
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// resourcesPrivate.
namespace resourcesPrivate {
  enum Component { identity, pdf };

  callback GetStringsCallback = void (object result);

  interface Functions {
    // Gets localized strings for a component extension. Includes default WebUI
    // loadTimeData values for text and language settings (fontsize, fontfamily,
    // language, textdirection). See
    // chrome/browser/extensions/api/resources_private/
    // for instructions on adding a new component to this API.
    // |component| : Internal Chrome component to get strings for.
    // |callback| : Called with a dictionary mapping names to strings.
    static void getStrings(
        Component component,
        GetStringsCallback callback);