// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/credential_provider/gaiacp/associated_user_validator.h"
#include <ntstatus.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include "base/json/json_reader.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "base/win/win_util.h"
#include "chrome/credential_provider/common/gcp_strings.h"
#include "chrome/credential_provider/gaiacp/gaia_credential_provider.h"
#include "chrome/credential_provider/gaiacp/gcp_utils.h"
#include "chrome/credential_provider/gaiacp/gcpw_strings.h"
#include "chrome/credential_provider/gaiacp/internet_availability_checker.h"
#include "chrome/credential_provider/gaiacp/logging.h"
#include "chrome/credential_provider/gaiacp/mdm_utils.h"
#include "chrome/credential_provider/gaiacp/os_user_manager.h"
#include "chrome/credential_provider/gaiacp/reg_utils.h"
#include "chrome/credential_provider/gaiacp/user_policies_manager.h"
#include "chrome/credential_provider/gaiacp/win_http_url_fetcher.h"
namespace credential_provider {
const base::TimeDelta
AssociatedUserValidator::kDefaultTokenHandleValidationTimeout =
const base::TimeDelta AssociatedUserValidator::kTokenHandleValidityLifetime =
const char AssociatedUserValidator::kTokenInfoUrl[] =
constexpr long kDayInMillis = 86400000;
namespace {
struct CheckReauthParams {
std::wstring sid;
std::wstring token_handle;
std::unique_ptr<WinHttpUrlFetcher> fetcher;
// Queries google to see whether the user's token handle is no longer valid or
// is expired. Returns 1 if it is still valid, 0 if the user needs to reauth.
unsigned __stdcall CheckReauthStatus(void* param) {
std::unique_ptr<CheckReauthParams> reauth_info(
if (reauth_info->fetcher) {
std::string body = base::StringPrintf("token_handle=%ls",
HRESULT hr = reauth_info->fetcher->SetRequestBody(body.c_str());
if (FAILED(hr)) {
LOGFN(ERROR) << "fetcher.SetRequestBody sid=" << reauth_info->sid
<< " hr=" << putHR(hr);
return 1;
std::vector<char> response;
hr = reauth_info->fetcher->Fetch(&response);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
LOGFN(ERROR) << "fetcher.Fetch sid=" << reauth_info->sid
<< " hr=" << putHR(hr);
return 1;
std::string_view response_string(response.data(), response.size());
std::optional<base::Value> properties_val = base::JSONReader::Read(
response_string, base::JSON_ALLOW_TRAILING_COMMAS);
if (!properties_val || !properties_val->is_dict()) {
LOGFN(ERROR) << "base::JSONReader::Read failed forcing reauth";
return 0;
const auto& properties = properties_val->GetDict();
std::optional<int> expires_in = properties.FindInt("expires_in");
if (properties.contains("error") || !expires_in || expires_in.value() < 0) {
LOGFN(VERBOSE) << "Needs reauth sid=" << reauth_info->sid;
return 0;
return 1;
bool TokenHandleNeedsUpdate(const base::Time& last_refresh) {
return (base::Time::Now() - last_refresh) >
bool WaitForQueryResult(const base::win::ScopedHandle& thread_handle,
const base::Time& until) {
if (!thread_handle.IsValid())
return true;
DWORD time_left = std::max<DWORD>(
static_cast<DWORD>((until - base::Time::Now()).InMilliseconds()), 0);
// See if a response to the token info can be fetched in a reasonable
// amount of time. If not, assume there is no internet and that the handle
// is still valid.
