
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// Brand-specific constants and install modes for Google Chrome for Testing.

#include "chrome/install_static/google_chrome_for_testing_install_modes.h"

#include <stdlib.h>

#include "chrome/app/chrome_dll_resource.h"
#include "chrome/common/chrome_icon_resources_win.h"
#include "chrome/install_static/install_modes.h"

namespace install_static {

const wchar_t kCompanyPathName[] = L"Google";

const wchar_t kProductPathName[] = L"Chrome for Testing";

const size_t kProductPathNameLength = _countof(kProductPathName) - 1;

const char kSafeBrowsingName[] = "googlechromefortesting";

const InstallConstants kInstallModes[] = {
    // The primary install mode for stable Google Chrome.
        .size = sizeof(kInstallModes[0]),
        .index = GOOGLE_CHROME_FOR_TESTING_INDEX,  // The one and only mode for
                                                   // Google Chrome for Testing.
        .install_switch =
            "",  // No install switch for the primary install mode.
        .install_suffix =
            L"",  // Empty install_suffix for the primary install mode.
        .logo_suffix = L"",  // No logo suffix for the primary install mode.
        .app_guid =
            L"",  // Empty app_guid since no integration with Google Update.
        .base_app_name =
            L"Google Chrome for Testing",      // A distinct base_app_name.
        .base_app_id = L"ChromeForTesting",    // A distinct base_app_id.
        .browser_prog_id_prefix = L"CfTHTML",  // Browser ProgID prefix.
        .browser_prog_id_description =
            L"Chrome for Testing HTML Document",  // Browser ProgID description.
        .pdf_prog_id_prefix = L"CfTPDF",          // PDF ProgID prefix.
        .pdf_prog_id_description =
            L"Chrome for Testing PDF Document",  // PDF ProgID description.
        .active_setup_guid =
            L"{E25CFD4E-D9D4-4123-936A-286FBB19BA5B}",  // Active Setup GUID.
        .legacy_command_execute_clsid = L"",  // CommandExecuteImpl CLSID.
        .toast_activator_clsid = {0x77ED8F9B,
                                  {0x8E, 0x2F, 0xD7, 0xC0, 0x41, 0x57, 0xCF,
                                   0x64}},  // Toast Activator CLSID.
        // {77ED8F9B-E27A-499F-8E2F-D7C04157CF64}
        .elevator_clsid = {0x724349BF,
                           {0xA6, 0x4D, 0x8C, 0xD1, 0x01, 0x83, 0xCA,
                            0x03}},  // Elevator CLSID.
                                     // {724349BF-E1CF-4481-A64D-8CD10183CA03}
        .elevator_iid = {0x3DC48E97,
                         {0x8F, 0x89, 0x07, 0x92, 0xFC, 0x61, 0x15,
                          0x67}},  // IElevator IID and TypeLib
                                   // {3DC48E97-47D0-476F-8F89-0792FC611567}
        .default_channel_name =
            L"",  // Empty default channel name since no update integration.
        .channel_strategy = ChannelStrategy::UNSUPPORTED,
        .supports_system_level =
            false,  // Does not support system-level installs.
        .supports_set_as_default_browser =
            false,  // Does not support in-product set as default browser UX.
        .app_icon_resource_index =
            icon_resources::kApplicationIndex,  // App icon resource index.
        .app_icon_resource_id = IDR_MAINFRAME,  // App icon resource id.
        .sandbox_sid_prefix =
            L"924012153-",  // App container sid prefix for sandbox.

static_assert(_countof(kInstallModes) == NUM_INSTALL_MODES,
              "Imbalance between kInstallModes and InstallConstantIndex");

}  // namespace install_static