// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Use the <code>chrome.passwordsPrivate</code> API to add or remove password
// data from the settings UI.
namespace passwordsPrivate {
// Possible reasons why a plaintext password was requested.
enum PlaintextReason {
// The user wants to view the password.
// The user wants to copy the password.
// The user wants to edit the password.
enum ExportProgressStatus {
// No export was started.
// Data is being written to the destination.
// Data has been written.
// The user rejected the file selection prompts.
// Writing to the destination failed.
enum CompromiseType {
// If the credentials was leaked by a data breach.
// If the credentials was reused on a phishing site.
// If the credentials have a password which was reused by other credentials.
// If the credentials have a weak password.
enum PasswordStoreSet {
// Corresponds to profile-scoped password store.
// Corresponds to Gaia-account-scoped password store (i.e. account store).
// Corresponds to both profile-scoped and Gaia-account-scoped password
// stores.
enum PasswordCheckState {
// idle state, e.g. after successfully running to completion.
// Running, following an explicit user action to start the check.
// Canceled, entered when the user explicitly cancels a check.
// Offline, the user is offline.
// The user is not signed into Chrome.
// The user does not have any passwords saved.
// The user hit the quota limit.
// Any other error state.
enum ImportResultsStatus {
// Any other error state.
// Data was fully or partially imported.
// Failed to read provided file.
// Header is missing, invalid or could not be read.
// File selection dismissed.
// Size of the chosen file exceeds the limit.
// User has already started the import flow in a different window.
// User tried to import too many passwords from one file.
// Conflicts found and they need to be resolved by the user.
enum ImportEntryStatus {
// Any other error state.
// Missing password field.
// Missing url field.
// Bad url formatting.
// URL contains non-ASCII chars.
// URL is too long.
// Password is too long.
// Username is too long.
// Credential is already stored in profile store.
// Credential is already stored in account store.
// Note is too long.
// Concatenation of imported and local notes is too long.
// Valid credential.
enum FamilyFetchStatus {
// Unknown or network error.
// No family members found.
// At least one family member found.
dictionary PublicKey {
// The value of the public key.
DOMString value;
// The version of the public key.
long version;
dictionary RecipientInfo {
// User ID of the recipient.
DOMString userId;
// Email of the recipient.
DOMString email;
// Name of the recipient.
DOMString displayName;
// Profile image URL of the recipient.
DOMString profileImageUrl;
// Whether the user can receive passwords.
boolean isEligible;
// The public key of the recipient.
PublicKey? publicKey;
dictionary FamilyFetchResults {
// Status of the family members fetch.
FamilyFetchStatus status;
// List of family members.
RecipientInfo[] familyMembers;
dictionary ImportEntry {
// The parsing status of individual row that represents
// credential during import process.
ImportEntryStatus status;
// The url of the credential.
DOMString url;
// The username of the credential.
DOMString username;
// The password of the credential.
DOMString password;
// Unique identifier of the credential.
long id;
dictionary ImportResults {
// General status of the triggered passwords import process.
ImportResultsStatus status;
// Number of successfully imported passwords.
long numberImported;
// Possibly emtpy, list of credentials that couldn't be imported.
ImportEntry[] displayedEntries;
// Name of file that user has chosen for the import.
DOMString fileName;
dictionary UrlCollection {
// The signon realm of the credential.
DOMString signonRealm;
// A human readable version of the URL of the credential's origin. For
// android credentials this is usually App name.
DOMString shown;
// The URL that will be linked to when an entry is clicked.
DOMString link;
// Information specific to compromised credentials.
dictionary CompromisedInfo {
// The timestamp of when this credential was determined to be compromised.
// Specified in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch. Intended to be passed to
// the JavaScript Date() constructor.
double compromiseTime;
// The elapsed time since this credential was determined to be compromised.
// This is passed as an already formatted string, since JavaScript lacks the
// required formatting APIs. Example: "5 minutes ago"
DOMString elapsedTimeSinceCompromise;
// The types of credential issues.
CompromiseType[] compromiseTypes;
// Indicates whether this credential is muted.
boolean isMuted;
// Structure which hold required information to display a link.
dictionary DomainInfo {
// A human readable version of the URL of the credential's origin. For
// android credentials this is usually the app name.
DOMString name;
// The URL that will be linked to when an entry is clicked.
DOMString url;
// The signon_realm of corresponding PasswordForm.
