// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/ui/views/frame/top_controls_slide_controller_chromeos.h"
#include <vector>
#include "base/auto_reset.h"
#include "base/functional/bind.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "cc/input/browser_controls_offset_tags_info.h"
#include "cc/input/browser_controls_state.h"
#include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
#include "chrome/browser/search/search.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/views/frame/browser_view.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/views/frame/top_container_view.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/views/location_bar/location_bar_view.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/views/omnibox/omnibox_view_views.h"
#include "chrome/common/url_constants.h"
#include "components/permissions/permission_request_manager.h"
#include "components/security_state/content/security_state_tab_helper.h"
#include "content/public/browser/focused_node_details.h"
#include "content/public/browser/navigation_controller.h"
#include "content/public/browser/navigation_entry.h"
#include "content/public/browser/navigation_handle.h"
#include "content/public/browser/render_view_host.h"
#include "content/public/browser/render_widget_host.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents_observer.h"
#include "extensions/common/constants.h"
#include "ui/aura/window.h"
#include "ui/aura/window_tree_host.h"
#include "ui/compositor/layer.h"
#include "ui/compositor/scoped_layer_animation_settings.h"
#include "ui/display/display.h"
#include "ui/display/screen.h"
#include "ui/display/tablet_state.h"
#include "ui/views/controls/native/native_view_host.h"
namespace {
bool IsSpokenFeedbackEnabled() {
auto* accessibility_manager = ash::AccessibilityManager::Get();
return accessibility_manager &&
// TODO(crbug.com/40741702): Enable accessibility (a11y) support for
// Lacros.
NOTIMPLEMENTED() << "Enable accessibility support for Lacros.";
return false;
// Based on the current status of |contents|, returns the browser top controls
// shown state constraints, which specifies if the top controls are allowed to
// be only shown, or either shown or hidden.
// This function is mostly similar to its corresponding Android one in Java code
// (See TabStateBrowserControlsVisibilityDelegate#canAutoHideBrowserControls()
// in TabStateBrowserControlsVisibilityDelegate.java).
cc::BrowserControlsState GetBrowserControlsStateConstraints(
content::WebContents* contents) {
if (!display::Screen::GetScreen()->InTabletMode() ||
contents->IsFullscreen() || contents->IsFocusedElementEditable() ||
contents->IsBeingDestroyed() || contents->IsCrashed() ||
IsSpokenFeedbackEnabled()) {
return cc::BrowserControlsState::kShown;
content::NavigationEntry* entry = contents->GetController().GetVisibleEntry();
if (!entry || entry->GetPageType() != content::PAGE_TYPE_NORMAL)
return cc::BrowserControlsState::kShown;
const GURL& url = entry->GetURL();
if (url.SchemeIs(content::kChromeUIScheme) ||
url.SchemeIs(chrome::kChromeNativeScheme) ||
url.SchemeIs(extensions::kExtensionScheme)) {
return cc::BrowserControlsState::kShown;
Profile* profile = Profile::FromBrowserContext(contents->GetBrowserContext());
if (profile && search::IsNTPOrRelatedURL(url, profile))
return cc::BrowserControlsState::kShown;
auto* helper = SecurityStateTabHelper::FromWebContents(contents);
switch (helper->GetSecurityLevel()) {
case security_state::WARNING:
case security_state::DANGEROUS:
return cc::BrowserControlsState::kShown;
// Force compiler failure if new security level types were added without
// this being updated.
case security_state::NONE:
case security_state::SECURE:
case security_state::SECURITY_LEVEL_COUNT:
// Keep top-chrome visible while a permission bubble is visible.
auto* permission_manager =
if (permission_manager && permission_manager->IsRequestInProgress())
return cc::BrowserControlsState::kShown;
return cc::BrowserControlsState::kBoth;
// Triggers a visual properties synchrnoization event on |contents|' main
// frame's view's widget.
void SynchronizeVisualProperties(content::WebContents* contents) {
content::RenderFrameHost* main_frame = contents->GetPrimaryMainFrame();
if (!main_frame)
auto* rvh = main_frame->GetRenderViewHost();
if (!rvh)
auto* widget = rvh->GetWidget();
if (!widget)
} // namespace
// TopControlsSlideTabObserver:
// Pushes updates of the browser top controls state constraints to the renderer
// when certain events happen on the webcontents. It also keeps track of the
// current top controls shown ratio for this tab so that it stays in sync with
// the corresponding value that the tab's renderer has.
