// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module tab_search.mojom;
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/string16.mojom";
import "components/tab_groups/public/mojom/tab_group_types.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/time.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/token.mojom";
import "url/mojom/url.mojom";
import "chrome/browser/ui/webui/tabs/tabs.mojom";
enum TabOrganizationState {
enum TabOrganizationError {
enum TabOrganizationModelStrategy {
//TODO(b/311697865) move this to a common location.
enum UserFeedback {
// Collection of tab searching details associated with a profile.
struct ProfileData {
array<Window> windows;
array<TabGroup> tab_groups;
array<RecentlyClosedTab> recently_closed_tabs;
array<RecentlyClosedTabGroup> recently_closed_tab_groups;
bool recently_closed_section_expanded;
// Properties and tabs associated with a window.
struct Window {
bool active;
uint32 height;
array<Tab> tabs;
// Information about an existing open tab.
struct Tab {
// Whether the tab is active.
bool active;
// The alert states of the tab.
array<tabs.mojom.TabAlertState> alert_states;
// The index of the tab in the current tab strip.
int32 index;
// The unique identifier of the tab.
int32 tab_id;
// The group identifier of the tab.
mojo_base.mojom.Token? group_id;
// Whether the tab is pinned.
bool pinned;
// The title of the tab.
string title;
// The URL of the tab.
url.mojom.Url url;
// The URL of the favicon in data scheme.
// Only used in OTR profile where chrome://favicon2 is not available.
url.mojom.Url? favicon_url;
// Whether the favicon is the default one.
bool is_default_favicon;
// Whether the tab strip should show the icon.
bool show_icon;
// Time ticks when the tab is last active. This value is used to order open
// tabs by recency.
mojo_base.mojom.TimeTicks last_active_time_ticks;
// String representing the elapsed time since the tab was last active.
string last_active_elapsed_text;
// Information about a recently closed tab. Recently closed tabs that were
// closed as part of closing a group will contain a session id belonging to
// the group while recently closed tabs that were closed individually will
// contain a group id that associates them with either an open or no longer
// present tab group.
struct RecentlyClosedTab {
// The unique identifier of the tab.
int32 tab_id;
// The group identifier of the tab.
mojo_base.mojom.Token? group_id;
// The title of the tab.
string title;
// The URL of the tab.
url.mojom.Url url;
// Elapsed time since the tab was last closed. This value is used to order
// closed tabs by recency.
mojo_base.mojom.Time last_active_time;
// String representing the elapsed time since the tab was closed.
string last_active_elapsed_text;
// Information about a tab group.
struct TabGroup {
// The unique identifier of the tab group.
mojo_base.mojom.Token id;
// The color of the tab group.
tab_groups.mojom.Color color;
// The title of the tab group.
string title;
// Information about a recently closed tab group.
struct RecentlyClosedTabGroup {
// The unique identifier of the tab group that is only valid for the duration
// of the session.
int32 session_id;
// The unique identifier of the tab group.
mojo_base.mojom.Token id;
// The color of the tab group.
tab_groups.mojom.Color color;
// The title of the tab group.
string title;
// A count of tabs that belong to the tab group.
uint32 tab_count;
// Elapsed time since the group was closed.
mojo_base.mojom.Time last_active_time;
// String representing the elapsed time since the group was closed.
string last_active_elapsed_text;
// Information about switching to a tab.
struct SwitchToTabInfo {
int32 tab_id;
struct TabOrganization {
int32 organization_id;
array<Tab> tabs;
int32 first_new_tab_index;
mojo_base.mojom.String16 name;
struct TabOrganizationSession {
int32 session_id;
TabOrganizationState state;
array<TabOrganization> organizations;
TabOrganizationError error;
int32 active_tab_id;
// Information about a tab update.
struct TabUpdateInfo {
// Whether the tab is in the active window.
bool in_active_window;
// The tab that was updated.
Tab tab;
// Information about a tab removal event.
struct TabsRemovedInfo {
// The tab Ids for the removed tabs.
array<int32> tab_ids;
// Recently closed tab objects that were created for the removed tabs.
array<RecentlyClosedTab> recently_closed_tabs;
// Used by the WebUI page to bootstrap bidirectional communication.
interface PageHandlerFactory {
// The WebUI calls this method when the page is first initialized.
