
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

syntax = "proto2";

option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;

package web_app.proto;

// The installation state a web app can be in. These states are exclusive - a
// web app can only be one of these.
// Notes:
// - This enum doesn't have an 'unspecified' value because it was
//   'upgraded' from a bool field.
enum InstallState {
  // Formerly "not locally installed", the app is installed on another device
  // but not on this device. This app is in registry and installed via sync and
  // will have basic information like the name and icons downloaded. This app
  // has no OS integration and cannot be launched in standalone mode without
  // being automatically upgraded to `kInstalledWithOsIntegration` and having
  // all OS integration installed.
  // The app is fully installed with OS integration (e.g. a desktop shortcut).
  // The app is installed on this device, but has not done OS integration like
  // create shortcuts, register file handlers, etc. This app cannot be launched
  // in standalone mode without being automatically upgraded to
  // `INSTALLED_WITH_OS_INTEGRATION`  and having all OS integration installed.
  // For example, preinstalled apps are installed by this state on
  // Windows/Max/Linux.