
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_helpers.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "chrome/browser/web_applications/web_app_constants.h"
#include "chrome/browser/web_applications/web_app_install_info.h"
#include "components/webapps/common/web_app_id.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/image_family.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"

#include "chrome/browser/web_applications/os_integration/web_app_shortcut_linux.h"

#include "chrome/browser/web_applications/os_integration/mac/app_shim_registry.h"

class Profile;

namespace base {
class TaskRunner;
class SequencedTaskRunner;

namespace gfx {
class ImageSkia;

namespace web_app {
namespace proto {
class WebAppOsIntegrationState;
class ShortcutMenus;
class WebApp;
class WebAppIconManager;

// Represents the info required to create a shortcut for an app.
struct ShortcutInfo {};

std::unique_ptr<ShortcutInfo> BuildShortcutInfoWithoutFavicon(
    const webapps::AppId& app_id,
    const GURL& start_url,
    const base::FilePath& profile_path,
    const std::string& profile_name,
    const proto::WebAppOsIntegrationState& state);

void PopulateFaviconForShortcutInfo(
    const WebApp* app,
    WebAppIconManager& icon_manager,
    std::unique_ptr<ShortcutInfo> shortcut_info_to_populate,
    base::OnceCallback<void(std::unique_ptr<ShortcutInfo>)> callback);

std::vector<WebAppShortcutsMenuItemInfo> CreateShortcutsMenuItemInfos(
    const proto::ShortcutMenus& shortcut_menus);

// This specifies a folder in the system applications menu (e.g the Start Menu
// on Windows).
// These represent the applications menu root, the "Google Chrome" folder and
// the "Chrome Apps" folder respectively.
// APP_MENU_LOCATION_HIDDEN specifies a shortcut that is used to register the
// app with the OS (in order to give its windows shelf icons, and correct icons
// and titles), but the app should not show up in menus or search results.
// NB: On Linux, these locations may not be used by the window manager (e.g
// Unity and Gnome Shell).
enum ApplicationsMenuLocation {};

// Info about which locations to create app shortcuts in.
struct ShortcutLocations {};

ShortcutLocations MergeLocations(
    const ShortcutLocations& user_specified_locations,
    const ShortcutLocations& existing_locations);

bool operator==(const ShortcutLocations& location1,
                const ShortcutLocations& location2);

bool operator!=(const ShortcutLocations& location1,
                const ShortcutLocations& location2);

// This encodes the cause of shortcut creation as the correct behavior in each
// case is implementation specific.
enum ShortcutCreationReason {};

// Compute a deterministic name based on data in the shortcut_info.
std::string GenerateApplicationNameFromInfo(const ShortcutInfo& shortcut_info);

// Returns a per-app directory for OS-specific web app data to handle OS
// registration and unregistration. To store manifest resources, use
// GetManifestResourcesDirectoryForApp() declared in web_app_utils.h.
// The path for the directory is based on |app_id|. If |app_id| is empty then
// |url| is used to construct a unique ID.
base::FilePath GetOsIntegrationResourcesDirectoryForApp(
    const base::FilePath& profile_path,
    const std::string& app_id,
    const GURL& url);

// Callback made when CreateShortcuts has finished trying to create the
// platform shortcuts indicating whether or not they were successfully
// created.
// Callback made when DeletePlatformShortcuts has finished trying to delete the
// platform shortcuts indicating whether or not they were successfully
// deleted.

// Returns an array of desired icon sizes (in px) to be contained in an app OS
// shortcut, sorted in ascending order (biggest desired icon size is last).
base::span<const int> GetDesiredIconSizesForShortcut();

// Load the standard application icon from resources.
gfx::ImageSkia CreateDefaultApplicationIcon(int size);

namespace internals {

// Implemented for each platform, does the platform specific parts of creating
// shortcuts. Used internally by CreateShortcuts methods.
// |shortcut_data_path| is where to store any resources created for the
// shortcut, and is also used as the UserDataDir for platform app shortcuts.
// |creation_locations| contains information about where to create them.
// |shortcut_info| contains info about the shortcut to create, and
// |callback| must be called on the Shortcut IO thread when the work is
// complete.
// Performs blocking IO operations.
void CreatePlatformShortcuts(const base::FilePath& shortcut_data_path,
                             const ShortcutLocations& creation_locations,
                             ShortcutCreationReason creation_reason,
                             const ShortcutInfo& shortcut_info,
                             CreateShortcutsCallback callback);