DOMString signonRealm;
// Entry used to display a password in the settings UI.
dictionary PasswordUiEntry {
// The URL collection corresponding to this saved password entry.
DomainInfo[] affiliatedDomains;
// The username used in conjunction with the saved password.
DOMString username;
// If this is a passkey, the user's display name. Empty otherwise.
DOMString? displayName;
// The password of the credential. Empty by default, only set if explicitly
// requested.
DOMString? password;
// Text shown if the password was obtained via a federated identity.
DOMString? federationText;
// An index to refer back to a unique password entry record.
long id;
// Corresponds to where the credential is stored.
PasswordStoreSet storedIn;
// Indicates whether this credential is a passkey.
boolean isPasskey;
// The value of the attached note.
DOMString? note;
// The URL where the insecure password can be changed. Might be not set for
// Android apps.
DOMString? changePasswordUrl;
// Additional information in case a credential is compromised.
CompromisedInfo? compromisedInfo;
// The timestamp of when this credential was created, or undefined if not a
// passkey. Specified in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch. Intended to be
// passed to the JavaScript Date() constructor.
double? creationTime;
// Group representing affiliated PasswordUiEntries.
dictionary CredentialGroup {
// Group name being displayed.
DOMString name;
// Icon url for the given group.
DOMString iconUrl;
// Entries in the group.
PasswordUiEntry[] entries;
dictionary ExceptionEntry {
// The URL collection corresponding to this exception entry.
UrlCollection urls;
// An id to refer back to a unique exception entry record.
long id;
dictionary PasswordExportProgress {
// The current status of the export task.
ExportProgressStatus status;
// If |status| is $ref(ExportProgressStatus.SUCCEEDED), this will
// be the full path of the written file.
DOMString? filePath;
// If |status| is $ref(ExportProgressStatus.FAILED_WRITE_FAILED), this will
// be the name of the selected folder to export to.
DOMString? folderName;
// Object describing the current state of the password check. The check could
// be in any of the above described states.
dictionary PasswordCheckStatus {
// The state of the password check.
PasswordCheckState state;
// Total number of saved passwords.
long? totalNumberOfPasswords;
// How many passwords have already been processed. Populated if and only if
// the password check is currently running.
long? alreadyProcessed;
// How many passwords are remaining in the queue. Populated if and only if
// the password check is currently running.
long? remainingInQueue;
// The elapsed time since the last full password check was performed. This
// is passed as a string, since JavaScript lacks the required formatting
// APIs. If no check has been performed yet this is not set.
DOMString? elapsedTimeSinceLastCheck;
// Object describing a password entry to be saved and storage to be used.
dictionary AddPasswordOptions {
// The url to save the password for.
DOMString url;
// The username to save the password for.
DOMString username;
// The password value to be saved.
DOMString password;
// The note attached the password.
DOMString note;
// True for account store, false for device store.
boolean useAccountStore;
// An object holding an array of PasswordUiEntries.
dictionary PasswordUiEntryList {
PasswordUiEntry[] entries;
callback PlaintextPasswordCallback = void(DOMString password);
callback PasswordListCallback = void(PasswordUiEntry[] entries);
callback CredentialsGroupCallback = void(CredentialGroup[] entries);
callback ExceptionListCallback = void(ExceptionEntry[] exceptions);
callback ExportProgressStatusCallback = void(ExportProgressStatus status);
callback VoidCallback = void();
callback OptInCallback = void(boolean optedIn);
callback PasswordCheckStatusCallback = void(PasswordCheckStatus status);
callback ImportPasswordsCallback = void(ImportResults results);
callback FetchFamilyResultsCallback = void(FamilyFetchResults results);
callback IsAccountStoreDefaultCallback = void(boolean isDefault);
callback GetUrlCollectionCallback = void(UrlCollection urlCollection);
callback CredentialsWithReusedPasswordCallback =
void(PasswordUiEntryList[] entries);
callback PasswordManagerPinAvailableCallback = void(boolean available);
callback PasswordManagerPinChangedCallback = void(boolean success);
callback DisconnectCloudAuthenticatorCallback = void(boolean success);
callback IsConnectedToCloudAuthenticatorCallback = void(boolean connected);
callback DeleteAllPasswordManagerDataCallback = void(boolean success);
callback AuthenticationResultCallback = void(boolean result);
interface Functions {
// Function that logs that the Passwords page was accessed from the Chrome
// Settings WebUI.
static void recordPasswordsPageAccessInSettings();
// Changes the credential. Not all attributes can be updated.
