
// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module ash.settings.app_parental_controls.mojom;

// Types of validation results for a PIN.
enum PinValidationResult {
  // PIN is not the correct length.
  // PIN is not numbers only.

// App representation for on-device parental controls settings. Contains the app
// id and title. Represents Apps that can be managed.
struct App {
  // Unique identifier of the App.
  string id;

  // The title of the app.
  // This field may be null when this struct is used to signal updates.
  string? title;

  // Whether the app is blocked by the local parental controls.
  bool is_blocked;

// Interface for fetching and setting the state of apps for on-device parental
// controls in OS Settings.
interface AppParentalControlsHandler {
  // Get the list of installed apps.
  GetApps() => (array<App> apps);

  // Updates the blocked state of the app identified by `app_id`.
  UpdateApp(string app_id, bool is_blocked);

  // Binds remote and notifies receiver in app parental controls page UI.
  AddObserver(pending_remote<AppParentalControlsObserver> observer);

  // Called when app controls are disabled in settings.

  // Returns if the PIN is a valid PIN that can be stored. If it is not a valid
  // PIN, returns the type of error that makes the PIN invalid.
  ValidatePin(string pin) => (PinValidationResult result);

  // Stores a PIN for on-device controls and marks the feature as being set up.
  // Returns false if the PIN being stored is not valid.
  SetUpPin(string pin) => (bool is_success);

  // Returns if the received PIN matches the PIN for on-device controls.
  VerifyPin(string pin) => (bool is_success);

  // Returns if setup for the on-device controls is completed.
  IsSetupCompleted() => (bool is_completed);

// Observer interface that sends remote updates to the app parental controls UI
// in OSSettings.
interface AppParentalControlsObserver {
  // Notifies clients when a new app is installed or an already installed app
  // has been updated.
  OnAppInstalledOrUpdated(App app);

  // Notifies clients when an app has been uninstalled.
  OnAppUninstalled(App app);