class TopControlsSlideTabObserver
: public content::WebContentsObserver,
public permissions::PermissionRequestManager::Observer {
TopControlsSlideTabObserver(content::WebContents* web_contents,
TopControlsSlideControllerChromeOS* owner)
: content::WebContentsObserver(web_contents), owner_(owner) {
// This object is constructed when |web_contents| is attached to the
// browser's tabstrip, meaning that Browser is now the delegate of
// |web_contents|. Updating the visual properties will now sync the correct
// top chrome height in the renderer.
auto* permission_manager =
if (permission_manager)
TopControlsSlideTabObserver(const TopControlsSlideTabObserver&) = delete;
TopControlsSlideTabObserver& operator=(const TopControlsSlideTabObserver&) =
~TopControlsSlideTabObserver() override {
auto* permission_manager =
if (permission_manager)
float shown_ratio() const { return shown_ratio_; }
bool shrink_renderer_size() const { return shrink_renderer_size_; }
void SetShownRatio(float ratio, bool sliding_or_scrolling_in_progress) {
shown_ratio_ = ratio;
if (!sliding_or_scrolling_in_progress)
void UpdateDoBrowserControlsShrinkRendererSize() {
shrink_renderer_size_ = shown_ratio_ == 1.f;
// content::WebContentsObserver:
void PrimaryMainFrameRenderProcessGone(
base::TerminationStatus status) override {
// There is no renderer to communicate with, so just ensure top-chrome
// is shown. Also the render may have crashed before resetting the gesture
// in progress bit.
owner_->SetShownRatio(web_contents(), 1.f);
void OnRendererUnresponsive(
content::RenderProcessHost* render_process_host) override {
// The render process might respond shortly, so instruct the renderer to
// show top-chrome, and show it manually immediately.
owner_->SetShownRatio(web_contents(), 1.f);
void DidFinishNavigation(
content::NavigationHandle* navigation_handle) override {
if (navigation_handle->IsInPrimaryMainFrame() &&
navigation_handle->HasCommitted()) {
void DidFailLoad(content::RenderFrameHost* render_frame_host,
const GURL& validated_url,
int error_code) override {
if (render_frame_host->IsActive() &&
render_frame_host->IsInPrimaryMainFrame()) {
void DidChangeVisibleSecurityState() override {
void OnFocusChangedInPage(content::FocusedNodeDetails* details) override {
// Even if a non-editable node gets focused, if top-chrome is fully shown,
// we should also update the browser controls state constraints so that
// top-chrome is able to be hidden again.
if (details->is_editable_node || shown_ratio_ == 1.f)
// PermissionRequestManager::Observer:
void OnPromptAdded() override {
void OnRequestsFinalized() override {
// This will update the shown constraints.
void UpdateBrowserControlsStateShown(bool animate) {
owner_->UpdateBrowserControlsStateShown(web_contents(), animate);
const raw_ptr<TopControlsSlideControllerChromeOS> owner_;
// Tracks the current shown ratio of this tab as synchronized with its
// renderer. This is needed because when switching tabs, we must restore the
// shown ratio of the newly-activated tab manually, not just ask the renderer
// to animate it to shown. The renderer may never animate anything to fully
// shown. Here's an example:
// Assume we have two tabs:
// +-------+-------+
// | Tab 1 | Tab 2 |
// +-------+-------+
// - User scrolls and hides top-chrome for tab 1.
// - User presses Ctrl + Tab to switch to tab 2.
// - We *just* ask the renderer to show top-chrome for tab 2.
// - Tab 2's renderer thinks that shown ratio is already 1 and top-chrome is
// already shown.
// - Renderer doesn't call us, and top-chrome remains hidden even though it
// should be shown.
float shown_ratio_ = 1.f;
// Indicates whether the renderer's viewport size should be shrunk by the
// height of the browser's top controls. This value never changes while
// sliding is in progress. It is updated only once right before sliding begins
// and remains unchanged until sliding ends, at which point it is updated
// right before the final layout of the BrowserView.
