// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "build/branding_buildflags.h"
#include "chrome/browser/win/conflicts/installed_applications.h"
#include "chrome/browser/win/conflicts/module_info.h"
#include "chrome/browser/win/conflicts/module_inspector.h"
#include "chrome/browser/win/conflicts/third_party_metrics_recorder.h"
#include "content/public/common/process_type.h"
class ModuleDatabaseObserver;
namespace base {
class FilePath;
class SequencedTaskRunner;
} // namespace base
class ModuleLoadAttemptLogListener;
class PrefChangeRegistrar;
class PrefRegistrySimple;
class ThirdPartyConflictsManager;
namespace base {
struct OnTaskRunnerDeleter;
// A class that keeps track of all modules loaded across Chrome processes.
// It is also the main class behind third-party modules tracking, and owns the
// different classes that required to identify incompatible applications and
// record metrics.
// This is effectively a singleton, but doesn't use base::Singleton. The intent
// is for the object to be created when Chrome is single-threaded, and for it
// be set as the process-wide singleton via SetInstance.
class ModuleDatabase : public ModuleDatabaseEventSource {
// Structures for maintaining information about modules.
using ModuleMap = std::map<ModuleInfoKey, ModuleInfoData>;
using ModuleInfo = ModuleMap::value_type;
// The Module Database becomes idle after this timeout expires without any
// module events.
static constexpr base::TimeDelta kIdleTimeout = base::Seconds(10);
// Creates the ModuleDatabase. Must be created and set on the sequence
// returned by GetTaskRunner().
explicit ModuleDatabase(bool third_party_blocking_policy_enabled);
ModuleDatabase(const ModuleDatabase&) = delete;
ModuleDatabase& operator=(const ModuleDatabase&) = delete;
~ModuleDatabase() override;
// Returns the SequencedTaskRunner on which the ModuleDatabase lives. Can be
// called on any thread.
static scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> GetTaskRunner();
// Retrieves the singleton global instance of the ModuleDatabase. Must only be
// called on the sequence returned by GetTaskRunner().
static ModuleDatabase* GetInstance();
// Sets the global instance of the ModuleDatabase. Ownership is passed to the
// global instance and deliberately leaked, unless manually cleaned up. This
// has no locking and should be called when Chrome is single threaded.
static void SetInstance(std::unique_ptr<ModuleDatabase> module_database);
// Initializes the ModuleLoadAttemptLogListener instance. This function is a
// noop on non-GOOGLE_CHROME_BRANDING configurations because it is used only
// for third-party software blocking, which is only enabled in Google Chrome
// builds.
void StartDrainingModuleLoadAttemptsLog();
// Returns true if the ModuleDatabase is idle. This means that no modules are
// currently being inspected, and no new module events have been observed in
// the last 10 seconds.
bool IsIdle();
// Indicates that a new registered shell extension was found.
void OnShellExtensionEnumerated(const base::FilePath& path,
uint32_t size_of_image,
uint32_t time_date_stamp);
// Indicates that all shell extensions have been enumerated.
void OnShellExtensionEnumerationFinished();
// Indicates that a new registered input method editor was found.
void OnImeEnumerated(const base::FilePath& path,
uint32_t size_of_image,
uint32_t time_date_stamp);
// Indicates that all input method editors have been enumerated.
void OnImeEnumerationFinished();
// Indicates that a module has been loaded. The data passed to this function
// is taken as gospel, so if it originates from a remote process it should be
// independently validated first. (In practice, see ModuleEventSinkImpl for
// details of where this happens.)
void OnModuleLoad(content::ProcessType process_type,
const base::FilePath& module_path,
uint32_t module_size,
uint32_t module_time_date_stamp);
// Forwards the module load event to the ModuleDatabase global instance via
// OnModuleLoad() on the ModuleDatabase task runner. Can be called on any
// threads. Provided for convenience.
static void HandleModuleLoadEvent(content::ProcessType process_type,
const base::FilePath& module_path,
uint32_t module_size,
uint32_t module_time_date_stamp);
void OnModuleBlocked(const base::FilePath& module_path,
uint32_t module_size,
uint32_t module_time_date_stamp);
// Marks the module as added to the module blocklist cache, which means it
// will be blocked on the next browser launch.
void OnModuleAddedToBlocklist(const base::FilePath& module_path,
uint32_t module_size,
uint32_t module_time_date_stamp);
// TODO(chrisha): Module analysis code, and various accessors for use by
// chrome://conflicts.
// Adds or removes an observer.
// Note that when adding an observer, OnNewModuleFound() will immediately be
// called once for all modules that are already loaded before returning to the
// caller. In addition, if the ModuleDatabase is currently idle,
// OnModuleDatabaseIdle() will also be invoked.
