// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/credential_provider/gaiacp/stdafx.h"
#include <wrl/client.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/values.h"
#include "base/win/scoped_handle.h"
#include "base/win/scoped_process_information.h"
#include "chrome/credential_provider/gaiacp/associated_user_validator.h"
#include "chrome/credential_provider/gaiacp/gaia_credential_provider_i.h"
#include "chrome/credential_provider/gaiacp/gcp_utils.h"
#include "chrome/credential_provider/gaiacp/scoped_handle.h"
namespace base {
class CommandLine;
class FilePath;
} // namespace base
namespace credential_provider {
class OSProcessManager;
enum FIELDID {
FIELD_COUNT // Must be last.
// Implementation of an ICredentialProviderCredential backed by a Gaia account.
// This is used as a base class for the COM objects that implement first time
// sign in and password update.
class ATL_NO_VTABLE CGaiaCredentialBase
: public IGaiaCredential,
public ICredentialProviderCredential2 {
// Called when the DLL is registered or unregistered.
static HRESULT OnDllRegisterServer();
static HRESULT OnDllUnregisterServer();
// Perform non-critical post-sign operations after everything is setup here.
static HRESULT PerformPostSigninActions(const base::Value::Dict& properties,
bool com_initialized);
// Allocates a BSTR from a DLL string resource given by |id|.
static BSTR AllocErrorString(UINT id);
// Allocates a BSTR from a DLL string resource given by |id| replacing the
// placeholders in the string by the provided replacements.
static BSTR AllocErrorString(UINT id,
const std::vector<std::wstring>& replacements);
// Gets the directory where the credential provider is installed.
static HRESULT GetInstallDirectory(base::FilePath* path);
// Passed to WaitForLoginUI().
struct UIProcessInfo {
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IGaiaCredential> credential;
base::win::ScopedHandle logon_token;
base::win::ScopedProcessInformation procinfo;
StdParentHandles parent_handles;
// Returns true if "enable_cloud_association" registry key is set to 1.
static bool IsCloudAssociationEnabled();
// Members to access user credentials.
const Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IGaiaCredentialProvider> provider() const {
return provider_;
const CComBSTR& get_username() const { return username_; }
const CComBSTR& get_password() const { return password_; }
const CComBSTR& get_sid() const { return user_sid_; }
const CComBSTR& get_current_windows_password() const {
return current_windows_password_;
const std::optional<base::Value::Dict>& get_authentication_results() const {
return authentication_results_;
// Saves account association and user profile information. Makes various HTTP
// calls regarding device provisioning and password management.
static HRESULT PerformActions(const base::Value::Dict& properties);
// Returns true if the current credentials stored in |username_| and
// |password_| are valid and should succeed a local Windows logon. This
// function is successful if we are able to create a logon token with the
// credentials.
bool AreCredentialsValid() const;
// Returns true if some kind of credential information is available so that a
// sign in can be attempled. Does not guarantee that the sign in will succeed
// with the current credentials.
bool CanAttemptWindowsLogon() const;
// Returns S_OK if the specific password credential is valid for |username_|,
// S_FALSE if not, and a FAILED hr otherwise.
HRESULT IsWindowsPasswordValidForStoredUser(BSTR password) const;
// Updates the UI so that the password field is displayed and also sets the
// state of the credential to wait for a password.
void DisplayPasswordField(int password_message);
// Returns true if GLS is running.
bool IsGaiaLogonStubRunning() {
return logon_ui_process_ != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
// IGaiaCredential
IFACEMETHODIMP Initialize(IGaiaCredentialProvider* provider) override;
IFACEMETHODIMP Terminate() override;
IFACEMETHODIMP OnUserAuthenticated(BSTR authentication_info,
BSTR* status_text) override;
LONG substatus,
BSTR status_text) override;
// Gets the string value for the given credential UI field.
virtual HRESULT GetStringValueImpl(DWORD field_id, wchar_t** value);
// Can be overridden to change the icon used for anonymous tiles when they are
// shown in the selection list on the side and when they are selected.
virtual HRESULT GetBitmapValueImpl(DWORD field_id, HBITMAP* phbmp);
// Resets the state of the credential, forgetting any username or password
// that may have been set previously. Derived classes may override to
// perform more state resetting if needed, but should always call the base
// class method.
virtual void ResetInternalState();
// Gets the base portion of the command line to run the Gaia Logon stub.
