_aligned_side_panel_showing =
side_panel->GetVisible() && side_panel->IsRightAligned();
const bool left_aligned_side_panel_showing =
side_panel->GetVisible() && !side_panel->IsRightAligned();
// If side panel is visible, round one of the bottom two corners of the side
// panel based on its alignment w.r.t to web contents.
const gfx::RoundedCornersF side_panel_radii(
0, 0, right_aligned_side_panel_showing ? corner_radius : 0,
left_aligned_side_panel_showing ? corner_radius : 0);
if (side_panel_radii != side_panel->background_radii()) {
views::WebView* devtools_webview = devtools_web_view();
// If devtools are visible, round one of the bottom two corners of the
// the devtools context based on the alignment of the side panel. Since
// devtools cover the full bounds of the web contents container, if the side
// panel is not visible, we have to round the bottom two corners of side panel
// irrespective of its docked placement.
const gfx::RoundedCornersF devtools_webview_radii(
0, 0, right_aligned_side_panel_showing ? 0 : corner_radius,
left_aligned_side_panel_showing ? 0 : corner_radius);
if (devtools_webview_radii_ != devtools_webview_radii) {
devtools_webview_radii_ = devtools_webview_radii;
const DevToolsDockedPlacement devtools_placement =
CHECK_NE(devtools_placement, DevToolsDockedPlacement::kUnknown);
// Rounded the contents webview.
ContentsWebView* contents_webview = contents_web_view();
const views::View* container = contents_container();
const bool devtools_showing =
contents_webview->bounds() != container->GetLocalBounds();
// With window controls overlay enabled, the web content extends over the
// entire window height, overlapping the window's top-two rounded corners.
// Consequently, we need to make the top two corners of the web_view
// rounded as well.
const bool round_content_webview_top_corner =
const gfx::RoundedCornersF contents_webview_radii(
round_content_webview_top_corner ? corner_radius : 0,
round_content_webview_top_corner ? corner_radius : 0,
right_aligned_side_panel_showing ||
(devtools_showing &&
devtools_placement != DevToolsDockedPlacement::kLeft)
? 0
: corner_radius,
left_aligned_side_panel_showing ||
(devtools_showing &&
devtools_placement != DevToolsDockedPlacement::kRight)
? 0
: corner_radius);
if (contents_webview->web_contents()) {
// SideTabView is shown when the renderer crashes. Initially the SabTabView
// gets the same corners as the contents webview it gets attached to but its
// radii needs to be updated as it is unaware of the client view layout
// changes.
if (auto* sad_tab_helper =
sad_tab_helper && sad_tab_helper->sad_tab()) {
SadTabView* sad_tab_view =
if (sad_tab_view->GetBackgroundRadii() != contents_webview_radii) {
} else {
// We only round contents_webview, if SadTabView is not showing.
if (contents_webview_radii_ != contents_webview_radii) {
contents_webview_radii_ = contents_webview_radii;
if (contents_webview->background_radii() != contents_webview_radii) {