// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module downloads.mojom;
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/string16.mojom";
import "url/mojom/url.mojom";
// Represents the possible responses to the survey on the chrome://downloads
// dangerous download interstitial.
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
// LINT.IfChange(DangerousDownloadInterstitialSurveyOptions)
enum DangerousDownloadInterstitialSurveyOptions{
kNoResponse = 0,
kCreatedFile = 1,
kTrustSite = 2,
kAcceptRisk = 3,
// LINT.ThenChange(//tools/metrics/histograms/metadata/download/enums.xml:DangerousDownloadInterstitialSurveyOptions)
// This is a subset of download::DownloadDangerType.
enum DangerType {
// This is the catch-all value for DownloadDangerTypes that are not relevant
// to the UI.
// This corresponds to DownloadUIModel::TailoredWarningType.
enum TailoredWarningType {
// Represents the state of a download in the UI.
enum State {
// See download::DownloadDangerType for more details on the scanning States.
// This corresponds to safe_browsing::SafeBrowsingState.
enum SafeBrowsingState {
// This is the information associated with a download used for rendering in the
// UI.
struct Data {
bool file_externally_removed;
bool is_dangerous;
bool is_insecure;
bool is_reviewable;
// |otr| stands for off-the-record and is true when a download entry is
// created during an incognito or guest profile session.
bool otr;
bool resume;
bool retry;
int32 percent;
int32 started;
int64 total;
string by_ext_id;
string by_ext_name;
DangerType danger_type;
TailoredWarningType tailored_warning_type;
string date_string;
string file_name;
string file_path;
string file_url;
// Used to display tailored warnings with account information.
string account_email;
string id;
string last_reason_text;
string progress_status_text;
string show_in_folder_text;
string since_string;
// |state| indicates the current state of the download. A download data entry
// can be dangerous or insecure which can be expressed as a state to
// indicate the download needs confirmation before initiating. After
// confirmation, the state will indicate the download is in progress, complete
// or cancelled.
State state;
// The referrer URL of the download item. Present if this field is populated
// with the referrer URL. Omitted if the URL is unknown.
url.mojom.Url? referrer_url;
// The display string for the referrer URL in the UI. May be truncated/elided
// from the original URL, and IDN domains may be converted to Unicode.
mojo_base.mojom.String16 display_referrer_url;
// The URL of the download item. Present if this field is populated with the
// original URL. Omitted if the URL should not be clickable on the downloads
// page, due to URL size limits requiring truncation.
url.mojom.Url? url;
// The display string for the URL in the UI. May be truncated/elided from the
// original URL, and IDN domains may be converted to Unicode.
mojo_base.mojom.String16 display_url;
// Safe Browsing protection level of the profile in which the item was
// downloaded. Used to determine whether to show a special warning message.
SafeBrowsingState safe_browsing_state;
// Whether the download had a Safe Browsing verdict. This is used to determine
// whether to call a file type warning "suspicious" or "unverified".
bool has_safe_browsing_verdict;
// The parameter "id" is the id of the current download
interface PageHandlerFactory {
CreatePageHandler(pending_remote<Page> page,
pending_receiver<PageHandler> handler);
// TODO(crbug.com/351865738): Consider combining methods that take an id
// into their own stateless interface.
interface PageHandler {
GetDownloads(array<string> search_terms);
OpenFileRequiringGesture(string id);
Drag(string id);
// Called when "Download suspicious file" is clicked from the
// chrome://downloads overflow menu, for suspicious/unverified files. Does not
// show a prompt.
SaveSuspiciousRequiringGesture(string id);
// Called when "Download dangerous file" is clicked from the
// chrome://downloads overflow menu to open the warning bypass dialog, for
// dangerous files. Only records the opening of the warning bypass dialog.
RecordOpenBypassWarningDialog(string id);
// Called when "Download dangerous file" is clicked from the
// chrome://downloads overflow menu to open the warning bypass interstitial,
// for dangerous files. Only records the opening of the warning bypass
// interstitial.
RecordOpenBypassWarningInterstitial(string id);
// Called when "Download anyway" is clicked on the chrome://downloads warning
// bypass interstitial, for dangerous files.
RecordOpenSurveyOnDangerousInterstitial(string id);
// Called when "Download dangerous file" is clicked from the
// chrome://downloads warning dialog, for dangerous files.
SaveDangerousFromDialogRequiringGesture(string id);
// Called when "Download <dangerous file name>" is clicked from the
// chrome://downloads warning interstitial, for dangerous files.
SaveDangerousFromInterstitialNeedGesture(string id,
DangerousDownloadInterstitialSurveyOptions response);
// Called when "Cancel" is clicked on the chrome://downloads warning bypass
// dialog, or the dialog is closed by dismissing it. Only records the event
// and potentially sends a report.
RecordCancelBypassWarningDialog(string id);
// Called when "Cancel" is clicked on the chrome://downloads warning bypass
// interstitial. Only records the event and potentially sends a report.
RecordCancelBypassWarningInterstitial(string id);
DiscardDangerous(string id);
RetryDownload(string id);
Show(string id);
Pause(string id);
Resume(string id);
Remove(string id);
Cancel(string id);
// The two methods below are for the ESB Download Row Promo.
// Opens the chrome://settings/security page with a IPH Promotion
// on the ESB radio button.
// Logs when the user actually sees the ESB Download Row Promo.
// Opens this download with the given |id| while it is being scanned by Safe
// Browsing. This completes the scan early. This requires a user gesture on
// the WebUI.
OpenDuringScanningRequiringGesture(string id);
// Opens a review dialog for the download with the given |id| after it has
// received a warning deep scanning verdict. This requires a user gesture on
// the WebUI.
ReviewDangerousRequiringGesture(string id);
// Performs deep scan for the download with the given |id|.
DeepScan(string id);
// Bypass deep scan for download with the given |id|. This requires a user
// gesture on the WebUI.
BypassDeepScanRequiringGesture(string id);
// Checks whether an ESB Promotion can be shown on this profile.
IsEligibleForEsbPromo() => (bool result);
interface Page {
RemoveItem(int32 index);
UpdateItem(int32 index, Data data);
InsertItems(int32 index, array<Data> items);