// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module search.mojom;
import "url/mojom/url.mojom";
enum NTPLoggingEventType;
enum OmniboxFocusState;
struct NTPTileImpression;
// Interface used to connect to the embedded search interface. This is a
// separate interface such that a reverse connection (|client| below) can be
// passed when connecting.
interface EmbeddedSearchConnector {
// Connect to the interface. |embedded_search| is the connection which the
// client will use to query the embedded search interface. |client| is the
// connection used by the embedded search interface implementation to push
// browser state updates to the client.
Connect(pending_associated_receiver<EmbeddedSearch> embedded_search,
pending_associated_remote<EmbeddedSearchClient> client);
// Browser interface to support embedded search. Render frames connect to this
// interface to query browser data, such as the most visited pages.
// See http://dev.chromium.org/embeddedsearch
interface EmbeddedSearch {
// Tells InstantExtended to set the omnibox focus state.
FocusOmnibox(int32 page_seq_no, bool focus);
// Tells InstantExtended to delete a most visited item.
DeleteMostVisitedItem(int32 page_seq_no, url.mojom.Url url);
// Tells InstantExtended to undo all most visited item deletions.
UndoAllMostVisitedDeletions(int32 page_seq_no);
// Tells InstantExtended to undo one most visited item deletion.
UndoMostVisitedDeletion(int32 page_seq_no, url.mojom.Url url);
enum OmniboxFocusChangeReason;
struct InstantMostVisitedInfo;
struct NtpTheme;
// Renderer interface used by the browser to push updates to the client. For
// example, the browser will tell the frame if the omnibox got focus.
interface EmbeddedSearchClient {
// Update the page sequence number for the page.
SetPageSequenceNumber(int32 page_seq_no);
// Focus on the Omnibox has changed, the fakebox focus state may need to
// be updated.
FocusChanged(OmniboxFocusState new_focus_state,
OmniboxFocusChangeReason reason);
// The data for the NTP shortcuts has changed and shortcuts should be
// reloaded.
MostVisitedInfoChanged(InstantMostVisitedInfo most_visited_info);
// Input into the Omnibox has started/stopped.
SetInputInProgress(bool input_in_progress);
// The NTP theme has changed; update accordingly.
ThemeChanged(NtpTheme theme);