// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// API which provides support for ChromeOS Accessibility features in the
// browser.
[platforms=("chromeos", "lacros"),
namespace accessibilityServicePrivate {
callback VoidCallback = void();
interface Functions {
// Called when Select to Speak in ChromeOS should speak the current
// text selection; fired when the context menu option was clicked in
// a selection context.
static void speakSelectedText(
optional VoidCallback callback);
interface Events {
// Called when Select to Speak in ChromeOS wants a clipboard copy
// event to be performed on the active and focused tab with the
// given URL. This is fired when Select to Speak is trying to speak
// with search+s but cannot find a selection and the focused node
// is in a Google Docs page.
static void clipboardCopyInActiveGoogleDoc(DOMString url);