// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
// A helper class to let tests generate a random registry key to be used in
// HKEY_CURRENT_USER in tests. After the key has been generated by constructing
// an ImporterTestRegistryOverrider, consumers in this process (or in any
// child processes created after the key has been generated) can obtain the key
// via GetTestRegistryOverride(). ImporterTestRegistryOverrider will delete
// the temporary key upon being deleted itself. Only one
// ImporterTestRegistryOverrider should live at once in a given process
// hiearchy.
class ImporterTestRegistryOverrider {
ImporterTestRegistryOverrider(const ImporterTestRegistryOverrider&) = delete;
ImporterTestRegistryOverrider& operator=(
const ImporterTestRegistryOverrider&) = delete;
// Returns a test key if one was chosen and set by a call to
// SetTestRegistryOverride(); returns the empty string if none.
static std::wstring GetTestRegistryOverride();
std::wstring temporary_key_;