// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// A module for a prototype of the Read Anything feature. Read Anything is an
// untrusted WebUI.
module read_anything.mojom;
import "skia/public/mojom/skcolor.mojom";
import "skia/public/mojom/bitmap.mojom";
import "ui/accessibility/mojom/ax_event.mojom";
import "ui/accessibility/mojom/ax_tree_id.mojom";
import "ui/accessibility/mojom/ax_tree_update.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/values.mojom";
enum InstallationState {
[Default] kUnknown = 0,
kNotInstalled = 1,
kInstalling = 2,
kInstalled = 3
enum ErrorCode {
[Default] kNone = 0,
kOther = 1,
kWrongId = 2,
kNeedReboot = 3,
kAllocation = 4,
kUnsupportedPlatform = 5
union VoicePackInstallationState {
InstallationState installation_state;
ErrorCode error_code;
struct VoicePackInfo {
VoicePackInstallationState pack_state;
string language;
// Used by the untrusted WebUI page to bootstrap bidirectional communication.
interface UntrustedPageHandlerFactory {
// The WebUI calls this method when the page is first initialized.
CreateUntrustedPageHandler(pending_remote<UntrustedPage> page,
pending_receiver<UntrustedPageHandler> handler);
// Signals that the side panel content has finished loading and it is now
// safe to show the UI. This is to avoid loading artifacts if the side panel
// is shown before ready.
// Used as identifiers for the Read Anything theme options.
// Next value: 5
[Extensible, Stable, Uuid="03f38cfc-a34f-460a-a0a7-faf711f11a64"]
// LINT.IfChange(Colors)
enum Colors {
[Default]kDefault = 0,
kLight = 1,
kDark = 2,
kYellow = 3,
[MinVersion=1] kBlue = 4,
// LINT.ThenChange(/tools/metrics/histograms/metadata/accessibility/enums.xml:ReadAnythingColor)
[Extensible, Stable, Uuid="2B5C793A-D81E-4C76-8CDF-695C7E0A30E2",
// LINT.IfChange(LetterSpacing)
enum LetterSpacing {
kTightDeprecated = 0,
[Default]kStandard = 1,
kWide = 2,
kVeryWide = 3,
// LINT.ThenChange(/tools/metrics/histograms/metadata/accessibility/enums.xml:ReadAnythingLetterSpacing)
[Extensible, Stable, Uuid="49212e28-ae8a-4244-94df-0cbb7fcdf5bc",
// LINT.IfChange(LineSpacing)
enum LineSpacing {
kTightDeprecated = 0,
kStandard = 1,
[Default]kLoose = 2,
kVeryLoose = 3,
// LINT.ThenChange(/tools/metrics/histograms/metadata/accessibility/enums.xml:ReadAnythingLineSpacing)
[Extensible, Stable, Uuid="b8c27619-fe28-44a6-bb89-f4eda846b0f8"]
// Granularity used for highlighting text as it's spoken.
enum HighlightGranularity {
[Default]kOn = 0,
kOff = 1,
// Browser-side handler for requests from untrusted WebUI page.
interface UntrustedPageHandler {
// Called by the renderer to see if a voice is installed, or being installed.
GetVoicePackInfo(string language) => (VoicePackInfo voice_pack_info);
// Called by the renderer to install a natural-voice pack.
InstallVoicePack(string language) => (VoicePackInfo voice_pack_info);
// Informs the browser controller that a user tried to copy text from the
// WebUI. If the main page allows copy commands, then the current selection
// on the main page will be copied to the user's clipboard. Note that even
// though selections on the main page and WebUI are in sync, the resulting
// content in the user's clipboard may not exactly match what is selected in
// the WebUI. This is because the main page selection may contain images,
// captions, etc that are not shown in reading mode's simplified view.
// Informs the browser controller that the user updated the line spacing via
// the webui toolbar.
OnLineSpaceChange(read_anything.mojom.LineSpacing line_spacing);
// Informs the browser controller that the user updated the letter spacing via
// the webui toolbar.
OnLetterSpaceChange(read_anything.mojom.LetterSpacing letter_spacing);
// Informs the browser controller that the user updated the font name via
// the webui toolbar.
OnFontChange(string font);
// Informs the browser controller that the user updated the font size via
// the webui toolbar.
OnFontSizeChange(double font_size);
// Informs the browser controller that the user has toggled links
// via the webui toolbar.
OnLinksEnabledChanged(bool enabled);
// Informs the browser controller that the user has toggled images
// via the webui toolbar.
OnImagesEnabledChanged(bool enabled);
// Informs the browser controller that the user updated the color theme via
// the webui toolbar.
