
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>

#include <initializer_list>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <optional>
#include <string>

#include "base/containers/enum_set.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/manifest/manifest.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/manifest/display_mode.mojom-forward.h"

namespace webapps {
enum class WebappUninstallSource;

namespace web_app {

// Installations of Web Apps have different sources of management. Apps can be
// installed by different management systems - for example an app can be both
// installed by the user and by policy. Keeping track of which installation
// managers have installed a web app allows for them to be installed by multiple
// managers at the same time, and uninstalls from one manager doesn't affect
// another - the app will stay installed as long as at least one management
// source has it installed.
// This enum is also used to rank installation sources, so the ordering matters.
// This enum should be zero based: values are used as index in a bitset.
// We don't use this enum values in prefs or metrics: enumerators can be
// reordered. This enum is not a strongly typed enum class: it supports implicit
// conversion to int and <> comparison operators.
namespace WebAppManagement {
enum Type {};

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, WebAppManagement::Type type);

bool IsIwaType(WebAppManagement::Type type);

}  // namespace WebAppManagement


// ExternallyManagedAppManager: Where an app was installed from. This affects
// what flags will be used when installing the app.
// Internal means that the set of apps to install is defined statically, and
// can be determined solely by 'first party' data: the Chromium binary,
// stored user preferences (assumed to have been edited only by Chromiums
// past and present) and the like. External means that the set of apps to
// install is defined dynamically, depending on 'third party' data that can
// change from session to session even if those sessions are for the same
// user running the same binary on the same hardware.
// Third party data sources can include configuration files in well known
// directories on the file system, entries (or the lack of) in the Windows
// registry, or centrally configured sys-admin policy.
// The internal versus external distinction matters because, for external
// install sources, the code that installs apps based on those external data
// sources can also need to *un*install apps if those external data sources
// change, either by an explicit uninstall request or an implicit uninstall
// of a previously-listed no-longer-listed app.
// Without the distinction between e.g. kInternalDefault and kExternalXxx, the
// code that manages external-xxx apps might inadvertently uninstall internal
// apps that it otherwise doesn't recognize.
// In practice, every kExternalXxx enum definition should correspond to
// exactly one place in the code where
// ExternallyManagedAppManager::SynchronizeInstalledApps is called.
// TODO(dmurph): Remove this and merge it into WebAppManagement after it has a
// new source for the  AndroidSmsAppSetupControllerImpl.
enum class ExternalInstallSource {};

// Icon size in pixels.
// Small icons are used in confirmation dialogs and app windows.
constexpr int kWebAppIconSmall =;

// Limit on the number of jump list entries per web app.
constexpr size_t kMaxApplicationDockMenuItems =;


// The operation mode for Run on OS Login.
enum class RunOnOsLoginMode {};

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, RunOnOsLoginMode mode);

// Command line parameter representing RunOnOsLoginMode::kWindowed.
extern const char kRunOnOsLoginModeWindowed[];

enum class RunOnOsLoginPolicy {};

// Default threshold for site engagement score if it's not set by field trial
// param.
constexpr int kIphFieldTrialParamDefaultSiteEngagementThreshold =;

// Expected file handler update actions to be taken by OsIntegrationManager
// during UpdateOsHooks.
enum class FileHandlerUpdateAction {};

// Reflects the user's decision to allow or disallow an API such as File
// Handling. APIs should generally start off as kRequiresPrompt.
enum class ApiApprovalState {};

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, ApiApprovalState state);

// TODO(b/274172447): Remove these and the manifest.h include after refactoring
// away blink::Manifest and moving the inner classes to regular classes

// A result how `WebAppIconDownloader` processed the list of icon urls.
// Entries should not be renumbered and numeric values should never be reused.
// Update corresponding enums.xml entry when making changes here.
enum class IconsDownloadedResult {};

// Generic result enumeration to be used for operations that can fail. If more
// information is needed in a return value, we can move to something similar to
// `base::FileErrorOr` in the future.
enum class Result {};

// Represents the exit states of the PWABubbleView. To be used for CrOS events
// logging.
// Do not re-use values.
enum class WebAppInstallStatus : int64_t {
  kCancelled = 0,
  kAccepted = 1,


// Management types that can be uninstalled by the user.
// Note: These work directly with the `webapps::IsUserUninstall` function - any
// source that returns true there can uninstall these types but not others, and
// will CHECK-fail in RemoveWebAppJob otherwise.
// All WebAppManagement::Types must be listed in either this constant or
// kNotUserUninstallableSources (located in the cc file).
constexpr WebAppManagementTypes kUserUninstallableSources =;

// Management types that resulted from a user web app install.
constexpr WebAppManagementTypes kUserDrivenInstallSources =;

}  // namespace web_app