// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module companion.visual_query.mojom;
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/proto_wrapper.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/read_only_file.mojom";
import "skia/public/mojom/bitmap.mojom";
// Structure used to capture metrics for classification in renderer.
struct ClassificationStats {
// Stat for the number of eligible images on page.
uint32 eligible_count;
// Stat for the number of sensitive images on page.
uint32 sensitive_count;
// Stat for the number of shoppy images on page.
uint32 shoppy_count;
// Stat for the number of shoppy/nonsensitive images on page.
uint32 shoppy_nonsensitive_count;
// Stat for number of visual suggestions on page.
uint32 results_count;
// Encapsulates a visual query suggestion result.
struct VisualQuerySuggestion {
// raw skbitmap version of image.
skia.mojom.BitmapN32 image;
// alt-text for the image.
string alt_text;
// Browser-side interface handling responses for visual query suggestions.
interface VisualSuggestionsResultHandler {
// Called when the renderer is ready to send visual query suggestions back
// to the browser.
// `results` is a list of visual query suggestions.
// `stats` contains statistics about the classification (typically used for
// logging).
HandleClassification(array<VisualQuerySuggestion> results,
ClassificationStats stats);
// Renderer-side interface listening for visual query suggestions requests.
// We make this IPC call once per page load to the main render frame.
interface VisualSuggestionsRequestHandler {
// Called to kick off the visual classification request and passes all of
// the necessary dependencies needed on the renderer side to complete task.
// `visual_model_file` is the file pointer to the model used for
// classification.
// `config_proto` configures params and thresholds for the classifier,
// wraps the model's EligibilitySpec.
// `result_handler` is a mojom interface necessary to send back the results.
mojo_base.mojom.ReadOnlyFile visual_model_file,
mojo_base.mojom.ProtoWrapper? config,
pending_remote<VisualSuggestionsResultHandler> result_handler);
// Interface used by renderer to request model and metadata from the
// VisualQuerySuggestionsService running in the browser process.
// This interface is used in cases where we want image classification to
// be triggered on the renderer process rather than browser process.
interface VisualSuggestionsModelProvider {
// Requests the model bytes with metadata.
// `visual_model_file` is the file pointer to the model used for
// classification.
// `config_proto` wraps the model's EligibilitySpec.
GetModelWithMetadata() => (
mojo_base.mojom.ReadOnlyFile visual_model_file,
mojo_base.mojom.ProtoWrapper? config);