
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "chrome/common/extensions/manifest_tests/chrome_manifest_test.h"
#include "extensions/common/error_utils.h"
#include "extensions/common/feature_switch.h"
#include "extensions/common/manifest_constants.h"
#include "extensions/common/manifest_handlers/options_page_info.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"


namespace {

class OptionsPageManifestTest : public ChromeManifestTest {};

TEST_F(OptionsPageManifestTest, OptionsPageInApps) {}

// Tests for the manifest field.
TEST_F(OptionsPageManifestTest, OptionsUIPage) {}

// Runs TestOptionsUIChromeStyleAndOpenInTab with and without the
// embedded-extension-options flag. The results should always be the same.
TEST_F(OptionsPageManifestTest, OptionsUIChromeStyleAndOpenInTab) {}

// Runs TestOptionsPageChromeStyleAndOpenInTab with and without the
// embedded-extension-options flag. The default value of open-in-tab differs
// depending on the flag's value.
TEST_F(OptionsPageManifestTest, OptionsPageChromeStyleAndOpenInTab) {}

// Tests that the chrome_style flag is not supported in manifest v3 and will
// trigger an error when specified.
TEST_F(OptionsPageManifestTest, OptionsPageChromeStyleManifestV3) {}

}  // namespace