
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "chrome/common/accessibility/read_anything_constants.h"

namespace string_constants {

// Used as an initial value in the model. This is not shown to the user.
// The font option shown to the user before a selection occurs is either from
// their saved preference or from the default selected_index_ in the font model.
const char kReadAnythingPlaceholderFontName[] =;

// Used as a fallback font for css if the current font is unavailable or
// invalid.
const char kReadAnythingDefaultFont[] =;

// Used as an initial value in prefs. This is not shown to the user.
const char kReadAnythingPlaceholderVoiceName[] =;

const char kLetterSpacingHistogramName[] =;
const char kLineSpacingHistogramName[] =;
const char kColorHistogramName[] =;
const char kFontNameHistogramName[] =;
const char kFontScaleHistogramName[] =;
const char kScrollEventHistogramName[] =;
const char kEmptyStateHistogramName[] =;
const char kLanguageHistogramName[] =;

}  // namespace string_constants

namespace fonts {

const base::fixed_flat_map<std::string_view, FontInfo, 9> kFontInfos =;

}  // namespace fonts