// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "chrome/credential_provider/gaiacp/scoped_handle.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace base {
class TimeDelta;
namespace credential_provider {
class FakeWinHttpUrlFetcherFactory;
// A synchronous URL fetcher for small requests.
class WinHttpUrlFetcher {
static std::unique_ptr<WinHttpUrlFetcher> Create(const GURL& url);
// Builds the required json request to be sent to the http service and fetches
// the json response from the service (if any). Returns S_OK if retrieved a
// proper json response from the service, otherwise returns an error code. The
// json response is written into |request_result|. |request_url| is the full
// query url from which to fetch a response. |headers| are all the header key
// value pairs to be sent with the request. |request_dict| is a dictionary of
// json parameters to be sent with the request. This argument will be
// converted to a json string and sent as the body of the request.
// |request_timeout| is the maximum time to wait for a response. If the HTTP
// request times out or fails with an error response code that signifies an
// internal server error (HTTP codes >= 500) then the request will be retried
// |request_retries| number of times before the call is marked failed.
static HRESULT BuildRequestAndFetchResultFromHttpService(
const GURL& request_url,
std::string access_token,
const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>& headers,
const base::Value::Dict& request_dict,
const base::TimeDelta& request_timeout,
unsigned int request_retries,
std::optional<base::Value>* request_result);
virtual ~WinHttpUrlFetcher();
virtual bool IsValid() const;
virtual HRESULT SetRequestHeader(const char* name, const char* value);
virtual HRESULT SetRequestBody(const char* body);
virtual HRESULT SetHttpRequestTimeout(const int timeout_in_millis);
virtual HRESULT Fetch(std::vector<char>* response);
virtual HRESULT Close();
using CreatorFunc = decltype(Create);
using CreatorCallback = base::RepeatingCallback<CreatorFunc>;
// Set the creator callback function to use in tests.
static void SetCreatorForTesting(CreatorCallback creator);
using Headers = std::map<std::string, std::string>;
// This constructor is used by the derived fake class to bypass the
// initialization code in the public constructor that will fail because the
// tests are not running elevated.
friend class FakeWinHttpUrlFetcherFactory;
explicit WinHttpUrlFetcher(const GURL& url);
GURL url_;
Headers request_headers_;
std::string body_;
ScopedWinHttpHandle session_;
ScopedWinHttpHandle request_;
int timeout_in_millis_ = 0;
// Gets storage of the function pointer used to create instances of this
// class for tests.
static CreatorCallback* GetCreatorFunctionStorage();
} // namespace credential_provider