// This portion of the command line would only include the executable and
// any executable specific arguments needed to correctly start the GLS.
virtual HRESULT GetBaseGlsCommandline(base::CommandLine* command_line);
// Gets the user specific portion of the command line to run the Gaia Logon
// stub. This portion of the command line could include additional information
// such as the user's email and their gaia id.
virtual HRESULT GetUserGlsCommandline(base::CommandLine* command_line);
// Display error message to the user. Virtual so that tests can override.
virtual void DisplayErrorInUI(LONG status, LONG substatus, BSTR status_text);
// Forks a stub process to perform all post sign-in actions for a user.
virtual HRESULT ForkPerformPostSigninActionsStub(
const base::Value::Dict& dict,
BSTR* status_text);
// Forks the logon stub process and waits for it to start.
virtual HRESULT ForkGaiaLogonStub(OSProcessManager* process_manager,
const base::CommandLine& command_line,
UIProcessInfo* uiprocinfo);
// Gets the full command line to run the Gaia Logon stub (GLS). This
// function calls GetBaseGlsCommandline.
HRESULT GetGlsCommandline(base::CommandLine* command_line);
// Called from GetSerialization() to handle auto-logon. If the credential
// has enough information in internal state to auto-logon, the two arguments
// are filled in as needed and S_OK is returned. S_FALSE is returned to
// indicate that the UI should be shown to the user.
HRESULT HandleAutologon(
// Instantiates |token_update_locker_| so that user access cannot be denied
// during this time. This function is called when we are about to really sign
// in the user to Windows.
void PreventDenyAccessUpdate();
// Writes value to omaha registry to record that GCP has been used.
static void TellOmahaDidRun();
// Sets up the envriroment for the Gaia logon stub, runs it, and waits for
// it to finish in a background thread.
HRESULT CreateAndRunLogonStub();
// Creates a restricted token for the Gaia account that can be used to run
// the logon stub. The returned SID is a logon SID and not the SID of the
// Gaia account.
static HRESULT CreateGaiaLogonToken(base::win::ScopedHandle* token,
PSID* sid);
// The param is a pointer to a UIProcessInfo struct. This function must
// release the memory for this structure using delete operator.
static unsigned __stdcall WaitForLoginUI(void* param);
// ICredentialProviderCredential2
IFACEMETHODIMP Advise(ICredentialProviderCredentialEvents* cpce) override;
IFACEMETHODIMP UnAdvise(void) override;
IFACEMETHODIMP SetSelected(BOOL* auto_login) override;
IFACEMETHODIMP SetDeselected(void) override;
DWORD dwFieldID,
IFACEMETHODIMP GetStringValue(DWORD dwFieldID, wchar_t** ppsz) override;
IFACEMETHODIMP GetBitmapValue(DWORD dwFieldID, HBITMAP* phbmp) override;
IFACEMETHODIMP GetCheckboxValue(DWORD field_id,
BOOL* pbChecked,
wchar_t** ppszLabel) override;
IFACEMETHODIMP GetSubmitButtonValue(DWORD field_id,
DWORD* pdwAdjacentTo) override;
IFACEMETHODIMP GetComboBoxValueCount(DWORD field_id,
DWORD* pcItems,
DWORD* pdwSelectedItem) override;
IFACEMETHODIMP GetComboBoxValueAt(DWORD field_id,
DWORD dwItem,
wchar_t** ppszItem) override;
IFACEMETHODIMP SetStringValue(DWORD field_id, const wchar_t* psz) override;
IFACEMETHODIMP SetCheckboxValue(DWORD field_id, BOOL bChecked) override;
IFACEMETHODIMP SetComboBoxSelectedValue(DWORD field_id,
DWORD dwSelectedItem) override;
IFACEMETHODIMP CommandLinkClicked(DWORD field_id) override;
IFACEMETHODIMP GetSerialization(
wchar_t** status_text,
NTSTATUS ntsStatus,
NTSTATUS ntsSubstatus,
wchar_t** ppszOptionalStatusText,
CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_STATUS_ICON* pcpsiOptionalStatusIcon) override;
IFACEMETHODIMP GetUserSid(wchar_t** sid) override;
// Checks whether the submit button for the credential should be enabled
// (depending on the state of the credential) and enables / disables it
// accordingly. This generally occurs when processing is being done that does
// not require direct user input to the credential (user is entering
// credentials in GLS) or a submit of the credential is not valid (user needs
// to enter the old Windows password but currently nothing has been entered in
// the password field). Returns true if the submit button is enabled.
