
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "chrome/browser/web_applications/preinstalled_web_app_utils.h"

#include <memory>
#include <string_view>

#include "base/files/file_util.h"
#include "base/functional/bind.h"
#include "base/strings/strcat.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/types/expected_macros.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "chrome/browser/apps/user_type_filter.h"
#include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
#include "chrome/browser/web_applications/file_utils_wrapper.h"
#include "chrome/browser/web_applications/mojom/user_display_mode.mojom.h"
#include "chrome/browser/web_applications/web_app_helpers.h"
#include "chrome/browser/web_applications/web_app_install_info.h"
#include "chrome/common/pref_names.h"
#include "components/prefs/scoped_user_pref_update.h"
#include "components/webapps/common/constants.h"
#include "components/webapps/common/web_app_id.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/manifest/manifest_util.h"
#include "ui/events/devices/device_data_manager.h"
#include "ui/gfx/codec/png_codec.h"

namespace web_app {

namespace {

// kAppUrl is a required string specifying a URL inside the scope of the web
// app that contains a link to the app manifest.
constexpr char kAppUrl[] =;

// kHideFromUser is an optional boolean which controls whether we add
// a shortcut to the relevant OS surface i.e. Application folder on macOS, Start
// Menu on Windows and Linux, and launcher on Chrome OS. Defaults to false if
// missing. If true, we also don't show the app in search or in app management
// on Chrome OS.
constexpr char kHideFromUser[] =;

// kOnlyForNewUsers is an optional boolean. If set and true we will not install
// the app for users that have already run Chrome before.
constexpr char kOnlyForNewUsers[] =;

// kOnlyIfPreviouslyPreinstalled is an optional boolean. If set and true we will
// not preinstall the app for new users.
constexpr char kOnlyIfPreviouslyPreinstalled[] =;

// kUserType is an allowlist of user types to install this app for. This must be
// populated otherwise the app won't ever be installed.
// Example: "user_type": ["unmanaged", "managed", "child"]
// See apps::DetermineUserType() for relevant string constants.
constexpr char kUserType[] =;

// kCreateShortcuts is an optional boolean which controls whether OS
// level shortcuts are created. On Chrome OS this controls whether the app is
// pinned to the shelf.
// The default value of kCreateShortcuts if false.
constexpr char kCreateShortcuts[] =;

// kFeatureName is an optional string parameter specifying a feature
// associated with this app. The feature must be present in
// |kPreinstalledAppInstallFeatures| to be applicable.
// If specified:
//  - if the feature is enabled, the app will be installed
//  - if the feature is not enabled, the app will be removed.
constexpr char kFeatureName[] =;

// kFeatureNameOrInstalled is an optional string parameter specifying a feature
// associated with this app. The feature must be present in
// |kPreinstalledAppInstallFeatures| to be applicable.
// When specified, the app will only be installed when the feature is enabled.
// If the feature is disabled, existing installations will not be removed.
constexpr char kFeatureNameOrInstalled[] =;

// kDisableIfArcSupported is an optional bool which specifies whether to skip
// install of the app if the device supports Arc (Chrome OS only).
// Defaults to false.
constexpr char kDisableIfArcSupported[] =;

// kDisableIfTabletFormFactor is an optional bool which specifies whether to
// skip install of the app if the device is a tablet form factor.
// This is only for Chrome OS tablets, Android does not use any of this code.
// Defaults to false.
constexpr char kDisableIfTabletFormFactor[] =;

// kLaunchContainer is a required string which can be "window" or "tab"
// and controls what sort of container the web app is launched in.
constexpr char kLaunchContainer[] =;
constexpr char kLaunchContainerTab[] =;
constexpr char kLaunchContainerWindow[] =;

// kLaunchQueryParams is an optional string which specifies query parameters to
// add to the start_url when launching the app. If the provided params are a
// substring of start_url's existing params then it will not be added a second
// time.
// Note that substring matches include "param=a" matching in "some_param=abc".
// Extend the implementation in WebAppRegistrar::GetAppLaunchUrl() if this edge
// case needs to be handled differently.
constexpr char kLaunchQueryParams[] =;

// kLoadAndAwaitServiceWorkerRegistration is an optional bool that specifies
// whether to fetch the |kServiceWorkerRegistrationUrl| after installation to
// allow time for the app to register its service worker. This is done as a
// second pass after install in order to not block the installation of other
// background installed apps. No fetch is made if the service worker has already
// been registered by the |kAppUrl|.
// Defaults to true.
constexpr char kLoadAndAwaitServiceWorkerRegistration[] =;

// kServiceWorkerRegistrationUrl is an optional string specifying the URL to use
// for the above |kLoadAndAwaitServiceWorkerRegistration|.
// Defaults to the |kAppUrl|.
constexpr char kServiceWorkerRegistrationUrl[] =;

