// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module ash.settings.app_notification.mojom;
import "ui/webui/resources/cr_components/app_management/app_management.mojom";
// Whether an app is ready to launch, i.e. installed.
enum Readiness {
kUnknown = 0,
kReady, // Installed and launchable.
kDisabledByBlocklist, // Disabled by SafeBrowsing.
kDisabledByPolicy, // Disabled by admin policy.
kDisabledByUser, // Disabled by explicit user action.
kTerminated, // Renderer process crashed.
kDisabledByLocalSettings, // Disabled by local settings.
// Implementation of App
// Contains the app's id, title, and only the notification permission, as this
// is the only permission used in the AppNotificationsHandler.
// Only represents Apps with an app_type of kArc or kWeb (Pwa).
struct App {
// Unique identifier of the App.
string id;
// The title of the app,
// this field may be null when this struct is used to signal updates.
string? title;
// Whether an app is ready to launch, i.e. installed.
Readiness readiness;
// Contains the current permission state of the App's notification.
app_management.mojom.Permission notification_permission;
// Browser interface.
// Interface for for fetching and setting App notification
// properties in OSSettings.
interface AppNotificationsHandler {
// Updates QuietMode to enabled or disabled based on toggle state.
SetQuietMode(bool enabled);
// Binds remote and notifies receiver in OsSettings app notifications page UI.
AddObserver(pending_remote<AppNotificationsObserver> observer);
// Updates the permission of the specified app (via app_id).
SetNotificationPermission(string app_id,
app_management.mojom.Permission permission);
// Get the list of installed apps.
GetApps() => (array<App> apps);
// Get the Quiet Mode state.
GetQuietMode() => (bool enabled);
// Request the browser to open its notification settings.
// Frontend interface.
// Observer interface that sends remote updates to the App notifications
// subpage in OSSettings.
interface AppNotificationsObserver {
// Notifies clients when an app has been added, removed, or its notification
// permission changed.
OnNotificationAppChanged(App app);
// Notifies client when the DoNotDisturb (QuietMode) state changes.
OnQuietModeChanged(bool enabled);