HRESULT hr = ::WaitForSingleObject(thread_handle.Get(), time_left);
bool token_handle_validity = false;
if (hr == WAIT_OBJECT_0) {
DWORD exit_code;
token_handle_validity =
!::GetExitCodeThread(thread_handle.Get(), &exit_code) || exit_code == 1;
} else if (hr == WAIT_TIMEOUT) {
token_handle_validity = true;
return token_handle_validity;
HRESULT ModifyUserAccess(const std::unique_ptr<ScopedLsaPolicy>& policy,
const std::wstring& sid,
bool allow) {
OSUserManager* manager = OSUserManager::Get();
wchar_t username[kWindowsUsernameBufferLength];
wchar_t domain[kWindowsDomainBufferLength];
HRESULT hr = manager->FindUserBySID(
sid.c_str(), username, std::size(username), domain, std::size(domain));
if (FAILED(hr)) {
LOGFN(ERROR) << "FindUserBySID sid=" << sid << " hr=" << putHR(hr);
return hr;
PSID psid = nullptr;
if (!::ConvertStringSidToSidW(sid.c_str(), &psid)) {
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(::GetLastError());
LOGFN(ERROR) << "ConvertStringSidToSidW sid=" << sid << " hr=" << putHR(hr);
return hr;
std::vector<std::wstring> account_rights{
HRESULT status;
if (!allow) {
status = policy->AddAccountRights(psid, account_rights);
} else {
// Note: We are still going to keep this time restrictions flow to avoid
// any cornercase scenario where user is blocked on login UI because
// time restrictions were set but were never added back.
hr = manager->ModifyUserAccessWithLogonHours(domain, username, allow);
if (FAILED(hr))
LOGFN(ERROR) << "Failed to remove time restrictions for sid : " << sid;
status = policy->RemoveAccountRights(psid, account_rights);
return status;
} // namespace
AssociatedUserValidator::TokenHandleInfo::TokenHandleInfo() = default;
AssociatedUserValidator::TokenHandleInfo::~TokenHandleInfo() = default;
const std::wstring& token_handle)
: queried_token_handle(token_handle), last_update(base::Time::Now()) {}
const std::wstring& token_handle,
base::Time update_time,
base::win::ScopedHandle::Handle thread_handle)
: queried_token_handle(token_handle),
pending_query_thread(thread_handle) {}
ScopedBlockDenyAccessUpdate(AssociatedUserValidator* validator)
: validator_(validator) {
~ScopedBlockDenyAccessUpdate() {
// static
AssociatedUserValidator* AssociatedUserValidator::Get() {
return *GetInstanceStorage();
// static
AssociatedUserValidator** AssociatedUserValidator::GetInstanceStorage() {
static AssociatedUserValidator instance(kDefaultTokenHandleValidationTimeout);
static AssociatedUserValidator* instance_storage = &instance;
return &instance_storage;
base::TimeDelta validation_timeout)
: validation_timeout_(validation_timeout) {}
AssociatedUserValidator::~AssociatedUserValidator() = default;
bool AssociatedUserValidator::IsOnlineLoginStale(
const std::wstring& sid) const {
wchar_t last_token_valid_millis[512];
ULONG last_token_valid_size = std::size(last_token_valid_millis);
HRESULT hr = GetUserProperty(sid, base::UTF8ToWide(kKeyLastTokenValid),
last_token_valid_millis, &last_token_valid_size);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
LOGFN(VERBOSE) << "GetUserProperty for " << kKeyLastTokenValid
<< " failed. hr=" << putHR(hr);
// DEPRECATED FLOW. Keeping it for backward compatibility.
hr = GetUserProperty(sid,
last_token_valid_millis, &last_token_valid_size);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
LOGFN(VERBOSE) << "GetUserProperty for "
<< kKeyLastSuccessfulOnlineLoginMillis
<< " failed. hr=" << putHR(hr);
// Fallback to the less obstructive option to not enforce
// login via google when fetching the registry entry fails.
return false;
int64_t last_token_valid_millis_int64;
base::StringToInt64(last_token_valid_millis, &last_token_valid_millis_int64);
DWORD validity_period_days;
if (UserPoliciesManager::Get()->CloudPoliciesEnabled()) {
UserPolicies user_policies;
UserPoliciesManager::Get()->GetUserPolicies(sid, &user_policies);
validity_period_days = user_policies.validity_period_days;
} else {
hr = GetGlobalFlag(base::UTF8ToWide(kKeyValidityPeriodInDays),
if (FAILED(hr)) {
LOGFN(VERBOSE) << "GetGlobalFlag for " << kKeyValidityPeriodInDays
<< " failed. hr=" << putHR(hr);
// Fallback to the less obstructive option to not enforce login via google
// when fetching the registry entry fails.