// Optional attributes that are not set will be unchanged.
// Returns a promise that resolves if successful, and rejects otherwise.
// |credential|: The credential to update. This will be matched to the
// existing credential by id.
static void changeCredential(
PasswordUiEntry credential,
optional VoidCallback callback);
// Removes the credential corresponding to |id| in |fromStores|. If no
// credential for this pair exists, this function is a no-op.
// |id|: The id for the credential being removed.
// |fromStores|: The store(s) from which the credential is being removed.
static void removeCredential(long id, PasswordStoreSet fromStores);
// Removes the saved password exception corresponding to |id|. If
// no exception with this id exists, this function is a no-op. This will
// remove exception from both stores.
// |id|: The id for the exception url entry is being removed.
static void removePasswordException(long id);
// Undoes the last removal of saved password(s) or exception(s).
static void undoRemoveSavedPasswordOrException();
// Returns the plaintext password corresponding to |id|. Note that on
// some operating systems, this call may result in an OS-level
// reauthentication. Once the password has been fetched, it will be returned
// via |callback|.
// |id|: The id for the password entry being being retrieved.
// |reason|: The reason why the plaintext password is requested.
// |callback|: The callback that gets invoked with the retrieved password.
static void requestPlaintextPassword(
long id,
PlaintextReason reason,
PlaintextPasswordCallback callback);
// Returns the PasswordUiEntries (with |password|, |note| field filled) corresponding
// to |ids|. Note that on some operating systems, this call may result in an
// OS-level reauthentication. Once the PasswordUiEntry has been fetched, it
// will be returned via |callback|.
// |ids|: Ids for the password entries being retrieved.
// |callback|: The callback that gets invoked with the retrieved
// PasswordUiEntries.
static void requestCredentialsDetails(
long[] ids,
PasswordListCallback callback);
// Returns the list of saved passwords.
// |callback|: Called with the list of saved passwords.
static void getSavedPasswordList(
PasswordListCallback callback);
// Returns the list of Credential groups.
// |callback|: Called with the list of groups.
static void getCredentialGroups(CredentialsGroupCallback callback);
// Returns the list of password exceptions.
// |callback|: Called with the list of password exceptions.
static void getPasswordExceptionList(
ExceptionListCallback callback);
// Moves passwords currently stored on the device to being stored in the
// signed-in, non-syncing Google Account. For each id, the result is a
// no-op if any of these is true: |id| is invalid; |id| corresponds to a
// password already stored in the account; or the user is not using the
// account-scoped password storage.
// |ids|: The ids for the password entries being moved.
static void movePasswordsToAccount(long[] ids);
// Fetches family members (password share recipients).
static void fetchFamilyMembers(
FetchFamilyResultsCallback callback);
// Sends sharing invitations to the recipients.
// |id|: The id of the password entry to be shared.
// |recipients|: The list of selected recipients.
// |callback|: The callback that gets invoked on success.
static void sharePassword(
long id,
RecipientInfo[] recipients,
optional VoidCallback callback);
// Triggers the Password Manager password import functionality.
static void importPasswords(
PasswordStoreSet toStore,
ImportPasswordsCallback callback);
// Resumes the password import process when user has selected which
// passwords to replace.
// |selectedIds|: The ids of passwords that need to be replaced.
static void continueImport(
long[] selectedIds,
ImportPasswordsCallback callback);
// Resets the PasswordImporter if it is in the CONFLICTS/FINISHED state
// and the user closes the dialog. Only when the PasswordImporter is in
// FINISHED state, |deleteFile| option is taken into account.
// |deleteFile|: Whether to trigger deletion of the last imported file.
static void resetImporter(
boolean deleteFile,
optional VoidCallback callback);
// Triggers the Password Manager password export functionality. Completion
// Will be signaled by the onPasswordsFileExportProgress event.
// |callback| will be called when the request is started or rejected. If
// rejected $(ref:runtime.lastError) will be set to
// <code>'in-progress'</code> or <code>'reauth-failed'</code>.
static void exportPasswords(VoidCallback callback);
// Requests the export progress status. This is the same as the last value
// seen on the onPasswordsFileExportProgress event. This function is useful
// for checking if an export has already been initiated from an older tab,
// where we might have missed the original event.
static void requestExportProgressStatus(
ExportProgressStatusCallback callback);
// Requests the account-storage opt-in state of the current user.
static void isOptedInForAccountStorage(
OptInCallback callback);
// Triggers the opt-in or opt-out flow for the account storage.
static void optInForAccountStorage(boolean optIn);
// Requests the latest insecure credentials.
static void getInsecureCredentials(
PasswordListCallback callback);
// Requests group of credentials which reuse passwords. Each group contains
// credentials with the same password value.
static void getCredentialsWithReusedPassword(
CredentialsWithReusedPasswordCallback callback);
// Requests to mute |credential| from the password store.