// https://crbug.com/885223.
bool shrink_renderer_size_ = true;
// TopControlsSlideControllerChromeOS:
BrowserView* browser_view)
: browser_view_(browser_view) {
observed_omni_box_ = browser_view->GetLocationBarView()->omnibox_view();
auto* accessibility_manager = ash::AccessibilityManager::Get();
if (accessibility_manager) {
accessibility_status_subscription_ =
TopControlsSlideControllerChromeOS::~TopControlsSlideControllerChromeOS() {
if (observed_omni_box_)
bool TopControlsSlideControllerChromeOS::IsEnabled() const {
return is_enabled_;
float TopControlsSlideControllerChromeOS::GetShownRatio() const {
return shown_ratio_;
void TopControlsSlideControllerChromeOS::SetShownRatio(
content::WebContents* contents,
float ratio) {
if (pause_updates_)
// Make sure the value tracked per tab is always updated even when sliding is
// disabled, so that we're always synchronized with the renderer.
// The only times the `DoBrowserControlsShrinkRendererSize` bit is allowed to
// change are:
// 1) Right before we begin sliding the controls, which happens immediately
// after we set a fractional shown ratio.
// 2) As soon as both gesture scrolling has finished and controls reach a
// terminal value (1 or 0). Note that a scroll might finish but controls
// might still be animating. In this case,
// `DoBrowserControlsShrinkRendererSize` is changed when the animation
// finishes.
const bool is_enabled = IsEnabled();
const bool sliding_or_scrolling_in_progress =
is_gesture_scrolling_in_progress_ || is_sliding_in_progress_ ||
(is_enabled && ratio != 0.f && ratio != 1.f);
if (!is_enabled) {
// However, if sliding is disabled, we don't update |shown_ratio_|, which is
// the current value for the entire browser, and it must always be 1.f (i.e.
// the top controls are fully shown).
DCHECK_EQ(shown_ratio_, 1.f);
// Skip |shown_ratio_| update if the changes are not from the active
// WebContents.
if (contents != browser_view_->GetActiveWebContents())
if (shown_ratio_ == ratio)
shown_ratio_ = ratio;
// When disabling is deferred, we're waiting for the render to fully show top-
// chrome, so look for a value of 1.f. The renderer may be animating towards
// that value.
if (defer_disabling_ && shown_ratio_ == 1.f) {
defer_disabling_ = false;
// Don't just set |is_enabled_| to false. Make sure it's a correct value.
void TopControlsSlideControllerChromeOS::OnBrowserFullscreenStateWillChange(
bool new_fullscreen_state) {
bool TopControlsSlideControllerChromeOS::DoBrowserControlsShrinkRendererSize(
const content::WebContents* contents) const {
if (!IsEnabled())
return false;
auto* tab_observer = GetTabSlideObserverForWebContents(contents);
return tab_observer && tab_observer->shrink_renderer_size();
void TopControlsSlideControllerChromeOS::SetTopControlsGestureScrollInProgress(
bool in_progress) {
if (is_gesture_scrolling_in_progress_ == in_progress)
is_gesture_scrolling_in_progress_ = in_progress;
if (update_state_after_gesture_scrolling_ends_) {
update_state_after_gesture_scrolling_ends_ = false;
pause_updates_ = false;
if (!IsEnabled())
if (is_gesture_scrolling_in_progress_) {
// Once gesture scrolling starts, the renderer is expected to
// SetShownRatio() or at least call back here to reset
// |is_gesture_scrolling_in_progress_| back to false. Nothing needs to be
// done here.
// Regardless of the value of |is_sliding_in_progress_|, which may be:
// - True:
// * We haven't reached a terminal value (1.f or 0.f) for the
// |shown_ratio_|. In this case the render should continue by animating
// the top controls towards one side. Therefore we wait for that to
// happen.
// * We are already at a terminal value of the |shown_ratio_| but sliding
// hasn't ended, because gesture scrolling hasn't ended (for example user
// scrolls top-chrome up until it's fully hidden, keeps their finger down
// without movement for a bit, and then releases finger).
// - False:
// * In tests, where flings can be very fast that the renderer sets the
// shown ratio from one terminal value to the opposite terminal value
// directly (without fractional values). In this case no sliding happens,
// but we still want to commit the new value of the shown ratio, once
// gesture scrolling ends.
