# On Profile Management
Profile Management refers to the various flows around profile creation and
setting up a user's identity in their profile. The profile picker
([`ProfilePickerView`](profile_picker_view.h)) is the main surface for this.
Many steps, states and asynchronous operations are involved in these UIs, and
to pass context around we rely on a lot of callbacks. This is an overview of the
main callbacks used in the profile management flow, highlighted here through the
first run experience flow.

Diagram source:
participant User
participant Caller as Caller:<br/>BrowserServiceLacros /<br/>StartupBrowserCreator
participant FRS as FirstRunService
participant PPV as ProfilePickerView
participant FC as FirstRunFlowController
User->>+Caller: Open Chrome
activate FRS
Caller->>FRS: OpenIfNeeded()<br/>with a ResumeTaskCallback<br/>aka void(bool success) callback
deactivate Caller
note right of FRS: stores the ResumeTaskCallback and sends<br/> a first_run_exited_callback which is bound to <br/>OnFirstRunHasExited having the signature<br/>void(FirstRunExitStatus)
FRS->>+PPV: ProfilePicker::Show()<br/>with first_run_exited_callback
PPV->>+FC: Init()
Note right of FC: FRE displayed,<br/>user advances through the flow.
alt flow completed
User->>FC: completes the flow
FC->>FRS: in PreFinishWithBrowser: run first_run_exited_callback with a<br/>success boolean based on the status
Note right of FRS: Handles the exit based on <br/>the status that is passed
FRS->>+Caller: run ResumeTaskCallback<br/>with success=true
Caller->>+Browser: launch browser
deactivate Caller
FC->>Browser: Opens a new browser or gets an<br/>existing one if present, schedules<br/>post_host_cleared_callback with it
FC->>PPV: Clear()
deactivate PPV
deactivate FC
FC->>Browser: execute post_host_cleared_callback
note right of Browser: User proceeds<br/>with their session
deactivate Browser
activate PPV
else flow quitted
User->>PPV: closing the widget starts destructing ProfilePickerView
PPV->>FRS: destruction runs first_run_exited_callback<br/>via the params' destructor
deactivate PPV
FRS->>+Caller: run ResumeTaskCallback<br/>with success=false
deactivate Caller
else chrome opened while first run is running
User->>+Caller: Open Chrome while the first run is still running
Caller->>FRS: OpenIfNeeded()<br/>with a ResumeTaskCallback<br/>aka void(bool success) callback
deactivate Caller
FRS->>+Caller: The first_run_exited_callback<br/>that was passed in the previous call to<br/>OpenIfNeeded() runs ResumeTaskCallback<br/> with success=false
deactivate Caller
FRS->>PPV: ProfilePicker::Show()<br/>with first_run_exited_callback
Note right of PPV: Opens the profile picker<br/> that has the first run already running.
deactivate FRS