// Implemented for each platform, does the platform specific parts of checking
// desktop and application menu to get shortcut locations.
ShortcutLocations GetAppExistingShortCutLocationImpl(
    const ShortcutInfo& shortcut_info);

// Schedules a call to |CreatePlatformShortcuts| on the Shortcut IO thread and
// invokes |callback| on the UI thread when complete. This function must be
// called from the UI thread.
void ScheduleCreatePlatformShortcuts(
    const base::FilePath& shortcut_data_path,
    const ShortcutLocations& creation_locations,
    ShortcutCreationReason reason,
    std::unique_ptr<ShortcutInfo> shortcut_info,
    CreateShortcutsCallback callback);

void ScheduleDeletePlatformShortcuts(
    const base::FilePath& shortcut_data_path,
    std::unique_ptr<ShortcutInfo> shortcut_info,
    DeleteShortcutsCallback callback);

// Schedules a call to `UpdatePlatformShortcuts` on the Shortcut IO thread and
// invokes `callback` on the UI thread when complete. This function must be
// called from the UI thread.
void ScheduleUpdatePlatformShortcuts(
    const base::FilePath& shortcut_data_dir,
    const std::u16string& old_app_title,
    std::optional<ShortcutLocations> locations,
    base::OnceCallback<void(Result)> on_complete,
    std::unique_ptr<ShortcutInfo> shortcut_info);

void ScheduleDeleteMultiProfileShortcutsForApp(const std::string& app_id,
                                               ResultCallback callback);

// Delete all the shortcuts we have added for this extension, returning the
// result via `callback` posted to `result_runner`. This is the platform
// specific implementation of the DeleteAllShortcuts function, and is executed
// on the FILE thread.
void DeletePlatformShortcuts(const base::FilePath& shortcut_data_path,
                             const ShortcutInfo& shortcut_info,
                             scoped_refptr<base::TaskRunner> result_runner,
                             DeleteShortcutsCallback callback);

// Delete the multi-profile (non-profile_scoped) shortcuts for the specified
// app. This is the multi-profile complement of DeletePlatformShortcuts.
void DeleteMultiProfileShortcutsForApp(const std::string& app_id);

// Updates all the shortcuts we have added for this extension. This is the
// platform specific implementation of the UpdateAllShortcuts function, and
// is executed on the FILE thread. On Windows, this also updates shortcuts in
// the pinned taskbar directories.
// If the |user_specified_locations| are set, then an union of the current
// shortcut locations and the set values are considered during a shortcut
// update. If a shortcut does not exist in a specific location, then that is
// created. By default, the creation locations are not passed.
// |callback| must be invoked on the Shortcut UI thread. Result::kOK will be
// passed to the callback if the update was performed successfully, otherwise
// Result::kError will be passed.
void UpdatePlatformShortcuts(
    const base::FilePath& shortcut_data_path,
    const std::u16string& old_app_title,
    std::optional<ShortcutLocations> user_specified_locations,
    ResultCallback callback,
    const ShortcutInfo& shortcut_info);

// Run an IO task on a worker thread. Ownership of |shortcut_info| transfers
// to a closure that deletes it on the UI thread when the task is complete.
// Tasks posted here run with BEST_EFFORT priority and block shutdown.
void PostShortcutIOTask(base::OnceCallback<void(const ShortcutInfo&)> task,
                        std::unique_ptr<ShortcutInfo> shortcut_info);
void PostShortcutIOTaskAndReplyWithResult(
    base::OnceCallback<Result(const ShortcutInfo&)> task,
    std::unique_ptr<ShortcutInfo> shortcut_info,
    ResultCallback reply);

// Run an IO task on a worker thread. Ownership of |shortcut_info| transfers
// to the task which must delete it on the UI thread when the task is complete.
// Tasks posted here run with BEST_EFFORT priority and block shutdown.
void PostAsyncShortcutIOTask(
    base::OnceCallback<void(std::unique_ptr<ShortcutInfo>)> task,
    std::unique_ptr<ShortcutInfo> shortcut_info);

// The task runner for running shortcut tasks. On Windows this will be a task
// runner that permits access to COM libraries. Shortcut tasks typically deal
// with ensuring Profile changes are reflected on disk, so shutdown is always
// blocked so that an inconsistent shortcut state is not left on disk.
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> GetShortcutIOTaskRunner();

base::FilePath GetShortcutDataDir(const ShortcutInfo& shortcut_info);

// Delete all the shortcuts for an entire profile.
// This is executed on the FILE thread.
void DeleteAllShortcutsForProfile(const base::FilePath& profile_path);

}  // namespace internals

}  // namespace web_app