// Calling refresh will take care of the above cases.
bool TopControlsSlideControllerChromeOS::IsTopControlsGestureScrollInProgress()
const {
return is_gesture_scrolling_in_progress_;
bool TopControlsSlideControllerChromeOS::IsTopControlsSlidingInProgress()
const {
return is_sliding_in_progress_;
void TopControlsSlideControllerChromeOS::OnDisplayTabletStateChanged(
display::TabletState state) {
switch (state) {
case display::TabletState::kInTabletMode:
case display::TabletState::kInClamshellMode:
case display::TabletState::kEnteringTabletMode:
case display::TabletState::kExitingTabletMode:
void TopControlsSlideControllerChromeOS::OnTabStripModelChanged(
TabStripModel* tab_strip_model,
const TabStripModelChange& change,
const TabStripSelectionChange& selection) {
if (change.type() == TabStripModelChange::kInserted) {
for (const auto& contents : change.GetInsert()->contents) {
contents.contents, this));
} else if (change.type() == TabStripModelChange::kRemoved) {
for (const auto& contents : change.GetRemove()->contents)
} else if (change.type() == TabStripModelChange::kReplaced) {
auto* replace = change.GetReplace();
replace->new_contents, this));
if (tab_strip_model->empty() || !selection.active_tab_changed())
content::WebContents* new_active_contents = selection.new_contents;
// Restore the newly-activated tab's shown ratio. If this is a newly inserted
// tab, its |shown_ratio_| is 1.0f.
UpdateBrowserControlsStateShown(new_active_contents, /*animate=*/true);
void TopControlsSlideControllerChromeOS::SetTabNeedsAttentionAt(
int index,
bool attention) {
UpdateBrowserControlsStateShown(/*web_contents=*/nullptr, /*animate=*/true);
void TopControlsSlideControllerChromeOS::OnDisplayMetricsChanged(
const display::Display& display,
uint32_t changed_metrics) {
if (!IsEnabled())
if (!is_sliding_in_progress_ || !is_gesture_scrolling_in_progress_)
// If any of the below display metrics changes while both sliding and gesture
// scrolling are in progress, we force-set the top controls to be fully shown,
// and temporarily disables the state of the top controls sliding feature
// until the user lifts their finger to end gesture scrolling, at which point
// we set it back to its correct value.
// This is necessary, since this way the browser view will layout properly,
// avoiding having a broken page or a broken browser view if one of the below
// changes happen while the top controls are not in a steady state.
constexpr int kCheckedMetrics =
display::DisplayObserver::DISPLAY_METRIC_BOUNDS |
display::DisplayObserver::DISPLAY_METRIC_WORK_AREA |
display::DisplayObserver::DISPLAY_METRIC_ROTATION |
display::DisplayObserver::DISPLAY_METRIC_PRIMARY |
if ((changed_metrics & kCheckedMetrics) == 0)
if (browser_view_->GetNativeWindow()->GetHost()->GetDisplayId() !=
display.id()) {
content::WebContents* active_contents = browser_view_->GetActiveWebContents();
if (!active_contents)
update_state_after_gesture_scrolling_ends_ = true;
// Setting |is_gesture_scrolling_in_progress_| to false temporarily will end
// the sliding when we set the shown ratio to a terminal value of 1.f.
base::AutoReset<bool> resetter{&is_gesture_scrolling_in_progress_, false};
SetShownRatio(active_contents, 1.f);
pause_updates_ = true;
void TopControlsSlideControllerChromeOS::OnViewIsDeleting(
views::View* observed_view) {
DCHECK_EQ(observed_view, observed_omni_box_);
observed_omni_box_ = nullptr;
UpdateBrowserControlsStateShown(/*web_contents=*/nullptr, /*animate=*/true);
void TopControlsSlideControllerChromeOS::OnViewFocused(
views::View* observed_view) {
DCHECK_EQ(observed_view, observed_omni_box_);
UpdateBrowserControlsStateShown(/*web_contents=*/nullptr, /*animate=*/true);
void TopControlsSlideControllerChromeOS::OnViewBlurred(
views::View* observed_view) {
DCHECK_EQ(observed_view, observed_omni_box_);
UpdateBrowserControlsStateShown(/*web_contents=*/nullptr, /*animate=*/true);
void TopControlsSlideControllerChromeOS::UpdateBrowserControlsStateShown(
content::WebContents* web_contents,
bool animate) {
web_contents =
web_contents ? web_contents : browser_view_->GetActiveWebContents();
if (!web_contents)
// If the omnibox is focused, then the top controls should be constrained to
// remain fully shown until the omnibox is blurred.
