// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "base/task/sequenced_task_runner.h"
#include "chrome/updater/registration_data.h"
#include "chrome/updater/update_service.h"
#include "chrome/updater/updater_scope.h"
namespace base {
class Version;
// Cross-platform client to communicate between the browser and the Chromium
// updater. It helps the browser register to the Chromium updater and invokes
// on-demand updates.
class BrowserUpdaterClient
: public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<BrowserUpdaterClient> {
// Must be called on the program's main sequence.
static scoped_refptr<BrowserUpdaterClient> Create(
updater::UpdaterScope scope);
static scoped_refptr<BrowserUpdaterClient> Create(
updater::UpdaterScope scope);
explicit BrowserUpdaterClient(
scoped_refptr<updater::UpdateService> update_service);
// Registers the browser to the Chromium updater via IPC registration API.
// When registration is completed, it will call RegistrationCompleted().
// A ref to this object is held until the registration completes. Must be
// called on the sequence on which the BrowserUpdateClient was created.
// `complete` will be called after registration on the same sequence.
void Register(base::OnceClosure complete);
// Triggers an on-demand update from the Chromium updater, reporting status
// updates to the callback. A ref to this object is held until the update
// completes. Must be called on the sequence on which the BrowserUpdateClient
// was created. `version_updater_callback` will be run on the same sequence.
void CheckForUpdate(
base::RepeatingCallback<void(const updater::UpdateService::UpdateState&)>
// Launches the updater to run its periodic background tasks. This is a
// mechanism to act as a backup periodic scheduler for the updater.
void RunPeriodicTasks(base::OnceClosure callback);
// Gets the current updater version. Can also be used to check for the
// existence of the updater. A ref to the BrowserUpdaterClient is held until
// the callback is invoked. Must be called on the sequence on which the
// BrowserUpdateClient was created. `callback` will be run on the same
// sequence.
void GetUpdaterVersion(
base::OnceCallback<void(const base::Version&)> callback);
// Returns whether the browser is registered with the updater. A ref to the
// BrowserUpdaterClient is held until the callback is invoked. Must be called
// on the sequence on which the BrowserUpdaterClient was created. `callback`
// will be run on the same sequence.
void IsBrowserRegistered(base::OnceCallback<void(bool)> callback);
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<BrowserUpdaterClient>;
virtual ~BrowserUpdaterClient();
updater::RegistrationRequest GetRegistrationRequest();
std::string GetAppId();
void RegistrationCompleted(base::OnceClosure complete, int result);
void GetUpdaterVersionCompleted(
base::OnceCallback<void(const base::Version&)> callback,
const base::Version& version);
void UpdateCompleted(
base::RepeatingCallback<void(const updater::UpdateService::UpdateState&)>
updater::UpdateService::Result result);
void RunPeriodicTasksCompleted(base::OnceClosure callback);
void IsBrowserRegisteredCompleted(
base::OnceCallback<void(bool)> callback,
const std::vector<updater::UpdateService::AppState>& apps);
template <updater::UpdaterScope scope>
static scoped_refptr<BrowserUpdaterClient> GetClient(
scoped_refptr<updater::UpdateService> update_service_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<BrowserUpdaterClient> weak_ptr_factory_{this};