// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module chrome.mojom;
import "components/content_settings/common/content_settings_manager.mojom";
import "components/content_settings/core/common/content_settings.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/time.mojom";
import "url/mojom/url.mojom";
// Renderer configuration for a bound session.
// Network requests with `domain` and that are on `path` require a short lived
// cookie that would expire at `cookie_expiry_date`. Renderer throtller relies
// on `BoundSessionThrottlerParams` to defer a request when required.
// `BoundSessionThrottlerParams` can change when a bound session is created,
// terminated or on cookie expiration change.
struct BoundSessionThrottlerParams {
string domain;
string path;
mojo_base.mojom.Time cookie_expiry_date;
// The renderer configuration parameters which can change post renderer launch.
struct DynamicParams {
// `BoundSessionThrottlerParams` can be empty if there are no bound sessions.
array<BoundSessionThrottlerParams> bound_session_throttler_params;
bool force_safe_search = true;
int32 youtube_restrict = 0;
string allowed_domains_for_apps;
// Event triggering release of blocked requests.
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
enum ResumeBlockedRequestsTrigger {
kObservedFreshCookies = 0,
kCookieRefreshFetchSuccess = 1,
kCookieRefreshFetchFailure = 2,
// kNetworkConnectionOffline = 3, Deprecated
kTimeout = 4,
kShutdownOrSessionTermination = 5,
kCookieAlreadyFresh = 6,
kRendererDisconnected = 7,
kThrottlingRequestsPaused = 8,
// Allows the renderer to notify the browser process that requests in renderer
// are throttled and require a fresh short lived cookie.
interface BoundSessionRequestThrottledHandler {
// Called to notify the browser process when a network request requires a
// fresh cookie. This triggers a cookie refresh request and will
// run the callback to release the request upon success, failure or timeout.
// |untrusted_request_url| is used to determine which bound sessions cover
// the request.
// TODO(crbug.com/41495201): Remove this interface when DBSC is migrated to
// the network stack.
HandleRequestBlockedOnCookie(url.mojom.Url untrusted_request_url)
=> (ResumeBlockedRequestsTrigger resume_trigger);
interface ChromeOSListener {
// Call when the merge session process (cookie reconstruction from
// OAuth2 refresh token in ChromeOS login) is complete. All XHR's
// will be throttled until unlocked by this call.
// Configures the renderer.
interface RendererConfiguration {
// Configures the renderer with settings that won't change.
// The |chromeos_listener| is only passed on Chrome OS when
// the merge session is still running - otherwise not set.
// |content_settings_manager| may be sent as an optimization to avoid
// requesting it from the browser process, and may be null.
// |bound_session_request_throttled_handler| is passed only if the buildflag
// `enable_bound_session_credentials` is enabled. It can be null if bound
// sessions are not supported yet for the current profile type.
bool is_incognito_process,
pending_receiver<ChromeOSListener>? chromeos_listener,
// Update renderer configuration with settings that can change.
SetConfiguration(DynamicParams params);