
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module ash.settings.mojom;

// Type of the display settings. Do not change the order since they are used
// for metrics. Keep in sync with the DisplaySettingsType enum in
// tools/metrics/histograms/metadata/chromeos_settings/enums.xml.
enum DisplaySettingsType {
  kResolution = 0,

// Available option of the display night light schedule. Do not change the
// order since they are used for metrics. Keep in sync with the
// DisplaySettingsNightLightScheduleOption enum in
// tools/metrics/histograms/metadata/chromeos_settings/enums.xml.
enum DisplaySettingsNightLightScheduleOption {
  kNever = 0,

// Available option of the display orientation. Do not change the
// order since they are used for metrics. Keep in sync with the
// DisplaySettingsOrientationOption enum in
// tools/metrics/histograms/metadata/chromeos_settings/enums.xml.
enum DisplaySettingsOrientationOption {
  kAuto = 0,

// Value of the display settings.
struct DisplaySettingsValue {
  // Whether the display is an internal display. This is optional since some
  // settings like toggling mirror mode apply to both internal and external
  // displays. In that case, this property will not be provided.
  bool? is_internal_display;

  // The id of the display. This is optional since we mostly don't need the
  // display id for histogram recording purpose. Only for default display
  // settings performance metrics, this is necessary to identify the time
  // elapsed when users change settings, otherwise those metrics will not
  // be recorded.
  int64? display_id;

  // The orientation of the display. This is available only when display
  // orientation is changed.
  DisplaySettingsOrientationOption? orientation;

  // The night light status of the display. This is available only when
  // display night light status is changed.
  bool? night_light_status;

  // The night light schedule of the display. This is available only when
  // display night light schedule is changed.
  DisplaySettingsNightLightScheduleOption? night_light_schedule;

  // The mirror mode status of the display. This is available only when
  // display mirror mode status is changed.
  bool? mirror_mode_status;

  // The unified mode status of the display. This is available only when
  // display unified mode status is changed.
  bool? unified_mode_status;

// Implemented by clients that wish to be notified when the tablet mode is
// changed.
interface TabletModeObserver {
  // OnTabletModeChanged calls are triggered when display mode has changed
  // between clamshell mode and tablet mode.
  OnTabletModeChanged(bool is_tablet_mode);

// Implemented by clients that wish to be notified when display configuration
// changes.
interface DisplayConfigurationObserver {
  // OnDisplayConfigurationChanged calls are triggered when display
  // configuration has changed.

// Implemented by clients that wish to be notified when display brightness
// settings change.
interface DisplayBrightnessSettingsObserver {
  // OnDisplayBrightnessChanged calls are triggered when the display brightness
  // of the internal screen has changed. `brightness_percent` is the new
  // brightness level, and `triggered_by_als` is true if the change was caused
  // by the Ambient Light Sensor (ALS).
  OnDisplayBrightnessChanged(double brightness_percent, bool triggered_by_als);

// Implemented by clients that wish to be notified when the status of the
// ambient light sensor changes.
// The ash browser process sends messages to this interface, which is hosted as
// a part of the Settings SWA (renderer process).
interface AmbientLightSensorObserver {
  // OnAmbientLightSensorEnabledChanged calls are triggered when the ambient
  // light sensor is enabled or disabled (i.e. whether the internal display will
  // use the device's ambient light sensor to automatically set the display
  // brightness).
  OnAmbientLightSensorEnabledChanged(bool is_ambient_light_sensor_enabled);

// Interface display related OS settings.
interface DisplaySettingsProvider {
  // Registers an observer for tablet mode changes and returns tablet mode
  // initial state.
  ObserveTabletMode(pending_remote<TabletModeObserver> observer) =>
    (bool is_tablet_mode);

  // Registers an observer for display configuration changes.
    pending_remote<DisplayConfigurationObserver> observer);

  // Registers an observer for display brightness settings.
    pending_remote<DisplayBrightnessSettingsObserver> observer) =>
    (double brightness_percent);

  // Registers an observer for ambient light sensor changes and returns whether
  // the ambient light sensor is currently enabled.
    pending_remote<AmbientLightSensorObserver> observer) =>
    (bool is_ambient_light_sensor_enabled);

  // Record metrics when clients request to change display settings.
  RecordChangingDisplaySettings(DisplaySettingsType type,
    DisplaySettingsValue value);

  // Allows users to set the higher performance mode for display features.
  SetShinyPerformance(bool enabled);

  // Sets the screen brightness of the internal display.
  SetInternalDisplayScreenBrightness(double percent);

  // Sets whether the internal display should use the device's ambient light
  // sensor to automatically set the display brightness.
  SetInternalDisplayAmbientLightSensorEnabled(bool enabled);

  // Initiates the native experience to map all touchscreen devices to the
  // correct display.

  // Returns whether the device has at least one ambient light sensor.
  // In case of error, |callback| will be run with |false|.
  HasAmbientLightSensor() => (bool has_ambient_light_sensor);