// kUninstallAndReplace is an optional array of strings which specifies App IDs
// which the app is replacing. This will transfer OS attributes (e.g the source
// app's shelf and app list positions on ChromeOS) and then uninstall the source
// app.
constexpr char kUninstallAndReplace[] =;

// kOnlyUseOfflineManifest is an optional bool.
// If set to true then no network install will be attempted and the app will be
// installed using |kOfflineManifest| data. |kOfflineManifest| must be specified
// in this case.
// If set to false and |kOfflineManifest| is set then it will be used as a
// fallback manifest if the network install fails.
// Defaults to false.
constexpr char kOnlyUseOfflineManifest[] =;

// kOfflineManifest is a dictionary of manifest field values to use as an
// install to avoid the expense of fetching the install URL to download the
// app's true manifest. Next time the user visits the app it will undergo a
// manifest update check and correct any differences from the site (except for
// name and start_url).
// Why not use blink::ManifestParser?
// blink::ManifestParser depends on substantial sections of the CSS parser which
// is infeasible to run outside of the renderer process.
constexpr char kOfflineManifest[] =;

// "name" manifest value to use for offline install.
constexpr char kOfflineManifestName[] =;

// "start_url" manifest value to use for offline install. Can be updated from a
// live manifest if the manifest ID field is specified to match the offline
// start_url.
constexpr char kOfflineManifestStartUrl[] =;

// "scope" manifest value to use for offline install.
constexpr char kOfflineManifestScope[] =;

// "display" manifest value to use for offline install.
constexpr char kOfflineManifestDisplay[] =;

// List of PNG files in the default web app config directory to use as the
// icons for offline install. Will be installed with purpose "any".
constexpr char kOfflineManifestIconAnyPngs[] =;

// List of PNG files in the default web app config directory to use as the
// icons for offline install. Will be installed with purpose "maskable".
constexpr char kOfflineManifestIconMaskablePngs[] =;

// Optional 8 value ARGB hex code to use as the "theme_color" manifest value.
// Example:
//   "theme_color_argb_hex": "FFFF0000"
// is equivalent to
//   "theme_color": "red"
constexpr char kOfflineManifestThemeColorArgbHex[] =;

// Contains numeric milestone number M like 89 (the Chrome version). The app
// gets updated if browser's binary milestone number goes from <M to >=M.
constexpr char kForceReinstallForMilestone[] =;

// Contains boolean indicating whether the app installation is requested by
// the device OEM.
constexpr char kOemInstalled[] =;

// Contains boolean indicating weather the app should only be install on devices
// with a built-in touchscreen with stylus support.
constexpr char kDisableIfTouchScreenWithStylusNotSupported[] =;

// Contains boolean that, if set to true, will set the app as the preferred app
// for its supported links after installation. Note that this has no effect if
// the app is already installed as the user may have already updated their
// preference.
constexpr char kIsPreferredAppForSupportedLinks[] =;

void EnsureContains(base::Value::List& list, std::string_view value) {}

}  // namespace

OptionsOrError ParseConfig(FileUtilsWrapper& file_utils,
                           const base::FilePath& dir,
                           const base::FilePath& file,
                           const base::Value& app_config) {}

IconBitmapsOrError ParseOfflineManifestIconBitmaps(
    FileUtilsWrapper& file_utils,
    const base::FilePath& dir,
    const base::FilePath& manifest_file,
    const char* icon_key,
    const base::Value::List& icon_files) {}

WebAppInstallInfoFactoryOrError ParseOfflineManifest(
    FileUtilsWrapper& file_utils,
    const base::FilePath& dir,
    const base::FilePath& file,
    const base::Value& offline_manifest) {}

bool IsReinstallPastMilestoneNeeded(
    std::string_view last_preinstall_synchronize_milestone_str,
    std::string_view current_milestone_str,
    int force_reinstall_for_milestone) {}

bool WasAppMigratedToWebApp(Profile* profile, const std::string& app_id) {}

void MarkAppAsMigratedToWebApp(Profile* profile,
                               const std::string& app_id,
                               bool was_migrated) {}

bool WasMigrationRun(Profile* profile, std::string_view feature_name) {}

void SetMigrationRun(Profile* profile,
                     std::string_view feature_name,
                     bool was_migrated) {}

bool WasPreinstalledAppUninstalled(Profile* profile,
                                   const std::string& app_id) {}

void MarkPreinstalledAppAsUninstalled(Profile* profile,
                                      const std::string& app_id) {}

std::optional<bool> DeviceHasStylusEnabledTouchscreen() {}

}  // namespace web_app