CreatePageHandler(pending_remote<Page> page,
pending_receiver<PageHandler> handler);
// Browser-side handler for requests from WebUI page.
interface PageHandler {
// Close a specific tab.
CloseTab(int32 tab_id);
// Bulk close multiple tabs as part of the declutter workflow.
DeclutterTabs(array<int32> tab_ids);
// Accept the tab organization, updated with the specified name and tab list.
AcceptTabOrganization(int32 session_id,
int32 organization_id,
mojo_base.mojom.String16 name,
array<Tab> tabs);
// Reject the tab organization.
RejectTabOrganization(int32 session_id, int32 organization_id);
// Exclude the given tab from the stale tabs list.
ExcludeFromStaleTabs(int32 tab_id);
// Get window and tab data for the current profile.
GetProfileData() => (ProfileData profile_data);
// Get all tabs that are considered stale based on their last active time.
GetStaleTabs() => (array<Tab> tabs);
// Get the current tab organization session info.
GetTabOrganizationSession() => (TabOrganizationSession session);
// Get the current tab organization model strategy.
GetTabOrganizationModelStrategy() => (TabOrganizationModelStrategy strategy);
// Switch to a specific tab.
SwitchToTab(SwitchToTabInfo switch_to_tab_info);
// Open a recently closed tab or tab group.
OpenRecentlyClosedEntry(int32 session_id);
// Manually trigger a new tab organization request.
// Remove the tab from the tab organization.
RemoveTabFromOrganization(int32 session_id, int32 organization_id, Tab tab);
// Reject all tab organizations in the current session.
RejectSession(int32 session_id);
// Clear the current tab organization session state and start a new request.
// Save a user's preference for the state of the expandable 'Recently Closed'
// list section.
SaveRecentlyClosedExpandedPref(bool expanded);
// Set the user preference for which tab the tab search UI should display
// when next shown.
SetTabIndex(int32 index);
// Force trigger the tab group tutorial.
// Initiate the feedback flow.
TriggerFeedback(int32 session_id);
// Initiate the sign in flow.
// Open the help page associated with tab organization.
// Store the tab organization model strategy supplied by the user.
SetTabOrganizationModelStrategy(TabOrganizationModelStrategy strategy);
// Store the user feedback supplied by the user.
SetUserFeedback(int32 session_id,
int32 organization_id,
UserFeedback feedback);
// Notify the backend that the Organization UI is ready to be shown. The
// surface will only be shown once both Organization and Search are ready.
// Notify the backend that the Search UI is ready to be shown. The
// surface will only be shown once both Organization and Search are ready.
// WebUI-side handler for requests from the browser.
interface Page {
// Called when the tab organization session state changes.
TabOrganizationSessionUpdated(TabOrganizationSession session);
// Called when the tab organization model strategy changes.
TabOrganizationModelStrategyUpdated(TabOrganizationModelStrategy strategy);
// Called when we require a full refresh of the JS's tab list data structures.
// Typically used when tabs in the current profile are deleted, inserted,
// moved or replaced.
// `profile_tabs` is a collection of all open tabs in the current profile.
// This is always populated with at least 1 (the currently active) tab.
TabsChanged(ProfileData profile_tabs);
// Called when a tab's data has changed and we need only issue an update for
// that specific tab in the JS's data structures. Typically used for url,
// title, or favicon changes. The TabUpdateInfo's `tab` is always populated
// with the latest data for the affected tab.
TabUpdated(TabUpdateInfo tabUpdateInfo);
// Callback when tabs are removed.
TabsRemoved(TabsRemovedInfo tabsRemovedInfo);
// Called when the top level bubble tab should change.
TabSearchTabIndexChanged(int32 index);
// Called when state of whether the first run experience should be shown
// changes.
ShowFREChanged(bool show);
// Called when the tab organization feature should be enabled/disabled.
TabOrganizationEnabledChanged(bool enabled);
// Called when the list of tabs considered stale based on their last active
// time has changed.
StaleTabsChanged(array<Tab> tabs);