
// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

syntax = "proto3";

package enterprise_companion.proto;

option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;

// Canonical view of statuses used across the application. Statuses are defined
// by spaces and codes, which are defined by the EnterpriseCompanionStatus type
// in the app. Space zero indicates success.
message Status {
  // Indicates the status space for the code. Status spaces are defined in
  // chromium-src in enterprise_companion_status.h. Any non-zero value indicates
  // an error space.
  int32 space = 1;
  // Indicates the type of status, any non-zero value indicates an error.
  int32 code = 2;

message BrowserEnrollmentEvent {}

message PolicyFetchEvent {}

message PolicyFreshnessEvent {
  // The age of each policy residing in the on-disk cache as measured by the
  // system's clock.
  repeated int64 policy_age_ms = 1;

message EnterpriseCompanionEvent {
  // The outcome of the operation.
  Status status = 1;
  // The duration of the operation in milliseconds.
  int64 duration_ms = 2;

  oneof event {
    BrowserEnrollmentEvent browser_enrollment_event = 3;
    PolicyFetchEvent policy_fetch_event = 4;
    PolicyFreshnessEvent policy_freshness_event = 5;

// The message to serialize and include in the log request.
message ChromeEnterpriseCompanionAppExtension {
  repeated EnterpriseCompanionEvent event = 1;