
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// Use the <code>chrome.enterprise.platformKeys</code> API to generate keys and
// install certificates for these keys. The certificates will be managed by the
// platform and can be used for TLS authentication, network access or by other
// extension through $(ref:platformKeys chrome.platformKeys).
[platforms = ("chromeos", "lacros")]
namespace enterprise.platformKeys {
  [nocompile, noinline_doc] dictionary Token {
    // Uniquely identifies this <code>Token</code>.
    // <p>Static IDs are <code>"user"</code> and <code>"system"</code>,
    // referring to the platform's user-specific and the system-wide hardware
    // token, respectively. Any other tokens (with other identifiers) might be
    // returned by $(ref:enterprise.platformKeys.getTokens).</p>
    DOMString id;

    // Implements the WebCrypto's
    // <a href="">SubtleCrypto</a>
    // interface. The cryptographic operations, including key generation, are
    // hardware-backed.
    // <p>Only non-extractable RSASSA-PKCS1-V1_5 keys with
    // <code>modulusLength</code> up to 2048 and ECDSA with
    // <code>namedCurve</code> P-256 can be generated. Each key can be
    // used for signing data at most once.</p>
    // <p>Keys generated on a specific <code>Token</code> cannot be used with
    // any other Tokens, nor can they be used with
    // <code>window.crypto.subtle</code>. Equally, <code>Key</code> objects
    // created with <code>window.crypto.subtle</code> cannot be used with this
    // interface.</p>
    [instanceOf = SubtleCrypto] object subtleCrypto;

    // Implements the WebCrypto's
    // <a href="">SubtleCrypto</a>
    // interface. The cryptographic operations, including key generation, are
    // software-backed. Protection of the keys, and thus implementation of the
    // non-extractable property, is done in software, so the keys are less
    // protected than hardware-backed keys.
    // <p>Only non-extractable RSASSA-PKCS1-V1_5 keys with
    // <code>modulusLength</code> up to 2048 can be generated. Each key can be
    // used for signing data at most once.</p>
    // <p>Keys generated on a specific <code>Token</code> cannot be used with
    // any other Tokens, nor can they be used with
    // <code>window.crypto.subtle</code>. Equally, <code>Key</code> objects
    // created with <code>window.crypto.subtle</code> cannot be used with this
    // interface.</p>
    [instanceOf = SubtleCrypto] object softwareBackedSubtleCrypto;

  // Whether to use the Enterprise User Key or the Enterprise Machine Key.
  enum Scope { USER, MACHINE };

  // Type of key to generate.
  enum Algorithm { RSA, ECDSA };

  // Invoked by <code>getTokens</code> with the list of available Tokens.
  // |tokens|: The list of available tokens.
  callback GetTokensCallback = void(Token[] tokens);

  // Callback to which the certificates are passed.
  // |certificates|: The list of certificates, each in DER encoding of a X.509
  //     certificate.
  callback GetCertificatesCallback = void(ArrayBuffer[] certificates);

  // Invoked by importCertificate or removeCertificate when the respective
  // operation is finished.
  callback DoneCallback = void();

  // Invoked by <code>challengeMachineKey</code> or
  // <code>challengeUserKey</code> with the challenge response.
  // |response|: The challenge response.
  callback ChallengeCallback = void(ArrayBuffer response);

  dictionary RegisterKeyOptions {
    // Which algorithm the registered key should use.
    Algorithm algorithm;

  dictionary ChallengeKeyOptions {
    // A challenge as emitted by the Verified Access Web API.
    ArrayBuffer challenge;
    // If present, registers the challenged key with the specified
    // <code>scope</code>'s token.  The key can then be associated with a
    // certificate and used like any other signing key.  Subsequent calls to
    // this function will then generate a new Enterprise Key in the specified
    // <code>scope</code>.
    RegisterKeyOptions? registerKey;
    // Which Enterprise Key to challenge.
    Scope scope;

  interface Functions {
    // Returns the available Tokens. In a regular user's session the list will
    // always contain the user's token with <code>id</code> <code>"user"</code>.
    // If a system-wide TPM token is available, the returned list will also
    // contain the system-wide token with <code>id</code> <code>"system"</code>.
    // The system-wide token will be the same for all sessions on this device
    // (device in the sense of e.g. a Chromebook).
    [nocompile] static void getTokens(GetTokensCallback callback);

    // Returns the list of all client certificates available from the given
    // token. Can be used to check for the existence and expiration of client
    // certificates that are usable for a certain authentication.
    // |tokenId|: The id of a Token returned by <code>getTokens</code>.
    // |callback|: Called back with the list of the available certificates.
    static void getCertificates(DOMString tokenId,
                                GetCertificatesCallback callback);

    // Imports <code>certificate</code> to the given token if the certified key
    // is already stored in this token.
    // After a successful certification request, this function should be used to
    // store the obtained certificate and to make it available to the operating
    // system and browser for authentication.
    // |tokenId|: The id of a Token returned by <code>getTokens</code>.
    // |certificate|: The DER encoding of a X.509 certificate.
    // |callback|: Called back when this operation is finished.
    static void importCertificate(DOMString tokenId,
                                  ArrayBuffer certificate,
                                  optional DoneCallback callback);