const cc::BrowserControlsState constraints_state =
observed_omni_box_ && observed_omni_box_->HasFocus()
? cc::BrowserControlsState::kShown
: GetBrowserControlsStateConstraints(web_contents);
const cc::BrowserControlsState current_state =
web_contents->UpdateBrowserControlsState(constraints_state, current_state,
animate, std::nullopt);
bool TopControlsSlideControllerChromeOS::CanEnable(
std::optional<bool> fullscreen_state) const {
return display::Screen::GetScreen()->InTabletMode() &&
void TopControlsSlideControllerChromeOS::OnAccessibilityStatusChanged(
const ash::AccessibilityStatusEventDetails& event_details) {
if (event_details.notification_type !=
ash::AccessibilityNotificationType::kToggleSpokenFeedback) {
UpdateBrowserControlsStateShown(/*web_contents=*/nullptr, /*animate=*/true);
void TopControlsSlideControllerChromeOS::OnEnabledStateChanged(bool new_state) {
if (new_state == is_enabled_)
is_enabled_ = new_state;
content::WebContents* active_contents = browser_view_->GetActiveWebContents();
if (!active_contents)
if (!new_state && shown_ratio_ < 1.f) {
// We should never set the shown ratio immediately here, rather ask the
// renderer to show top-chrome without animation. Since this will happen
// later asynchronously, we need to defer the enabled status update until
// we get called by the renderer to set the shown ratio to 1.f. Otherwise
// we will layout the page to a smaller height before the renderer gets
// to know that it needs to update the shown ratio to 1.f.
// https://crbug.com/884453.
is_enabled_ = true;
defer_disabling_ = true;
} else {
defer_disabling_ = false;
// Now that the state of this feature is changed, force the renderer to get
// the new top controls height by triggering a visual properties
// synchrnoization event.
// This will also update the browser controls state constraints in the render
// now that the state changed.
UpdateBrowserControlsStateShown(/*web_contents=*/nullptr, /*animate=*/false);
void TopControlsSlideControllerChromeOS::Refresh() {
const bool got_a_terminal_shown_ratio =
(shown_ratio_ == 1.f || shown_ratio_ == 0.f);
if (!is_gesture_scrolling_in_progress_ && got_a_terminal_shown_ratio) {
// Reached a terminal value and gesture scrolling is not in progress.
if (!is_sliding_in_progress_) {
if (got_a_terminal_shown_ratio) {
// Don't start sliding until we receive a fractional shown ratio.
// Using |shown_ratio_|, translate the browser top controls (using the root
// view layer), as well as the layer of page contents native view's container
// (which is the clipping window in the case of a NativeViewHostAura).
// The translation is done in the Y-coordinate by an amount equal to the
// height of the hidden part of the browser top controls.
const int top_container_height = browser_view_->top_container()->height();
const float y_translation = top_container_height * (shown_ratio_ - 1.f);
gfx::Transform trans;
trans.Translate(0, y_translation);
ui::Layer* root_layer = browser_view_->frame()->GetRootView()->layer();
std::vector<ui::Layer*> layers = {root_layer};
// We need to transform all the native views' containers of all the attached
// NativeViewHosts to this BrowserView, rather than the NativeViewHosts
// themselves. The attached NativeViewHosts can be active tab's WebContents,
// and the webui tabstrip (if enabled). This is because for example in the
// case of the tab's WebContents, the container in the case of aura is the
// clipping window. If we translate the WebContents native view the page will
// appear to scroll, but clipping window will act as a static/ view port that
// doesn't move with the top controls.
for (auto* native_view_host :
browser_view_->GetNativeViewHostsForTopControlsSlide()) {
<< "The native view didn't attach yet to the NativeViewHost!";
for (auto* layer : layers) {
ui::ScopedLayerAnimationSettings settings(layer->GetAnimator());
void TopControlsSlideControllerChromeOS::OnBeginSliding() {
// It should never be called again.
// Explicitly update the `DoBrowserControlsShrinkRendererSize` bit here before
// we begin sliding, and before we resize the browser view below, which will
// result in changing the bounds of the `BrowserView::contents_web_view_`,
// causing the RednerWidgetHost to request the new value of the
// `DoBrowserControlsShrinkRendererSize` bit, which should be false from now
// on, during and after sliding, until only sliding ends and the top controls
// are fully shown.
is_sliding_in_progress_ = true;
BrowserFrame* browser_frame = browser_view_->frame();
views::View* root_view = browser_frame->GetRootView();
// We paint to layer to be able to efficiently translate the browser
// top-controls without having to adjust the bounds of the views which trigger
// re-layouts and re-paints, which makes scrolling feel laggy.
// We need to make the layer non-opaque as the tabstrip has transparent areas
// (where there are no tabs) which shows the frame header from underneath it.
// Making the root view paint to a layer will always produce garbage and
// artifacts while the layer is being scrolled if it's left to be opaque.
