// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace credential_provider {
// Time parameters to control validity of the offline session.
extern const char kKeyLastTokenValid[];
extern const char kKeyValidityPeriodInDays[];
extern const char kKeyLastSuccessfulOnlineLoginMillis[];
// Registry parameters for gcpw.
extern const wchar_t kKeyAcceptTos[];
// Registry parameter controlling whether features related to GEM
// should be enabled / disabled.
extern const wchar_t kKeyEnableGemFeatures[];
extern const char kGaiaSetupPath[];
// URL for the GEM service handling GCPW requests.
extern const wchar_t kDefaultGcpwServiceUrl[];
} // namespace credential_provider