// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/values.h"
#include "base/win/windows_types.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace credential_provider {
// Manager used to handle requests to upload GCPW event viewer logs
// to GEM cloud storage.
class EventLogsUploadManager {
// Get the Event log manager instance.
static EventLogsUploadManager* Get();
// Upload event viewer logs to GEM cloud storage using |access_token| for
// authentication and authorization.
HRESULT UploadEventViewerLogs(const std::string& access_token);
// Get the URL of GCPW service for HTTP request for uploading event
// viewer logs.
GURL GetGcpwServiceUploadEventViewerLogsUrl();
// Structure to hold the information read for each event log entry.
struct EventLogEntry {
struct TimeStamp {
uint64_t seconds;
uint32_t nanos;
TimeStamp() : seconds(0), nanos(0) {}
TimeStamp(uint64_t seconds, uint32_t nanos)
: seconds(seconds), nanos(nanos) {}
// Event Record ID of the event log entry.
uint64_t event_id;
// System time-stamp of when log was written into the event log.
TimeStamp created_ts;
// The data portion of the event log.
std::wstring data;
// Severity level of the log entry.
uint32_t severity_level;
EventLogEntry() : event_id(0), severity_level(0) {}
EventLogEntry(uint64_t id,
const TimeStamp& ts,
std::wstring data,
uint32_t level)
: event_id(id), created_ts(ts), data(data), severity_level(level) {}
// Converts to dictionary in a base::Value.
base::Value::Dict ToValue() const;
// Returns the storage used for the instance pointer.
static EventLogsUploadManager** GetInstanceStorage();
virtual ~EventLogsUploadManager();
HRESULT upload_status_;
uint64_t num_event_logs_uploaded_;
// Makes the upload HTTP request using the provided |access_token| for
// the upload chunk with id |chunk_id| and the log entries specified
// as a list in |log_entries|.
HRESULT MakeUploadLogChunkRequest(
const std::string& access_token,
uint64_t chunk_id,
std::unique_ptr<base::Value::List> log_entries);
} // namespace credential_provider