return false;
int64_t validity_period_in_millis =
kDayInMillis * static_cast<int64_t>(validity_period_days);
int64_t time_delta_from_last_login =
base::Time::Now().ToDeltaSinceWindowsEpoch().InMilliseconds() -
return time_delta_from_last_login >= validity_period_in_millis;
bool AssociatedUserValidator::HasInternetConnection() const {
return InternetAvailabilityChecker::Get()->HasInternetConnection();
bool AssociatedUserValidator::HasInvokedUpdateAssociatedSids() {
return has_invoked_update_associated_sids_;
HRESULT AssociatedUserValidator::UpdateAssociatedSids(
std::map<std::wstring, std::wstring>* sid_to_handle) {
has_invoked_update_associated_sids_ = true;
std::map<std::wstring, UserTokenHandleInfo> sids_to_handle_info;
HRESULT hr = GetUserTokenHandles(&sids_to_handle_info);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
LOGFN(ERROR) << "GetUserTokenHandles hr=" << putHR(hr);
return hr;
std::set<std::wstring> users_to_delete;
OSUserManager* manager = OSUserManager::Get();
for (const auto& sid_to_association : sids_to_handle_info) {
const std::wstring& sid = sid_to_association.first;
const UserTokenHandleInfo& info = sid_to_association.second;
// If both gaia id and email address are empty. Then remove the
// User Properties as it is invalid.
if (info.gaia_id.empty() && info.email_address.empty()) {
hr = manager->FindUserBySID(sid.c_str(), nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0);
} else if (FAILED(hr)) {
LOGFN(ERROR) << "manager->FindUserBySID hr=" << putHR(hr);
if (sid_to_handle)
sid_to_handle->emplace(sid, info.token_handle);
for (const auto& to_delete : users_to_delete) {
return S_OK;
size_t AssociatedUserValidator::GetAssociatedUsersCount() {
base::AutoLock locker(validator_lock_);
return user_to_token_handle_info_.size();
bool AssociatedUserValidator::IsUserAccessBlockingEnforced(
if (!CGaiaCredentialProvider::IsUsageScenarioSupported(cpus))
return false;
return true;
bool AssociatedUserValidator::DenySigninForUsersWithInvalidTokenHandles(
const std::vector<std::wstring>& reauth_sids) {
base::AutoLock locker(validator_lock_);
if (block_deny_access_update_) {
LOGFN(VERBOSE) << "Block the deny access update";
return false;
if (!IsUserAccessBlockingEnforced(cpus)) {
LOGFN(VERBOSE) << "User Access Blocking not enforced.";
return false;
HRESULT hr = UpdateAssociatedSids(nullptr);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
LOGFN(ERROR) << "UpdateAssociatedSids hr=" << putHR(hr);
return false;
auto policy = ScopedLsaPolicy::Create(POLICY_ALL_ACCESS);
bool user_denied_signin = false;
OSUserManager* manager = OSUserManager::Get();
for (const auto& sid : reauth_sids) {
if (locked_user_sids_.find(sid) != locked_user_sids_.end())
// Note that logon hours cannot be changed on domain joined AD user account.
if (GetAuthEnforceReason(sid) != EnforceAuthReason::NOT_ENFORCED &&
!manager->IsUserDomainJoined(sid)) {
LOGFN(VERBOSE) << "Revoking access for sid=" << sid;
hr = ModifyUserAccess(policy, sid, false);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
LOGFN(ERROR) << "ModifyUserAccess sid=" << sid << " hr=" << putHR(hr);
} else {
user_denied_signin = true;
} else if (manager->IsUserDomainJoined(sid)) {
// TODO(crbug.com/40631676): Description provided in the bug.