// Making it non-opaque fixes this issue.
// We need to fix the order of the layers after making the root view paint to
// layer. Otherwise, the root view's layer will show on top of the contents'
// native view's layer and cover it.
ui::Layer* widget_layer = browser_frame->GetLayer();
// OnBeginSliding() means we are in a transient state (i.e. the top controls
// didn't reach its final state of either fully shown or fully hidden). During
// this state, we resize the widget's root view to be bigger in height so the
// contents can take up more space, and slidding top-chrome doesn't result in
// showing clipped web contents.
// This resize will trigger a relayout on the BrowserView which will take care
// of positioning everything correctly (See BrowserViewLayout).
// Note: It's ok to trigger a layout at the beginning and ending of the slide
// but not in-between. Layers transforms handles the in-between.
gfx::Rect root_bounds = root_view->bounds();
const int top_container_height = browser_view_->top_container()->height();
const int new_height = widget_layer->bounds().height() + top_container_height;
// Changing the bounds will have triggered an InvalidateLayout() on
// NativeViewHost. InvalidateLayout() results in layout being performed later,
// after transforms are set. NativeViewHostAura calculates the bounds of the
// window using transforms. By calling LayoutRootViewIfNecessary() we force
// the layout now, before any transforms are installed. To do otherwise
// results in NativeViewHost positioning the WebContents at the wrong
// location.
// TODO(crbug.com/40622302): this is rather fragile, and the code should
// deal with layout being performed during the slide.
// We don't want anything to show outside the browser window's bounds.
void TopControlsSlideControllerChromeOS::OnEndSliding() {
// This should only be called at terminal values of the |shown_ratio_|.
DCHECK(shown_ratio_ == 1.f || shown_ratio_ == 0.f);
// It should never be called while gesture scrolling is still in progress.
// If disabling is deferred, sliding should end only when top-chrome is fully
// shown.
DCHECK(!defer_disabling_ || (shown_ratio_ == 1.f));
// It can, however, be called when sliding is not in progress as a result of
// Setting the value directly (for example due to renderer crash), or a direct
// call from the renderer to set the shown ratio to a terminal value.
is_sliding_in_progress_ = false;
// At the end of sliding, we reset the transforms of all the attached
// NativeViewHostAuras' clipping windows' layers to identity. From now on, the
// views layout takes care of where everything is.
const gfx::Transform identity_transform;
for (auto* native_view_host :
browser_view_->GetNativeViewHostsForTopControlsSlide()) {
<< "The native view didn't attach yet to the NativeViewHost!";
BrowserFrame* browser_frame = browser_view_->frame();
views::View* root_view = browser_frame->GetRootView();
ui::Layer* widget_layer = browser_frame->GetLayer();
// Note the difference between the below root view resize, and the
// corresponding one in OnBeginSliding() above. Here we have reached a steady
// terminal (|shown_ratio_| is either 1.f or 0.f) state, which means the
// height of the root view should be restored to the height of the widget.
// Note: It's ok to trigger a layout at the beginning and ending of the slide
// but not in-between. Layers transforms handles the in-between.
auto root_bounds = root_view->bounds();
const int original_height = root_bounds.height();
const int new_height = widget_layer->bounds().height();
// This must be updated here **before** the browser is laid out, since the
// renderer (as a result of the layout) may query this value, and hence it
// should be correct.
// We need to guarantee a browser view re-layout, but want to avoid doing that
// twice.
if (new_height != original_height) {
} else {
// This can happen when setting the shown ratio directly from one terminal
// value to the opposite. The height of the root view doesn't change, but
// the browser view must be re-laid out.
// If the top controls are fully hidden, then the top container is laid out
// such that its bounds are outside the window. The window should continue to
// mask anything outside its bounds.
widget_layer->SetMasksToBounds(shown_ratio_ < 1.f);
void TopControlsSlideControllerChromeOS::
UpdateDoBrowserControlsShrinkRendererSize() {
// It should never be called while sliding is in progress.
content::WebContents* active_contents = browser_view_->GetActiveWebContents();
if (!active_contents)
auto* tab_observer = GetTabSlideObserverForWebContents(active_contents);
if (tab_observer)
const content::WebContents* contents) const {
auto iter = observed_tabs_.find(contents);
if (iter == observed_tabs_.end()) {
// this may be called for a new tab that hasn't attached yet to the
// tabstrip.
return nullptr;
return iter->second.get();