OnColorChange(read_anything.mojom.Colors color);
// Informs the browser controller that the user updated the speech rate via
// the webui toolbar. rate is a multiplicative scale where 1 is the baseline,
// and 2 is twice as fast, 0.5 is half as fast. See
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/SpeechSynthesisUtterance/rate
OnSpeechRateChange(double rate);
// Informs the browser controller that the user updated the voice used for
// speech via the webui toolbar. lang is the language code that voice is for.
OnVoiceChange(string voice, string lang);
// Informs the browser controller that the user enabled/disabled a language.
OnLanguagePrefChange(string lang, bool enabled);
// Informs the browser controller that the user updated the granularity of
// the highlight that follows along with speech via the webui toolbar.
OnHighlightGranularityChanged(read_anything.mojom.HighlightGranularity granularity);
// Informs the browser controller that a link was clicked in the WebUI. The
// browser controller responds by performing a click action on the link in
// the target tree, which is in the main frame of the currently active web
// contents. Target_tree_id is the AXTreeID that contains the link to be
// clicked; target_node_id is the AXNodeID of the link node.
OnLinkClicked(ax.mojom.AXTreeID target_tree_id, int32 target_node_id);
// Asks the browser provide the image data for the target node.
// The data will be received in a tree update via AccessibilityEventReceived.
OnImageDataRequested(ax.mojom.AXTreeID target_tree_id, int32 target_node_id);
// Informs the browser controller that a selection was made in the WebUI. The
// browser controller responds by making a matching selection in the target
// tree, which is in the main frame of the currently active web contents.
// Target_tree_id is the AXTreeID that contains the link to be clicked;
// anchor_node_id and focus_node_id are AXNodeIDs which identify the anchor
// and focus AXNodes of the selection; anchor_offset and focus_offset are
// integer offsets in the selection.
ax.mojom.AXTreeID target_tree_id,
int32 anchor_node_id,
int32 anchor_offset,
int32 focus_node_id,
int32 focus_offset);
// Informs the browser to collapse the selection made in the WebUI.
// Requests the browser to take a screenshot of the active web contents.
// Informs the browser controller that the side page was scrolled to the end.
// The browser controller responds by scrolling the main page to show the
// last line of text on the side page. target_node_id should be the last
// display node shown in the side page.
// TODO (b/358169090): Create a cpp typemap to use the ui::AXNodeID type
// instead of int32
ScrollToTargetNode(ax.mojom.AXTreeID target_tree_id, int32 target_node_id);
// Untrusted WebUI-side handler for requests from the browser.
interface UntrustedPage {
// Send an accessibility event notification to the WebUI. The WebUI
// unserializes the updates and stores a copy of the tree with ID tree_id in
// a map.
AccessibilityEventReceived(ax.mojom.AXTreeID tree_id,
array<ax.mojom.AXTreeUpdate> updates,
array<ax.mojom.AXEvent> events);
// Sends the active AXTreeID to the WebUI. This is not guaranteed to be called
// after the tree_id was previously passed to AccessibilityEventsReceived.
// ukm_source_id is a ukm::SourceId which is used to tie the UKM event to the
// main frame URL for metrics collection.
// TODO(41496290): Do not pass is_pdf. The renderer should be able to infer
// this value from the AXTree, and should not trust it coming from a
// potentially compromised renderer.
OnActiveAXTreeIDChanged(ax.mojom.AXTreeID tree_id,
int64 ukm_source_id,
bool is_pdf);
// Notifies the WebUI that an AXTree with the provided AXTreeID was
// destroyed. This is not guaranteed to be called after the tree_id was
// previously passed to AccessibilityEventsReceived.
OnAXTreeDestroyed(ax.mojom.AXTreeID tree_id);
// Send an updated language code to the WebUI. Will either be the page
// language or the browser language depending on what's available.
SetLanguageCode(string code);
// Notifies that the device has been locked. Only called by ChromeOS.
// Sets the default language code to be available in the WebUI in the event
// the language set by SetLanguageCode is invalid.
SetDefaultLanguageCode(string code);
// Send the settings values stored in prefs to the WebUI. voices maps
// language to voice name
OnSettingsRestoredFromPrefs(read_anything.mojom.LineSpacing line_spacing,
read_anything.mojom.LetterSpacing letter_spacing,
string font,
double font_size,
bool links_enabled,
bool images_enabled,
read_anything.mojom.Colors color,
double speech_rate,
mojo_base.mojom.DictionaryValue voices,
mojo_base.mojom.ListValue languages_enabled_in_pref,
read_anything.mojom.HighlightGranularity granularity);
// Notifies the WebUI that the ScreenAI service is ready on this device.
// Notifies the WebUI that an image has been downloaded for a given node.
OnImageDataDownloaded(ax.mojom.AXTreeID tree_id,
int32 node_id,
skia.mojom.BitmapN32 image