
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module mojom;

import "device/bluetooth/public/mojom/adapter.mojom";

// Handles requests from chrome://bluetooth-internals to enable or disable the
// usage of Bluetooth debug logs. The debug logs to be enabled reside in the
// kernel as well within BlueZ/NewBlue. Note that these logs are text-only and
// do not include captured packets from btmon.
interface DebugLogsChangeHandler {
  // Enables or disables debug logs, depending on the value of
  // |should_debug_logs_be_enabled|.
  ChangeDebugLogsState(bool should_debug_logs_be_enabled);

interface BluetoothInternalsHandler {
  // Gets an Adapter interface. Returns null if Bluetooth is not supported.
  GetAdapter() => (pending_remote<bluetooth.mojom.Adapter>? adapter);

  // Retrieves a handler for changing the state of debug logs. If debug logs are
  // not supported (e.g., the required flags are disabled or the logged-in user
  // is not eligible), null is returned. When a valid handler is returned, an
  // extra boolean is provided which represents the initial state of the toggle.
      => (pending_remote<DebugLogsChangeHandler>? handler,
          bool initial_toggle_value);

  // On Android, checks if the Chrome needs permissions to use Bluetooth.
  // This is needed for Android as it requires some system permissions to be
  // granted for accessing Bluetooth.
  // On other platforms, false is returned for all values.
  CheckSystemPermissions() => (bool need_location_permission,
    bool need_nearby_devices_permission, bool need_location_services,
    bool can_request_permissions);

  // On Android, this prompts the user for permissions necessary to access
  // Bluetooth.
  // On all other platforms, this is a no-op.
  RequestSystemPermissions() => ();

  // On Android, this requests the user to enable the Location Services by
  // showing them the settings page so they can turn it on.
  // On all other platforms, this is a no-op.
  RequestLocationServices() => ();

  // Restarts Bluetooth system.
  // If Bluetooth system is already off turns it back on.
  // If Bluetooth is unavailable this is no-op.
  RestartSystemBluetooth() => ();

  // On ChromeOS, starts a btsnoop process that writes to daemon-store.
  // If a previous process exists, stop it and create a new process.
  // This is not the snoop process that starts for internal account, that is
  // chrome/browser/ash/bluetooth/
  // On other platforms, it immediately returns null.
  StartBtsnoop() => (pending_remote<BluetoothBtsnoop>? btsnoop);

  // Returns whether btsnoop feature is enabled via flags.
  // When the flag is stable we can remove this.
  IsBtsnoopFeatureEnabled() => (bool enabled);

// Interface to control the btsnoop process returned by
// BluetoothInternalsHandler::StartBtsnoop.
interface BluetoothBtsnoop {
  // On ChromeOS, stops the btsnoop started by StartBtsnoop().
  // On other platforms, it shouldn't be callable, but anyway it immediately
  // returns false.
  // Calling this method will also close this interface.
  Stop() => (bool success);