LOGFN(VERBOSE) << "Not denying signin for AD user accounts.";
return user_denied_signin;
HRESULT AssociatedUserValidator::RestoreUserAccess(const std::wstring& sid) {
base::AutoLock locker(validator_lock_);
if (locked_user_sids_.erase(sid)) {
auto policy = ScopedLsaPolicy::Create(POLICY_ALL_ACCESS);
return ModifyUserAccess(policy, sid, true);
return S_OK;
void AssociatedUserValidator::AllowSigninForAllAssociatedUsers(
base::AutoLock locker(validator_lock_);
if (!CGaiaCredentialProvider::IsUsageScenarioSupported(cpus))
std::map<std::wstring, std::wstring> sids_to_handle;
HRESULT hr = UpdateAssociatedSids(&sids_to_handle);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
LOGFN(ERROR) << "UpdateAssociatedSids hr=" << putHR(hr);
auto policy = ScopedLsaPolicy::Create(POLICY_ALL_ACCESS);
for (const auto& sid_to_handle : sids_to_handle)
ModifyUserAccess(policy, sid_to_handle.first, true);
void AssociatedUserValidator::AllowSigninForUsersWithInvalidTokenHandles() {
base::AutoLock locker(validator_lock_);
auto policy = ScopedLsaPolicy::Create(POLICY_ALL_ACCESS);
for (auto& sid : locked_user_sids_) {
HRESULT hr = ModifyUserAccess(policy, sid, true);
if (FAILED(hr))
LOGFN(ERROR) << "ModifyUserAccess sid=" << sid << " hr=" << putHR(hr);
void AssociatedUserValidator::StartRefreshingTokenHandleValidity() {
base::AutoLock locker(validator_lock_);
std::map<std::wstring, std::wstring> sid_to_handle;
HRESULT hr = UpdateAssociatedSids(&sid_to_handle);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
LOGFN(ERROR) << "UpdateAssociatedSids hr=" << putHR(hr);
// Fire off the threads that will query the token handles but do not wait for
// them to complete. Later queries will do the wait.
void AssociatedUserValidator::CheckTokenHandleValidity(
const std::map<std::wstring, std::wstring>& handles_to_verify) {
for (auto it = handles_to_verify.cbegin(); it != handles_to_verify.cend();
++it) {
// Make sure the user actually exists.
if (FAILED(OSUserManager::Get()->FindUserBySID(it->first.c_str(), nullptr,
0, nullptr, 0))) {
// User exists, has a gaia id or email address, but no token handle.
// Consider this an invalid token handle and the user needs to sign in
// with Gaia to get a new one.
if (it->second.empty()) {
user_to_token_handle_info_[it->first] =
// If there is already token handle info for the current user and it
// 1. Is NOT valid.
// AND
// 2. There is no query still pending on it.
// Then this means that the user has an invalid token handle.
// The state of this handle will never change during the execution of the
// sign in process (since a new token handle will only be written on
// successful sign in) so it does not need to update and the current state
// information is valid.
auto existing_validity_it = user_to_token_handle_info_.find(it->first);
if (existing_validity_it != user_to_token_handle_info_.end() &&
!existing_validity_it->second->is_valid &&
!existing_validity_it->second->pending_query_thread.IsValid()) {
// Start a new token handle query if:
// 1. No token info entry yet exists for this token handle.