bool UpdateSubmitButtonInteractiveState();
// Stops the GLS process in case it is still executing. Often called when user
// switches credentials in the middle of a sign in through the GLS.
void TerminateLogonProcess();
// Checks whether this credential can sign in the user specified by
// |domain|, |username|, |sid|. For the default anonymous gaia credential this
// function will return S_OK. For implementers that are associated to a
// specific user, this function should verify if the |domain|\|username| and
// |sid| matches the domain\username and sid stored in the credential. If
// these verifications fail then the function should return an error code
// which will cause sign in to fail.
virtual HRESULT ValidateExistingUser(const std::wstring& username,
const std::wstring& domain,
const std::wstring& sid,
BSTR* error_text);
// Checks the information given in |result| to determine if a user can be
// created or re-used.
// Returns S_OK if a valid was found or a new user was created. Also allocates
// and fills |domain|, |username|, |sid| with the information for the user.
// The caller must take ownership of this memory.
// On failure |error_text| will be allocated and filled with an error message.
// The caller must take ownership of this memory.
HRESULT ValidateOrCreateUser(const base::Value::Dict& result,
BSTR* domain,
BSTR* username,
BSTR* sid,
BSTR* error_text);
HRESULT RecoverWindowsPasswordIfPossible(std::wstring* recovered_password);
// Sets the error message in the password field based on the HRESULT returned
// by NetUserChangePassword win32 function.
void SetErrorMessageInPasswordField(HRESULT hr);
// Determines whether given message id corresponds to a password change error
// which can't be worked out with manual user input in the forgot password
// flow.
bool BlockingPasswordError(UINT message_id);
// Determines whether the logon stub can be launched by checking internet
// connection and registry keys that should be present. |status_text| is
// populated with a message to show in the login UI.
bool CanProceedToLogonStub(wchar_t** status_text);
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ICredentialProviderCredentialEvents> events_;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IGaiaCredentialProvider> provider_;
// Handle to the logon UI process.
HANDLE logon_ui_process_ = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
// Information about the just created or re-auth-ed user.
CComBSTR username_;
CComBSTR domain_;
CComBSTR password_;
CComBSTR user_sid_;
// Indicates that the Windows password does not match the Gaia password and
// the user must be enter the former. For example this is used to properly
// handle the password change case.
bool needs_windows_password_ = false;
bool request_force_password_change_ = false;
// Boolean to indicate if we should wait for ReportResult() prior to clearing
// internal state.
bool wait_for_report_result_ = false;
// The password entered into the FID_CURRENT_PASSWORD_FIELD to update the
// Windows password with the gaia password.
CComBSTR current_windows_password_;
// Contains the information about the Gaia account that signed in. See the
// kKeyXXX constants for the data that is stored here.
std::optional<base::Value::Dict> authentication_results_;
// Holds information about the success or failure of the sign in.
// When we finally want to allow user sign in. This object is instantiated
// to prevent updates of token handle validity until after sign in has
// completed so the the user cannot be locked out while they are trying to
// sign in.
} // namespace credential_provider