
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include "base/containers/flat_set.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ref.h"

namespace web_package {
class SignedWebBundleId;
}  // namespace web_package

class Profile;

namespace web_app {

// This class is responsible for checking whether an Isolated Web App is signed
// by parties trusted by the user agent. The user agent will only run trusted
// Isolated Web Apps, and refuse to run untrusted ones, except when Isolated Web
// App developer mode is enabled.
// "Trusting" an Isolated Web App means that the public keys of the Signed Web
// Bundle's Integrity Block, in combination with the app's expected Web Bundle
// ID, are trusted. This class only checks whether the keys are trusted, and
// does not verify the signatures themselves.
// An Isolated Web App is trusted in the following scenarios:
// 1. The Web Bundle ID of an Isolated Web App is configured via enterprise
//    policy to be trusted.
// 2. Isolated Web App developer mode (`features::kIsolatedWebAppDevMode`) is
//    enabled and the app is a developer mode-installed app. This is used by
//    developers to test their Isolated Web Apps during development.
// 3. [Only in Tests] The Web Bundle ID of an Isolated Web App is configured as
//    trusted via a call to `SetTrustedWebBundleIdsForTesting`.
// In the near future, we will also add support for trusting a list of public
// keys from trusted partners.
// In the longer term future, we will also add support for trusting Isolated Web
// Apps that were countersigned by a trusted distributor/store.
class IsolatedWebAppTrustChecker {};

// Used in tests to pretend that the given Web Bundle IDs are trusted.
void SetTrustedWebBundleIdsForTesting(
    base::flat_set<web_package::SignedWebBundleId> trusted_web_bundle_ids);

// Used in tests to pretend that a given Web Bundle ID is trusted.
void AddTrustedWebBundleIdForTesting(
    const web_package::SignedWebBundleId& trusted_web_bundle_id);

}  // namespace web_app