// Invokes |callback| on completion.
static void muteInsecureCredential(
PasswordUiEntry credential, optional VoidCallback callback);
// Requests to unmute |credential| from the password store.
// Invokes |callback| on completion.
static void unmuteInsecureCredential(
PasswordUiEntry credential, optional VoidCallback callback);
// Starts a check for insecure passwords. Invokes |callback| on completion.
static void startPasswordCheck(
optional VoidCallback callback);
// Returns the current status of the check via |callback|.
static void getPasswordCheckStatus(
PasswordCheckStatusCallback callback);
// Requests whether the account store is a default location for saving
// passwords. False means the device store is a default one. Must be called
// when the current user has already opted-in for account storage.
static void isAccountStoreDefault(
IsAccountStoreDefaultCallback callback);
// Requests whether the given |url| meets the requirements to save a
// password for it (e.g. valid, has proper scheme etc.) and returns the
// corresponding URLCollection on success. Otherwise it raises an error.
static void getUrlCollection(
DOMString url,
GetUrlCollectionCallback callback);
// Saves a new password entry described by the given |options|. Invokes
// |callback| or raises an error depending on whether the operation
// succeeded.
// |options|: Details about a new password and storage to be used.
// |callback|: The callback that gets invoked on success.
static void addPassword(
AddPasswordOptions options,
optional VoidCallback callback);
// Restarts the authentication timeout timer if the user is authenticated.
// |callback|: The callback that gets invoked on success.
static void extendAuthValidity(
optional VoidCallback callback);
// Switches Biometric authentication before filling state after
// successful authentication.
// |callback|: The callback that gets invoked with the authentication
// result.
[platforms = ("win", "mac")] static void
AuthenticationResultCallback callback);
// Shows a dialog for creating a shortcut for the Password Manager page.
static void showAddShortcutDialog();
// Opens a file with exported passwords in the OS shell.
static void showExportedFileInShell(DOMString file_path);
// Shows a dialog for changing the Password Manager PIN.
static void changePasswordManagerPin(
optional PasswordManagerPinChangedCallback callback);
// Checks whether changing Password Manager PIN is possible.
static void isPasswordManagerPinAvailable(
PasswordManagerPinAvailableCallback callback);
// Disconnects the Chrome client from the cloud authenticator.
static void disconnectCloudAuthenticator(
DisconnectCloudAuthenticatorCallback callback);
// Checks whether the Chrome client is registered with/connected to
// the cloud authenticator.
static void isConnectedToCloudAuthenticator(
IsConnectedToCloudAuthenticatorCallback callback);
// Deletes all password manager data (passwords, passkeys, etc.)
// |callback|: The callback that gets invoked with true on successful
// deletion and false on failure (e.g. not all data was deleted).
static void deleteAllPasswordManagerData(
DeleteAllPasswordManagerDataCallback callback);
interface Events {
// Fired when the saved passwords list has changed, meaning that an entry
// has been added or removed.
// |entries|: The updated list of password entries.
static void onSavedPasswordsListChanged(PasswordUiEntry[] entries);
// Fired when the password exceptions list has changed, meaning that an
// entry has been added or removed.
// |exceptions|: The updated list of password exceptions.
static void onPasswordExceptionsListChanged(ExceptionEntry[] exceptions);
// Fired when the status of the export has changed.
// |status|: The progress status and an optional UI message.
static void onPasswordsFileExportProgress(PasswordExportProgress status);
// Fired when the opt-in state for the account-scoped storage has changed.
// |optedIn|: The new opt-in state.
static void onAccountStorageOptInStateChanged(boolean optedIn);
// Fired when the insecure credentials changed.
// |insecureCredentials|: The updated insecure credentials.
static void onInsecureCredentialsChanged(
PasswordUiEntry[] insecureCredentials);
// Fired when the status of the password check changes.
// |status|: The updated status of the password check.
static void onPasswordCheckStatusChanged(PasswordCheckStatus status);
// Fired when the password manager access timed out.
static void onPasswordManagerAuthTimeout();