// OR
// 2. Token info exists but it is stale (either because it is a query that
// was started a while ago but for which we never tried to query the result
// because the last query result is from a while ago or because the last
// query result is older than |kTokenHandleValidityLifetime|).
if (existing_validity_it == user_to_token_handle_info_.end() ||
TokenHandleNeedsUpdate(existing_validity_it->second->last_update)) {
StartTokenValidityQuery(it->first, it->second, validation_timeout_);
void AssociatedUserValidator::StartTokenValidityQuery(
const std::wstring& sid,
const std::wstring& token_handle,
base::TimeDelta timeout) {
base::Time max_end_time = base::Time::Now() + timeout;
// Fire off a thread to check with Gaia if a re-auth is required. The thread
// does not reference this object nor does this object have any reference
// directly on the thread. This object only checks for the return code of the
// thread within a given timeout. If no return code is given in that timeout
// then assume that the token handle is valid. The running thread can continue
// running and finish its execution without worrying about notifying anything
// about the result.
unsigned wait_thread_id;
CheckReauthParams* params = new CheckReauthParams{
sid, token_handle,
uintptr_t wait_thread =
_beginthreadex(nullptr, 0, CheckReauthStatus,
reinterpret_cast<void*>(params), 0, &wait_thread_id);
if (wait_thread == 0) {
user_to_token_handle_info_[sid] =
delete params;
user_to_token_handle_info_[sid] = std::make_unique<TokenHandleInfo>(
token_handle, max_end_time, reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>(wait_thread));
bool AssociatedUserValidator::IsAuthEnforcedForUser(const std::wstring& sid) {
base::AutoLock locker(validator_lock_);
return GetAuthEnforceReason(sid) !=
AssociatedUserValidator::GetAuthEnforceReason(const std::wstring& sid) {
// Is user not associated, then we shouldn't have any auth enforcement.
if (!IsUserAssociated(sid)) {
LOGFN(VERBOSE) << "IsUserAssociated is false, not forcing auth";
return AssociatedUserValidator::EnforceAuthReason::NOT_ENFORCED;
// Check if online sign in is enforced.
if (IsOnlineLoginEnforced(sid)) {
LOGFN(VERBOSE) << "IsOnlineLoginEnforced is true, forcing auth";
return AssociatedUserValidator::EnforceAuthReason::ONLINE_LOGIN_ENFORCED;
// All token handles are valid when no internet connection is available.
if (!HasInternetConnection()) {
if (!IsOnlineLoginStale(sid)) {
LOGFN(VERBOSE) << "HasInternetConnectionis false and IsOnlineLoginStale "
"is false - not forcing auth";
return AssociatedUserValidator::EnforceAuthReason::NOT_ENFORCED;
LOGFN(VERBOSE) << "HasInternetConnectionis false and IsOnlineLoginStale is "
"true - forcing auth";
return AssociatedUserValidator::EnforceAuthReason::ONLINE_LOGIN_STALE;
// Force user to login when policies are missing or stale. This check should
// be done before MDM enrollment to have the correct MDM enrollment policy for
// user.
if (UserPoliciesManager::Get()->CloudPoliciesEnabled() &&
UserPoliciesManager::Get()->IsUserPolicyStaleOrMissing(sid)) {
LOGFN(VERBOSE) << "CloudPolicies enabled and >IsUserPolicyStaleOrMissing "
"is true - forcing auth";
return AssociatedUserValidator::EnforceAuthReason::
// Force a reauth only for this user if mdm enrollment is needed, so that they
// enroll.
if (NeedsToEnrollWithMdm(sid)) {
LOGFN(VERBOSE) << "NeedsToEnrollWithMdm is true, forcing auth";
return AssociatedUserValidator::EnforceAuthReason::NOT_ENROLLED_WITH_MDM;
if (PasswordRecoveryEnabled()) {
std::wstring store_key = GetUserPasswordLsaStoreKey(sid);
auto policy = ScopedLsaPolicy::Create(POLICY_ALL_ACCESS);
if (!policy->PrivateDataExists(store_key.c_str())) {
LOGFN(VERBOSE) << "Enforcing re-auth due to missing password lsa store "
"data for user "
<< sid;
return AssociatedUserValidator::EnforceAuthReason::
if (!IsTokenHandleValidForUser(sid)) {
LOGFN(VERBOSE) << "IsTokenHandleValidForUser is false, forcing auth";
return AssociatedUserValidator::EnforceAuthReason::INVALID_TOKEN_HANDLE;
if (UploadDeviceDetailsNeeded(sid)) {
LOGFN(VERBOSE) << "UploadDeviceDetailsNeeded is true, forcing auth";
return AssociatedUserValidator::EnforceAuthReason::
return AssociatedUserValidator::EnforceAuthReason::NOT_ENFORCED;
bool AssociatedUserValidator::IsUserAssociated(const std::wstring& sid) {
// If at this point there is no token info entry for this user, assume the
// user is not associated and does not need a token handle and is thus always
// valid. Between the first creation of all the token infos
// and the eventual successful sign in, there should be no new token handles
// created so we can immediately assign that an absence of token handle info
// for this user means that they are not associated and do not need to
// validate any token handles.