// ModuleDatabaseEventSource:
void AddObserver(ModuleDatabaseObserver* observer) override;
void RemoveObserver(ModuleDatabaseObserver* observer) override;
void StartInspection();
// Similar with the GetInstance() but overwriting third party conflicts
// manager's installed_applications_ for testing.
static ModuleDatabase* GetInstanceForTesting(
static void RegisterLocalStatePrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* registry);
// Returns false if third-party modules blocking is disabled via
// administrative policy.
static bool IsThirdPartyBlockingPolicyEnabled();
// Disables the blocking of third-party modules in the browser process. It is
// safe to invoke this function from any thread.
// This function is meant to be used only as a workaround for the in-process
// printing code that may require that third-party DLLs be successfully
// loaded into the process to work correctly.
// TODO(pmonette): Remove this workaround when printing is moved to a utility
// process. See https://crbug.com/892294.
static void DisableThirdPartyBlocking();
// Destroys the |third_party_conflicts_manager_| instance. Invoked by
// the |pref_change_registrar_| when it detects that the policy was disabled.
// Note: This is distinct from OnThirdPartyBlockingDisabled(). When the policy
// is disabled, the |third_party_conflicts_manager_| is destroyed as if
// it was never initialized.
void OnThirdPartyBlockingPolicyDisabled();
// Accessor for the third party conflicts manager.
// Returns null if both the tracking of incompatible applications and the
// blocking of third-party modules are disabled.
// Do not hold a pointer to the manager because it can be destroyed if the
// ThirdPartyBlocking policy is later disabled.
ThirdPartyConflictsManager* third_party_conflicts_manager() {
return third_party_conflicts_manager_.get();
friend class TestModuleDatabase;
friend class ModuleDatabaseTest;
friend class ModuleEventSinkImplTest;
ModuleInfo* CreateModuleInfo(const base::FilePath& module_path,
uint32_t module_size,
uint32_t module_time_date_stamp);
// Finds or creates a mutable ModuleInfo entry. Returns true if the module
// info was created.
bool FindOrCreateModuleInfo(const base::FilePath& module_path,
uint32_t module_size,
uint32_t module_time_date_stamp,
ModuleInfo** module_info);
// Returns true if the enumeration of the IMEs and the shell extensions is
// finished.
// To avoid sending an improperly tagged module to an observer (in case a race
// condition happens and the module is loaded before the enumeration is done),
// it's important that this function returns true before any calls to
// OnNewModuleFound() is made.
bool RegisteredModulesEnumerated();
// Called when RegisteredModulesEnumerated() becomes true. Notifies the
// observers of each already inspected modules and checks if the idle state
// should be entered.
void OnRegisteredModulesEnumerated();
// Callback for ModuleInspector.
void OnModuleInspected(const ModuleInfoKey& module_key,
ModuleInspectionResult inspection_result);
// If the ModuleDatabase is truly idle, calls EnterIdleState().
void OnDelayExpired();
// Notifies the observers that ModuleDatabase is now idle.
void EnterIdleState();
// Notifies the |observer| of already found and inspected modules via
// OnNewModuleFound().
void NotifyLoadedModules(ModuleDatabaseObserver* observer);
// Called by DisableThirdPartyBlocking() to disable the analysis of loaded
// modules.
// Note: This is distinct from OnThirdPartyBlockingPolicyDisabled() because
// they have a different effect. OnThirdPartyBlockingDisabled() keeps
// the |third_party_conflicts_manager_| instance alive.
// TODO(pmonette): Remove this workaround when printing is moved to a utility
// process. See https://crbug.com/892294.
void OnThirdPartyBlockingDisabled();
// Initializes the ThirdPartyConflictsManager, which controls showing warnings
// for incompatible applications that inject into Chrome and the blocking of
// third-party modules. The manager is only initialized if either or both of
// the ThirdPartyModulesBlocking and IncompatibleApplicationsWarning features
// are enabled.
void MaybeInitializeThirdPartyConflictsManager(
bool third_party_blocking_policy_enabled);
// A map of all known modules.
ModuleMap modules_;
base::RetainingOneShotTimer idle_timer_;
// Indicates if the ModuleDatabase has started processing module load events.
bool has_started_processing_;
// Indicates if all shell extensions have been enumerated.
bool shell_extensions_enumerated_;
// Indicates if all input method editors have been enumerated.
bool ime_enumerated_;
// Observes the ThirdPartyBlockingEnabled group policy on the UI thread.
std::unique_ptr<PrefChangeRegistrar, base::OnTaskRunnerDeleter>
// Inspects new modules on a blocking task runner.
ModuleInspector module_inspector_;
// Holds observers.
base::ObserverList<ModuleDatabaseObserver>::Unchecked observer_list_;
std::unique_ptr<ThirdPartyConflictsManager> third_party_conflicts_manager_;
// Records metrics on third-party modules.
ThirdPartyMetricsRecorder third_party_metrics_;