    // Removes <code>certificate</code> from the given token if present.
    // Should be used to remove obsolete certificates so that they are not
    // considered during authentication and do not clutter the certificate
    // choice. Should be used to free storage in the certificate store.
    // |tokenId|: The id of a Token returned by <code>getTokens</code>.
    // |certificate|: The DER encoding of a X.509 certificate.
    // |callback|: Called back when this operation is finished.
    static void removeCertificate(DOMString tokenId,
                                  ArrayBuffer certificate,
                                  optional DoneCallback callback);

    // Similar to <code>challengeMachineKey</code> and
    // <code>challengeUserKey</code>, but allows specifying the algorithm of a
    // registered key. Challenges a hardware-backed Enterprise Machine Key and
    // emits the response as part of a remote attestation protocol. Only useful
    // on Chrome OS and in conjunction with the Verified Access Web API which
    // both issues challenges and verifies responses.
    // A successful verification by the Verified Access Web API is a strong
    // signal that the current device is a legitimate Chrome OS device, the
    // current device is managed by the domain specified during verification,
    // the current signed-in user is managed by the domain specified during
    // verification, and the current device state complies with enterprise
    // device policy. For example, a policy may specify that the device must not
    // be in developer mode.  Any device identity emitted by the verification is
    // tightly bound to the hardware of the current device. If
    // <code>"user"</code> Scope is specified, the identity is also tighly bound
    // to the current signed-in user.
    // This function is highly restricted and will fail if the current device is
    // not managed, the current user is not managed, or if this operation has
    // not explicitly been enabled for the caller by enterprise device policy.
    // The challenged key does not reside in the <code>"system"</code> or
    // <code>"user"</code> token and is not accessible by any other API.
    // |options|: Object containing the fields defined in
    //            $(ref:ChallengeKeyOptions).
    // |callback|: Called back with the challenge response.
    static void challengeKey(ChallengeKeyOptions options,
                             ChallengeCallback callback);

    // Challenges a hardware-backed Enterprise Machine Key and emits the
    // response as part of a remote attestation protocol. Only useful on Chrome
    // OS and in conjunction with the Verified Access Web API which both issues
    // challenges and verifies responses. A successful verification by the
    // Verified Access Web API is a strong signal of all of the following:
    // * The current device is a legitimate Chrome OS device.
    // * The current device is managed by the domain specified during
    //   verification.
    // * The current signed-in user is managed by the domain specified during
    //   verification.
    // * The current device state complies with enterprise device policy. For
    //   example, a policy may specify that the device must not be in developer
    //   mode.
    // * Any device identity emitted by the verification is tightly bound to the
    //   hardware of the current device.
    // This function is highly restricted and will fail if the current device
    // is not managed, the current user is not managed, or if this operation
    // has not explicitly been enabled for the caller by enterprise device
    // policy. The Enterprise Machine Key does not reside in the
    // <code>"system"</code> token and is not accessible by any other API.
    // |challenge|: A challenge as emitted by the Verified Access Web API.
    // |registerKey|: If set, the current Enterprise Machine Key is registered
    //                with the <code>"system"</code> token and relinquishes the
    //                Enterprise Machine Key role. The key can then be
    //                associated with a certificate and used like any other
    //                signing key. This key is 2048-bit RSA. Subsequent calls
    //                to this function will then generate a new Enterprise
    //                Machine Key.
    // |callback|: Called back with the challenge response.
    [deprecated="Use $(ref:challengeKey) instead."]
    static void challengeMachineKey(ArrayBuffer challenge,
                                    optional boolean registerKey,
                                    ChallengeCallback callback);

    // Challenges a hardware-backed Enterprise User Key and emits the response
    // as part of a remote attestation protocol. Only useful on Chrome OS and in
    // conjunction with the Verified Access Web API which both issues challenges
    // and verifies responses. A successful verification by the Verified Access
    // Web API is a strong signal of all of the following:
    // * The current device is a legitimate Chrome OS device.
    // * The current device is managed by the domain specified during
    //   verification.
    // * The current signed-in user is managed by the domain specified during
    //   verification.
    // * The current device state complies with enterprise user policy. For
    //   example, a policy may specify that the device must not be in developer
    //   mode.
    // * The public key emitted by the verification is tightly bound to the
    //   hardware of the current device and to the current signed-in user.
    // This function is highly restricted and will fail if the current device is
    // not managed, the current user is not managed, or if this operation has
    // not explicitly been enabled for the caller by enterprise user policy.
    // The Enterprise User Key does not reside in the <code>"user"</code> token
    // and is not accessible by any other API.
    // |challenge|: A challenge as emitted by the Verified Access Web API.
    // |registerKey|: If set, the current Enterprise User Key is registered with
    //                the <code>"user"</code> token and relinquishes the
    //                Enterprise User Key role. The key can then be associated
    //                with a certificate and used like any other signing key.
    //                This key is 2048-bit RSA. Subsequent calls to this
    //                function will then generate a new Enterprise User Key.
    // |callback|: Called back with the challenge response.
    [deprecated="Use $(ref:challengeKey) instead."]
    static void challengeUserKey(ArrayBuffer challenge,
                                 boolean registerKey,
                                 ChallengeCallback callback);