auto validity_it = user_to_token_handle_info_.find(sid);
return validity_it != user_to_token_handle_info_.end();
bool AssociatedUserValidator::IsTokenHandleValidForUser(
const std::wstring& sid) {
// Make sure sid mapping in registry is always up to date before checking
// for token validity.
if (!HasInvokedUpdateAssociatedSids())
auto validity_it = user_to_token_handle_info_.find(sid);
if (validity_it == user_to_token_handle_info_.end())
return true;
// This function will start a new query if the current info for the token
// handle is stale or has not yet been queried. At the end of this function,
// either we will already have the validity of the token handle or we have a
// handle to a pending query that we wait to complete before finally having
// the validity.
CheckTokenHandleValidity({{sid, validity_it->second->queried_token_handle}});
// If a query is still pending, wait for it and update the validity.
if (validity_it->second->pending_query_thread.IsValid()) {
validity_it->second->is_valid =
if (!validity_it->second->is_valid) {
// Clear the token handle to delete it. At this point we know it is
// definetely invalid so if we remove the handle completely we will
// no longer need to query it and can just assume immediately that
// the user needs to be reauthorized.
HRESULT hr = SetUserProperty(sid, kUserTokenHandle, L"");
if (FAILED(hr))
LOGFN(ERROR) << "SetUserProperty hr=" << putHR(hr);
base::Time now = base::Time::Now();
// NOTE: Don't always update |last_update| because the result of this query
// may still be old. E.g.:
// 1. At time X thread is started to query. The maximum end time of this
// query is X + timeout
// 2. At time Y (X + timeout + lifetime > Y >> X + timeout) we ask for
// the validity of the token handle. The time Y might still be valid
// when considering the lifetime but may still be relatively old
// depending on how long after time X the request is made. So keep the
// original end time of the query as the last update (if the end time
// occurs before time Y) so that the token handle is updated earlier on
// the next query.
validity_it->second->last_update = now > validity_it->second->last_update
? validity_it->second->last_update
: now;
if (validity_it->second->is_valid) {
// Update the last token valid timestamp.
int64_t current_time = static_cast<int64_t>(
SetUserProperty(sid, base::UTF8ToWide(kKeyLastTokenValid),
return validity_it->second->is_valid;
void AssociatedUserValidator::BlockDenyAccessUpdate() {
base::AutoLock locker(validator_lock_);
void AssociatedUserValidator::UnblockDenyAccessUpdate() {
base::AutoLock locker(validator_lock_);
DCHECK(block_deny_access_update_ > 0);
bool AssociatedUserValidator::IsDenyAccessUpdateBlocked() const {
base::AutoLock locker(validator_lock_);
return block_deny_access_update_ > 0;
bool AssociatedUserValidator::IsUserAccessBlockedForTesting(
const std::wstring& sid) const {
base::AutoLock locker(validator_lock_);
return locked_user_sids_.find(sid) != locked_user_sids_.end();
void AssociatedUserValidator::ForceRefreshTokenHandlesForTesting() {
base::AutoLock locker(validator_lock_);
for (const auto& user_info : user_to_token_handle_info_) {
// Make the last update time outside the validity lifetime of the token
// handle.
user_info.second->last_update =
base::Time::Now() - kTokenHandleValidityLifetime;
} // namespace credential_provider