
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// Internal API for platform keys and certificate management.
[ platforms = ("chromeos", "lacros"),
  implemented_in = "chrome/browser/extensions/api/enterprise_platform_keys/enterprise_platform_keys_api.h" ]
namespace enterprise.platformKeysInternal {
  dictionary Hash {
    DOMString name;

  // For more information about the RSA key generation parameters, please refer
  // to:
  // For more information about the ECDSA key generation parameters, please
  // refer to:
  // Note: |hash| is not used by generateKey() but is added to completely
  // mirror WebCrypto in using RsaHashedKeyAlgorithm to be able to wrap all
  // parameters in one structure.
  dictionary Algorithm {
    // Provided for all algorithms.
    DOMString name;

    // Provided in case of RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5.
    long? modulusLength;
    ArrayBuffer? publicExponent;
    Hash? hash;

    // Provided in case of ECDSA.
    DOMString? namedCurve;

  // Invoked by <code>getTokens</code>.
  // |tokenIds| The list of IDs of the avialable Tokens.
  callback GetTokensCallback = void(DOMString[] tokenIds);

  // Invoked by <code>generateKey</code>.
  // |publicKey| The Subject Public Key Info (see X.509) of the generated key
  //     in DER encoding.
  callback GenerateKeyCallback = void(ArrayBuffer publicKey);

  interface Functions {
    // Internal version of entrprise.platformKeys.getTokens. Returns a list of
    // token IDs instead of token objects.
    static void getTokens(GetTokensCallback callback);

    // Internal version of Token.generateKey, currently supporting only
    // RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 and ECDSA.
    // |tokenId| The id of a Token returned by |getTokens|.
    // |algorithm| The algorithm parameters as specified by WebCrypto.
    // |softwareBacked| Whether the key operations should be executed in
    //     software.
    // |callback| Called back with the Subject Public Key Info of the generated
    //     key.
    static void generateKey(DOMString tokenId,
                            Algorithm algorithm,
                            boolean softwareBacked,
                            GenerateKeyCallback callback);